Chris Hayes Podcast With David Robert‪s‬ | Why Is This Happening? – 150 | MSNBC

This conversation starts at Grid Talk 101 (what even is an energy grid) and ends at the fragility of modern life. That can only mean one thing – David Roberts is back.

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Chris Hayes Podcast With David Robert‪s‬ | Why Is This Happening? – 150 | MSNBC

Chris Hayes Podcast With David Robert‪s‬ | Why Is This Happening? - 150 | MSNBC


  1. Have you ever seen Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown grow old enough to vote in a presidential election? Me neither.

    1. Joe starts wth a J. Do you know what other name starts with a J?
      Think about that you haters

    2. @President Joe’s Hidin’ Wally starts with a W. Do you know what other name starts with a W?
      WILLY! Think about that

    3. @Benjamin Verheijden LOL that’s so illogical! What’s your beef? Do you hate America? I doubt that but you never know!

    1. @President Elect Keith Billionaires paid Millionaires and their lackeys to control the discourse this happen throughout our American history don’t stop with where we are now always be skeptical of everything. 😬

    2. @smart knucklehead Wow. That’s a sad attitude.
      It must be awful to live with that level of irrational fear every day.

  2. Wait what, this is a long standing pod cast? WTF? How haven’t I heard of this? Why wouldn’t MSNBC advertise this more! I have so many questions!

  3. mostly power comes from steam. Unless it’s a hydro, solar, or geo generator. Most power plats use different methods to generate steam to turn turbines to generate power. The main problem with old tech is the waste produced. And how we “dispose” of said waste. The Earth is a closed system. No trash is ever out of the biological cycle.

  4. It is different listening to city people talk. I live in MA, we had a tornado come through lots of people have generators, most of us at least know some people that have well water if we do not ourselves. Maybe sending kids to summer camps out in nature and teaching some life skills would help? When things happen I do have to scramble to find solutions, but I am able without burning my furniture to stay warm, be able to get water or cook, stay safe. I know how to shut off water pipes so they do not burst everywhere. Also every few towns around here have pipes in the ground with fresh spring water so we can always get it that way too. There may be some in the city or near it, I do not know but I guess it would be good things to know.

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