Chris Hayes Podcast With Dahlia Lithwick | Why Is This Happening? – Ep 98 | MSNBC

The future of our courts will be decided in the 2020 election. While the Trump administration grabs headlines with scandal after scandal, gaffe after gaffe, behind the scenes they are quietly chipping away at their central agenda of reshaping the courts. It’s a transformation happening at an historic rate, where one in four circuit judges is now a Trump appointee. They’ve already flipped the balance of the Supreme Court to a 5-4 conservative majority. If given another four years, Donald Trump would lock down the federal judiciary for decades to come. Senior legal correspondent for Slate Dahlia Lithwick has reported on all of this. From the President’s affinity for using the courts as a weapon to the changed dynamic of the Supreme Court in the wake Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Lithwick documents what the rule of law looks like in the Trump years. Listen as we discuss exactly what’s at stake this November.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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Chris Hayes Podcast With Dahlia Lithwick | Why Is This Happening? – Ep 98 | MSNBC

Chris Hayes Podcast With Dahlia Lithwick | Why Is This Happening? - Ep 98 | MSNBC


  1. Trump thinks he’s Pharaoh. And like the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt has surrounded himself with a bunch of eunuchs to do his bidding. Someone should let Moscow Mitch and Lindsey Two Face know that once you allow yourself to be clipped, they can never grow back again.

  2. If Liberals and Progressives realize what Trump has done to courts, they wouldn’t even dare talk about “sitting out” in 2020 because their favorite nominee isnt on the tickets. Vote for a stone with a (D) next to their names, because… duh… the courts (And Ginsburg who turns 87 today will die soon and Trump’s replacement will be someone who will **definitively** overturn all labor laws and progressive legislations).

    1. Well, I can give one line of reasoning, which I can’t definitely call wrong: If the next president is Biden, things get just enough better that we all die. If Trump is reelected, things get so bad so fast, we have a revolution and we all get to keep living after the dust settles.

  3. The content is very apropo. The right thing to do is to get the law back on track. Twenty years should be their vestige in the position. Vote need to change to persons who are not bulls in a china shop. The law is what isbgoing to be the downfall of this president . There is no rhyme or reason for rushinginto this abomination!!Barr, Moscow Mitch and his cohorts all need to be in cell along Alan D . The present WH occupant, does not have an empathetic bone in his body. I think this pandemic have given rise to optics ,that will follow him forever.

  4. Simple this was orchestrated by Trump to become the king of America. Think it’s funny I don’t.

  5. What the heck happened at 16:25??It suddenly jerked back – midsentence – to the start of the podcast. This is really sloppy editing, and incredibly annoying to listeners.

  6. 1. Tests should have been ordered for American citizens back in the beginning of December . .when China first told us about covid-19.
    2. trump, though he takes NO responsibility, and his feeble destroyers of democracy, should NOT have dismantled our pandemic team.
    3. trump and his feeble destroyers of democracy should NOT have mislead the American people by encouraging us to NOT take this virus seriously, for the past almost three months, just carry on as if it were business as usual, they said.
    4. A week ago, trump=tastic and his feeble crew of destroyers of democracy turn on a dime and BEGIN to take covid=19 very seriously.
    5. trump’s dime turn results in us seeing a very serious trump when referencing covid-19 and he’s calling himself a war time president. Strategically pretending and pandering “That we are all in this together fighting an “unseen villain in a war”..Covid-19 trump stopped blaming the democrats too.
    6. trump’s feeble destroyers of democracy must have told trump-tastic that war time presidents get re-elected.

    There’s nothing quite like the worst president ever, strategically calling himself a war time president in the midst of a deadly virus as he attempts to get re-elected, thus using our lives to win in his crap game. Public servants my hind end, Burr, and Loeffler are just two more criminals. Our country is infected alright with a deadly virus and a government full of criminals, and it looks like the plan was to keep us oblivious until the virus got well spread, and they, whoever was in on the plan took the opportunity and dumped what they could to make heaps of money before the markets crashed. trump-tastic and his feeble destroyers of democracy, are working for the other team, not the American people. This reeks, we/ve all been played and it;s a damned shame it will cost many American’s their lives

  7. If TRUMP is illegitimate because he cheated his way into the presidency…shouldn’t his appointed judges be ousted and replaced just like he removed the likes of Preet Bharhara ?

  8. Everything he has undone of what his predecessor did should be reinstated and whatever he has newly done,unless it is good should be undone…to teach him a lesson and or inform any future president to not be as vindictive.

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