“More than anything else it's the recklessness. A recklessness so egregious and aggressive and acute as to only be described as evil,” says Chris Hayes of the Trump admin.’s ongoing behavior that led to the White House outbreak. Aired on 10/06/2020
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Chris Hayes On Trump Admin.’s Ongoing Recklessness That Led To Covid Outbreak | All In | MSNBC
You guys have to stop showing those balcony photos of “our dear leader”! It’s what they want you to do.
it’s his dictator shot
Rachael Nelson Yup, MSNBC and CNN are obsessed enablers. They go into a frenzy at his every word and he loves it. They are addicted To Trumpianity as much as his religious followers. They can’t take their eyes off him.
@Diane Dobry So she has seen Mussolini and I have seen Hitler and Khrushchev. Democracy is under attack for sure…
@Rachael Nelson Idol worshippers…
This guy wasn’t infected
American Horror starring the WH.
The theme song for the White House coronavirus outbreak should be Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” as COVID-19 sings “Hey, I’m gonna get you too. Another one bites the dust.”
On a t-shirt!
Check out: teespring.com/amhorr2
Perfect for Halloween!
Stay in you’re hole and never come out super spreader.
The White House is Trump’s personal Wuhan.
So china didn’t tell us, when we learned about the virus we closed the wrong airports, I din’t want to panic you so I so I tried to keep you in the dark, don’t take precautions, don’t pay taxes, I will not give your tax dollars back so you can help your schools and police, ….I think I got it.
You stay in personal wuhan and never come out. Chi com boot licker.
Life Force Foward Sure, whatever.
@My Pillow Guy if Biden gets in. Trump 2020!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEPMru6FgIA 106 years old lady in the uk beats covid… the fear is the deadly part. Removing free speech with masks and movement with condemning groups and businesses. Cheannas got a longdong in our left politicians spinning them to sell communism here
Where did Trump get that tan inside
2 Days ?
Stay in you’re hole and never come out.
He ALWAYS spray tans, genius.
Tan spray thats used on dead wht. people in funneral business.
Makeup applied with a trowel.
Wh body shop!!
he needs to go hug Mitchy,I know they miss each other.
Great idea!
Trump should hug McConnell and Barr there is a few of them that could be hugged

And Lindsey Graham. Jim Jordan. Ted Cruz. Rand Paul. Forget it! Hug the whole lot of them!
@PE 4str How about Trump’s BFF, the Saudi crown prince?
The new Trumpshenko campaign slogan sweeping the nation: “He can’t protect the country. He couldn’t even protect himself.”
He has validated his world view that the 200K that died are weak losers and suckers.
myko freder Fake News for Fake liberals
Nore could 200,000 other people stupid. With our Health care system to would cost $10,000 to cross the street.
Wide Island well as long as Biden can keep his Depends clean he’ll protect us. I can’t wait.
He felt good because of the steroids, but there will be side effects later on from the use of the steroids.
@Shellie Wolske anywhere there’s small blood vessels to clot up. Like those very very tiny ones in his head, hands, and
@Ian McCracken you seem damaged…did you take a lot of aspirins or was your damage a birth defect?
@deidre leo is that whitey or are you a 14 year old who thinks that they are smarter than average.
@Crystl22 Good point, Cryst! I’m laughing so hard with some of these comments tonight, I’m about to bust!
Yep your balls shrink
Silly voters *PUPPET SHOWS* are for children…
Why do White House contact tracing. It will just show more infections. SLOW THE TESTING DOWN: Trumps own words….
Were going to start tracing Obummer, Clinton’s and Biden contacts for sure. We won’t tolerate super predators. Trump 2020!!!
@Greatest Troll Well!… at least we have an honest troll declaring him/her self right up front. Thank you Greatest Troll. And you lived up to it too.
Virus do your stuff, world will be a better place with fewer Trumpsters and Republicans!
@Future Isscary unfortunately its not that deadly. Trump 2020!!!
Greatest Troll if he hadn’t had platinum medical care, it would have been deadly for him. It’s a sure thing that no tax paying citizen will receive the same care.
Stephen Miller has the virus?, oh that’s too bad, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
Nicer nazi
How can a virus catch a virus?
Give him a big kiss Mitch would love that then in two weeks so would we lol
I felt mean saying that in my head, oh well.
It’s the WH house keepers, cooks & attendants that are at most risk. They’re not worth thousands or millions
They’re each worth a billion of trump
Please keep them all in your Prayers. Those cleaning the W house do not Deserve trump’s death plan!
“Mostly peaceful infection”… Problem solved!!!
Christian Burgos and there’s FINE virus on BOTH SIDES

brilliantly said, ty mr hayes. vote him out!!!
Does that mean George Conway’s headed back to the Lincoln project?
I will be glad when this nightmare is over, I am exhausted!!
You said it exactly right
Me too. I only hope I do not have to spend another 4 years with depression! God help us ALL.
I fear it’s not going to ever be over. This man is Antichrist.
Denise Day your nightmare begins when Kamala Harris ships off your career to the cheapest bidder.
They haven’t been honest with us about the virus so far, why would they start now?
Teej’s Folly They haven’t been honest about anything so far… . . .
Going to be a crowded field this year for the Darwin awards.
Sad but oh so true.
Everyone has to get the virus! That is part of the plan! This was intentional! Trump got the virus but he was never in much danger, because it was always controlled! But there is another reason and it is cult like! I believe they want everyone to get the virus!! Its the same mind set as the Nazis! Get rid of the weak, and sick, but do it threw this virus! So now that Trump has gone threw the initiation, he wants everyone else to! Once the white house staff has gone threw it, they all stand up and say get to work! They will push us out, and who knows they may even ban masks and social distancing!
lmao he’s jacked up on steroids and going around talking about how great he feels, it’s like watching a college student discover the Adderall high for the first time, you know he’ll be juicing beyond the treatment phase to keep that “great feeling” going.
“I don’t think science knows”-person who claimed there were airports in 1776.