Amid a spike in hate crimes — and the end of Hanukkah — Chris Hayes discusses the societal test we face. Aired on 12/30/19.
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Chris Hayes On The Threat Of Anti-Semitism | All In | MSNBC
It always returns to blaming the “other”. You are responsible for who you love and who you do not love. The reasons are the same: Self interest. “Do unto others” i.e. the golden rule, requires reciprocal treatment.
Has there ever been a “Jew” who admitted its THERE BEHAVIOR that PROVOKES this?
@Tim Mill Blaming is one style of irrational and distorted thinking.
A combat veteran recently said ” I feared letting down my team more than die-ing”… it goes to human motivation that being “in” or “out” of a group is a more powerful motivator than much else in life. Thus fear of the “other” group works for manipulating others to keep them in line and to keep them predictable. This can be seen when the punishment of banishment is often used more than the punishment of death… banishment puts the offender out of the group inflicting more damage psychologically than just death. So by using the “other” as a foil it grants power… and the usage of this trope… well has side effects… which are very real and very one-sided.
“If all the racists in the world dropped dead tomorrow, nobody would miss them.”
They are basically humanity’s “cancer”. Malignant, and meaningless.
@AK Riffle Ignoring the problem by denying it as is so fashionable these days sure isn’t a start now is it?
@Sid Grim you mean the blacks that commit antisemitic murders?
Racists are the sort of inferior beings who probably think that the Normandy D-Day invasion was actually a bunch of propagandized, mixed-race young men brutally interrupting the free-speech rights of young Aryan men peacefully celebrating their heritage in occupied France.
@surely you joke, mein failüre interesting point taking the history of blacks in the united states.
Only when the U.S. was running shorts of pilots they started to “experiment” with “colored pilots” now knows as the “Tuskegee Airmen”.
Once there where done fighting for “there” country they once again where told to sit at the end of the bus..
Native American way, the creator split us into to four races to learn and come back together. We are failing
@Dan Ozomatli “In northwest Alaska, kunlangeta “might be applied to a man who, for example, repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and does not go hunting, and, when the other men are out of the village, takes sexual advantage of many women.” The Inuits tacitly assume that kunlangeta is irremediable. And so, according to Murphy, the traditional Inuit approach to such a man was to insist he go hunting, and then, in the absence of witnesses, push him off the edge of the ice.”
― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door
Dan: If you are so sure that is what the Creator did, please explain the sense of it. Why create animosity between people when there was no need for it originally unless you enjoy watching the animus play out? Just teach human beings how to live together right from the beginning, or did the Creator lack that ability?
@Jay pea loveliest “…their father Satin” — not Velvet? Really. Could you put some care into your messages, or the rest of us will read them with the same lack of seriousness as you display in writing them.
@Daniel Duvalle thanks for sharing that. We, the village, must do the right thing
Notice that 5 people were *STABBED* and yet lived.
These kind of rookie numbers must infuriate the 2A crowd. Because in _their_ way of doing this sort of thing, it would have been 15 people dead and 22 wounded by .223 rounds instead.
@Bud Fudlacker Maybe if you shot them all in the pinky toe. With a .22 short
@4c1dr3fl3x OHH you mean well your just stupid!
@4c1dr3fl3x HOW DARE YOU!!
the kneecap is better.
It would be so tragic if law abiding New Yorkers were allowed to defend themselves with firearms. You already have your gun control paradise in NYC.
I have to stand up and say something about this false comment that is absolutely gas lighting, I cannot speak for any of the other attacks he misrepresents but the one about the Jersey City shootings are false! Regardless of the circumstance or what they claimed they found in these people’s possession this was not a antisemitic murder, if you fact check the story you will see it plain as day! At the risk of sounding like I’m defending a crime which I’m not, those shooters were in the grave yard next to Bayside park on Garfield ave when the police came. They shot the cop there and I’m not gonna speculate why but if you live in Jersey City you may have a idea why, and when the other police officers chased them they ran into the nearest bodega where they shot those people which if it were a white or owned store this would be a different story or if it were Spanish, or black owned you never would have heard about it and those are facts. There is only one kind of terrorist group with several different names that has been allowed to exist here in America, and thats why they have been around for decades and they’re not minorities! America has a problem calling these terrorists what they are and instead of putting them in the category that they belong in, they want to accuse anybody else who kills racially biased. This is pathetic and it’s getting old just pull up the news footage on this shooting and try to make sense of what they claimed happened, and hopefully you can find some with the black people who live in this area who will tell you the same thing! This is not right and I will not be silent on this garbage, there are all kinds of people who commit crimes in every community but in this neighborhood it’s hard to find anyone who is antisemitic towards their next door neighbors so you can forget that crap!
hebrew israelites hate jews vehemently. Hebrew Israelite leaders regularly inspire their congregants to hatred and to be ready for violence against jews. Seen it with my own eyes on the streets of New York where the hebrew isralites are spewing hatred and violence against jewish bystanders.
“We are now in a position to understand the anti-Semite. He is a man who is afraid. Not of the Jews, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness, of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and of the world of everything except the Jews.
” Jean-Paul Sartre
Jew hating and Trump hating, is there a connection??
@JamesClerk Maxwell Yes – Trump promoting the hatred.
@Margaret Nicol so Trump encouraged all those democrat blacks to murder Jews? Fascinating.
If anything this proves that mental health care is underrated.
The mental health care needs help all over and understanding it and trying to fix, sorry try to help it is just to much for the goverment. It is people in the world that might try to help and stop looking at them a problem but more as a person who needs understanding.
@Kevin Buck so instead of a “single payer” system where people don;t have the (additional) worry of going bankrupt/ homeless it should be a “for profit” exploitation of ill people?
Countries with “single payer” like the Scandinavian countries have a happier population so they DO UNDERSTAND how its done.
Agreed…TDS is a serious mental illness.
@sal been Yes but how do you help everyone kindness only goes so far
You think the pic does it no it is what you believe, it is always what they say the week don’t servive no the week and the one the go after
Can anyone tell me why people (I use the term loosely) are anti-Semitic? I don’t understand it.
@Judith Aldridge “he was at a Jewish business conference” – what was the name of the conference?
@Margaret Nicol I think Trump tells everyone he will protect their wealth.
@cryptsub I have no idea now.
@cryptsub He took a guest to a Jewish event. The guest was a holocaust denier. Classy, huh?
Would this have happened if there was universal healthcare?
@Charles Reece Patient shoots doctor, Doctor shoots patient.
@Charles Reece Doctor fired back at patient in deadly hospital shooting.
@Charles Reece Doctor shoots and kills patients.
@Charles Reece Balance is key and we all agree, gun violence is horrible. How can the innocent protect themselves if left with no options to defend? The Freeway Church shooting is one example of saving lives. It’s a warzone in places of worship now, this time it took six seconds and a good guy to stop it. I pray you never need a good guy with a gun.
@AK Riffle Patient killing doctor goes on Obama care.
We have Trump to thank for this rise in anti semitism
If you could point to a news story to that effect,
Right, because the Black Israelites are huge Trump supporters. Oh wait…
@cryptsub Black Hebrew Israelites – They don’t like traditional Judaism,
Black Hebrew Israelite’s telling it like it is!
Wow…a knifing in Jewish house that is no doubt a tragedy, a knifing in any house is a tragedy. How many families and people have been killed in their homes in America? I guess this obviously has to be treated a lot better than them. Also, no mention of the massive conflict in NY and NJ between Jewish people and poor black folks? Interesting.
It dose not fit the narrative, media omits key details.
True people do get killed in there house by robbers. But going on a machete rampage just because of someones religion is unusual, its why its news
@JamesClerk Maxwell What about the reason why this guy had a problem with these people? The issues between Jewish and black people in NY and NJ is at boiling point but the press doesn’t want to speak about what’s happening.
Hey this has been going on for years, to judge a person on there beliefs is a question on there own. We are created equal it is only people that make each other in equal. A homeless person is still a person just has a different place they call home. I try to teach my daughter respect is inside you and not what others tell you it should be, to all have a safe and happy new year and what ever region you look to guide you may they show you the way.
I Blame All This On Traitor trump .
Really? So Trump is responsible for the anti-Semitic black nationalist that went through with the attack? Doubt.
A combat veteran recently said ” I feared letting down my team more than die-ing”… it goes to human motivation that being “in” or “out” of a group is a more powerful motivator than much else in life. Thus fear of the “other” group works for manipulating others to keep them in line and to keep them predictable. This can be seen when the punishment of banishment is often used more than the punishment of death… banishment puts the offender out of the group inflicting more damage psychologically than just death. So by using the “other” as a foil it grants power… and the usage of this trope… well has side effects… which are very real and very one-sided.
Anti-Semitism is always a stalking horse for other irrational beliefs, and more often than not, if you hear someone spouting one form of hateful nonsense, anti-Semitism will be somewhere in the mix.
Remember when they showed pictures of Cesar Sayoc’s vehicle? It was plastered with pro-Trump nonsense. Wonder if they’ll show a picture of stabbing suspect’s car?
Not any surprise when you got mentally unwell person, leading the united states, on tv 24/7. Perhaps time to put money in proper healthcare instead of gun, oil, and coal lobbyist. Just some advice my US neighbours. Public Free Healthcare, has kept Canada mostly sane, not perfect, with your influence affecting Trump wanna be up North
Not guilty…..what world is this mf living in
Very well said, Mr. Hayes. Bravo!