Chris Hayes: It's notable that Republicans who no longer have to worry about an election are being clear about how out of bounds Trump's behavior is. Aired on 12/16/19.
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Chris Hayes On The 30 Frontline Democrats Supporting Impeachment | All In | MSNBC
And if he isn’t impeached, the GOP will stage a coup to remove the democratic party all together in order to form a “one party” goverment in order to ensure that Trump won’t ever be impeached again.
The GOP are aiming for a dictatorship, people.
Hate to tell you this: there already is only 1 party. The ruling class, the Billionaire Oligarchs, fund both sides. They also own the media: FOX CNN MSNBC to make you think you have a choice. It’s all a game.
“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” -George Carlin
Voter purges are beginning.
They are definitely doing that. They want a one-party government like Russia. Trump is more like a king than a dictator because he is just looking out for his own desires and has no ideology. Other party members are behind the overall plan, I deduce.
Thea Hartman
those words are reminiscent of B.Hussein O. Recall, that jack proclaimed “ I have a pen &I have a phone”. The same pres that gave Iran $ 150 billion, directly. Not done w/ Congress approval, rather done on his OWN !
@Frank Elizalde I wouldn’t use the term “give” when it was THEIR money.
Impeach and remove. So tired of this trauma drama. It’s actually affecting us all with the way we become accustomed to atrocious acts by an Illegitimate president and ignore his seduction by Vladimir Putin. Desensitized! America, wake up, or you are going down…fast…too bad ! Our constitution was hard won.We need keep our rights.
Impeach that swine who love to put babies in jail .
the only baby is you.. grow up go find your safe place it was ok when obumer did it look back joe romo
@Advance Certified marine marine MAN go visit Trump in jail puto
@Advance Certified marine marine MAN Trump is a the face of white hate puto
@Advance Certified marine marine MAN trampa is a traitor .
Repent white Nazi vote blue
Obama is already out of office… not sure you can impeach him now
He’ll escape the noose….
Giuliani has just spoke out and said he did work to push the a ambassador out so they could carry on with the scheme to get dirt on Biden, even now trump and Giuliani are showing how brazen they are and don’t care when the words come out of their own mouth
Hahaha Many dens voting against, one has already changed parties and the 30 should be afraid of losing thier seats as the peach ship sinks.
well youre not keeping up, at all, are ya?
@dan mac the overwhelming majority of American have kept up and seen through the Dems bs
the overwhelming majority of Americans are your dems, moron
your dems and independents
you trump trash only amount to 40 percent
I trust that you are smart enough to understand percentages?
well then again, perhaps not, so i’ll explain it to you
but first this
“More than half of voters want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office,
The survey found that 51% of registered voters want Trump impeached and removed, while another 4% of those polled want him impeached but for him to remain in office.
Another 40% of voters oppose impeachment proceedings. The numbers show a nearly double-digit rise in the number of voters who want Trump impeached and removed compared to a Fox News poll from July, which found 42% of voters supported it.
see that, dude?
that’s from Donnie dementia’s very own faux news
now for the lesson
the entire populace is stated as 100%
this is on the base ten system
50 % therefore means half the population
and of course 40% is even less than that
not sure who it is youre attempting to impress with your ignorant claim of “overwhelming majority: child
but 40% aint it
and being as I can do math, ya aint impressing me with anything but just how stupid you are
now that’s impressive, as I didn’t think anyone could be that stupid
@johnekizomba That’s what listening to Russian propaganda, Fox news and crooked politicians will do for you. You have been conned big time dude.
@Jean Van Geest Russian propaganda eh? You do know that the Cold war is over? You do know that Mueller testified that no Americans colluded with the Russians (yes I’m sure they did a small amount of meddling on their own just as we meddle in their elections elections all around the world). But the whole Russian propagandist conspiracy is just paranoia. Paranoid much?
If someone defects and moves to the opposition party then there needs to be another election. He is using his seat for his own benefit, not for the people. He was voted in as a Democrat, he should give up his seat and re-run as a Republican at the next election. Likewise, with Amash, he should have left Congress and ran as an Independent at the next election, or hold a special election just as if a Congressman dies in office, or decided to retire. Jumping sides to help your political career in the middle of a term is just not on.
Terrorist organization says impeach the president.They don’t give you any of the facts. The impeachment has no laws broken in it it merely States they don’t like the president. But you people didn’t know those facts did you?
you didn’t know they removed all the lies that the Democrats told as laws broken.the impeachment now has nothing about laws being broken it merely says they don’t like the president. That’s not the reason for impeachment and overthrowing the government of the United States of America you piece of s*** f****** organization.
So what is MSNBC do? They are manipulating people and lying to people. Google is suppressing faxed and won’t allow YouTubechannels to actually covered the impeachment and facts around it. And MSNBC and CNN who are working for communist terrorists billionaires push their agenda of slavery. That’s what this channel is…
Vlad is that you fomenting again, or trying to…
@Stacia Smith Yep… That Russian accent stands out like a sore thumb.
same thing as Brexit… a barely 50-50 divide in the people and…. a country is destroyed! Well done Russia & China! :-S
Like they say the squeky wheel gets the greace. The Republicans. Are going to get the schaft. And k. Jelly in prison.
Just hold the vote, then.
Some people behave as if this is the FIRST time Trump’s corruption has been brought up. RED FLAGS WERE THERE BEFORE HE RAN FOR PRESIDENT, DURING THE TIME HE WAS RUNNING(refusal to release tax returns etc) & exploding now
People are acting like this is NORMAL
if the Congress doesn’t have the spine to do the right thing then outside jurisdictions will. They are just playing a waiting game.
Remember when Chris Hayes was an actual true Progressive and not a sell-out? Me neither
Great to see Dem’s waking up about those corrupt in the Party.
the one thing you guys who vote trump or GOP have done is prove you are not the most powerful country in are world .how can you be you cant save your own people or country .you let Putin walk right in and take it SHAME ON YOU .
Mitch Moscow and gram should be peacefully from entering the office till they resign and allow fair trail
If GOP don’t remove him. He will boost he won. He lost law suits he says he won. Alternate reality. LOL
If you study philosophy in college, you will find, you cannot count on polls. Also, with the way Trump and his close supporters have been swaying public opinion, do ya think that the polls are reliable ??
In my opinion.. NO.
Greedy, soulless politicians will do anything to keep their 1% master’s money coming in; even bowing down and taking the mark, will you?
It’s a disgrace there aren’t 30 Rethugliklans doing this.