Chris Hayes On Mitch McConnell And The Do-Nothing Senate | All In | MSNBC

House Democrats have passed hundreds of bills, many with broad support. But Mitch McConnell won't let them come up for a vote. Aired on 12/16/19.
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Chris Hayes On Mitch McConnell And The Do-Nothing Senate | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes On Mitch McConnell And The Do-Nothing Senate | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Beachdudeca This video is about the Republican Senate not furthering any bills that their president and constituency care about. Please do try and keep up

    2. Ever notice when Democrats and their propaganda outlets like MSNBC push for “doing something” it always means citizens having to surrender their rights, while the Constitution gets subverted? Informed citizens don’t want the destructive agenda these frauds are peddling……

    3. @OUdaveguy MSNBC isn’t a propaganda outlet, it’s a news outlet. You might think it’s a propaganda network because facts have heavily leaned towards the Democrats for a while now. If you want to see what a real propaganda network is, check out Fox.

    4. Pokarot listen you Democrap troll Fox News is the ONLY news outlet that is even close to reporting both sides! Msnbc cnn and the the rest of the fake news are being paid by soros and the Democrap party you simpleton twit WAKE UP!

  1. expecting moscow mitch to change his ways is like pounding sand… a cheater who changes the rules so they best suit him… :/

    1. @Troy Stocker right… history will be horrid for the do nothing GOP… like you think the WORLD isn’t watching and LAUGHING at your presiDUNCE… hahaha… xD

    2. That was actually Harry Reid who did that, and Mitch warned him it would come back to bite the Democrats in a now famous speech.

  2. If you want Moscow Mitch out of office make a donation to the campaign of his 2020 opponent, former Marine fighter pilot, Amy McGrath. You don’t have to be from Kentucky to do this. Also you can promote her on social media platforms.

    1. KY polls are showing Amy doing very well. Moscow Mitch is one of the most unpopular GOP Fascists.
      KY voters are sick of his gerrymandering ways.

    2. Get onboard people, #MoscowMitch must be voted out. FOr too long he has held the country hostage to his draconian, corrupt ways. Donate to and vote blue.

    1. Kentucky needs to vote Moscow Mitch McConnell out of office. He doesn’t put the country first. He only cares about is his greedy friends who will destroy this country and the people who helped build it.

    2. 170 Judges in 4 years is extraordinary ????? 
      You only wish they were your judges ???? 
      The DON owns the SCOTUS
      The DON owns the WH
      The DON owns the senate
      The DON owns the Military
      The DON owns the Economy
      The DON owns the immigration
      The DON owns the Justice dept
      The DON owns the agenda ????

  3. Republicans are too busy counting Russian rubles to actually do anything else.
    Republican campaign finance reports, which are, available to the public, show connections between a group of wealthy donors with ties to Russia and their political contributions to Trump and a number of top Republican leaders. And thanks to changes in campaign finance laws, the political contributions are legal. Bottom line,  our campaign finance laws are now a threat to our country.

    Len Blavatnik, is a dual U.S.-U.K. citizen and one of the largest donors to GOP political action committees in the 2015-16 election cycle. Blavatnik’s family emigrated to the U.S. in the late ’70s from the the Soviet Union and he returned to Russia when the Soviet Union began to collapse in the late ’80s.

    In 2015-16, Blavatnik’s political contributions soared as he pumped $6.35 million into GOP political action committees, with millions of dollars going to top Republican leaders including Moscow Mitch, Rubio and Lindsey “Two-faced” Graham.

    Oleg Deripaska is said to be one of Putin’s favorite oligarchs, and he is founder and majority shareholder of Russia’s Rusal, the second-largest aluminum company in the world. Blavatnik holds a stake in Rusal with a business partner.

    Nearly 4% of Deripaska’s stake in Rusal is owned by Putin’s state-controlled bank, VTB, which is currently under U.S. sanctions. VTB was exposed in the Panama Papers in 2016 for facilitating the flow of billions of dollars to offshore companies linked to Putin.

    We already know that Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, began collecting $10 million a year in 2006 from Deripaska to advance Putin’s interests with Western governments. Deripaska’s name turned up again in an email handed over to Mueller’s team by Manafort’s attorneys. In the email dated July 7, 2016, just two weeks before Trump accepted the Republican nomination, Manafort asked an overseas intermediary to pass a message on to Deripaska: “If he Deripaska needs private briefings, tell him we can accommodate.”

    Viktor Vekselberg is one of the 10 richest men in Russia. He and long-time business partner Blavatnik hold a 20.5 percent stake in Rusal. Vekselberg has connections to at least two Americans who made significant GOP campaign contributions during the last cycle. 

    Andrew Intrater, is Vekselberg’s cousin. He is also chief executive of Columbus Nova, Renova’s U.S. investment arm located in NY.  in January 2017 he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s Inaugural Committee. His six-figure gift bought him special access to a dinner billed as “an intimate policy discussion with select cabinet appointees,” 

    Simon Kukes is an oil magnate who has something in common with Intrater. From 1998 to 2003, he worked for Vekselberg and Blavatnik as chief executive of TNK. In 2016, Kukes contributed a total of $283,000, much of it to the Trump Victory Fund. 

    In total, Blavatnik, Intrater, and Kukes made $10.4 million in political contributions from the start of the 2015-16 election cycle through September 2017, and 99 percent of their contributions went to Republicans. The common denominator that connects the men is their association with Vekselberg.

    Moscow Mitch knew from receiving intelligence briefings in 2016 that our electoral process was under attack by the Russians. Two weeks after the Dept of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement in October 2016 that the Russian government had directed the effort to interfere in our electoral process, Moscow Mitch’s PAC accepted a $1 million donation from Blavatnik’s AI-Altep Holdings. The PAC took another $1 million from Blavatnik’s AI-Altep Holdings on March 30, 2017, just 10 days after Comey publicly testified before the House Intelligence Committee about Russia’s interference in the election.

  4. This is old News. Democrats just haven’t been repeating it over and over again so people get it through their heads like they should.

    1. In the 8 years Obama was in office Repuglicans never passed a single bill of importance, despite rigging the House rules. Now that Dump is in charge, they STILL haven’t done anything to warrant the huge amounts of tax payer dollars to pay their salaries. It’s not likely to change any time soon so long as Repuglicans hold any office of worth. After all they believe in the new-old adage “least amount of work for most amount of pay”. To them two minutes in front of a camera equals two months of pay. As far as they are concerned they are the new Hollywood elite.

    1. The left has made a massive move into pure communism, extremism and authoritarianism. It’s difficult to work with people mindlessly chanting, “No Trump! No Wall! No USA at all!”

    2. @Pokarot The videos are all over YouTube…..”comrade”. It’s a shame we are raising a generation that thinks the evils of Stalin’s gulags, Mao’s 30+ million starved Chinese, Pol Pot’s Killing Fields, and the Castro/Chavez/Maduro despicable human rights violations are somehow desirable.

  5. The only way to get the Senate to start working again, is to remove the “kidney-stone” also known as “Mitch Mc-Con-nell” out from it.

    That man has overstayed his “welcome” already, time for him to get out and let someone actually competent to do his job.

  6. We are paying these senators and congressmen $175,000 a year to do nothing. If they’re not gonna legislate maybe they should do something constructive like paint the Capitol of repave the parking lots.

  7. What kind of f ed up world are we living in where a president goes after a 16 year old girl with a chronic condition who was named by TIME, not her, as person of the year, who’s crime is trying to save the planet and politicians like these support such a person. STOP THE WORLD I wanna get off.

  8. Republicans did nothing while Obama was in office. They bragged that all they did was say no to everything for 8 years. Paul Ryan stated, for 8 years we were the party of no. It is easy to just say no to everything. No we have to learn to govern. Shortly after that he packed his bags and went home.
    Republicans in the House and Senate are welfare babies. They are just cashing a government check and doing nothing to earn it.

  9. Moscow Mitch reminds me of beaker from the muppets lmao really compare thier pictures ….vote this Fu**er out America ….

  10. #MoscowMitch must be neutralized in 2020 – either by voting him out directly or better yet, make him the minority leader!

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