Chris Hayes On Floyd Protests: This Is What Trump’s America Has Wrought | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “There is no plan from the President…Not the pandemic. Not the economic crisis. Not the societal inequities. Not predatory policing. Not the protests in Minnesota. Nothing except to make it all worse.” Aired on 05/28/2020.
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Chris Hayes On Floyd Protests: This Is What Trump’s America Has Wrought | All In | MSNBC


  1. American government is spending trillions in defense budget when they can’t even protect their citizens from its own police brutality. nonsensical Rubbish!!!!!!!!!!

    1. They’re not protecting Anyone with the military. They’re making trillions of dollars for usa and its allies by murdering millions of innocent men, women and children, destroying their homes and cities, looting their cultures.
      It’s a sick business con but the ignorant people keep falling for it.

    2. and this is every year that our taxes go to warmongering cowardly racist ignorance…..”Bullets Not Brains” is the official U.S. motto…..

    3. Dekan Elad i just wanna cry sometimes when i think about all that. How do you call yourself an elite when you don’t even understand the basic principle of looking out for your fellow human being.

  2. Today the GOP under Trump is not conservative or becoming more conservative, they are extreme right wing reactionary Fascists and willing to accept morally bankrupt leaders. Call them what they are!

    1. Whicker Boy – exactly! Give those police a taste of their own lawless medicine. Use your second amendment rights! Oh wait, you’re talking about gassing the protesters? Hmmm… that’ll settle them down! (maybe not)

    2. @Toward Treatise I think he is ignorant, racist, misogynistic, narcissistic, weak, immoral, and desperate. He only knows two roles – attacker or victim. His absolute failure of leadership continues to damage America’s reputation around the world. He spends the majority of his time tweeting and actively attempting to destroy American democracy and divide the nation. He is a horrible example and an embarrassment.

    1. Don’t let these lawless hoodlums destroy public and private property!!! Get out the teargas and water hoses, and stop that crap!!!!

  3. It needs to be investigated but lets not be swayed from the major Problem Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Don’t let these lawless hoodlums destroy public and private property!!! Get out the teargas and water hoses, and stop that crap!!!!

    1. Don’t let these lawless hoodlums destroy public and private property!!! Get out the teargas and water hoses, and stop that crap!!!!

    2. Vote blue in November! We need our country back.
      Klansmen no longer have to hide their face under white sheets and gather in the dead of night, they attend Trump rallies where the orange grand master buffoon dragon spews hate and division.  He loves the poorly educated! Why? You ask… it’s because they’re easily herded to the polls like sheep. Simpletons can’t see the con. They love to not care about truth, common sense or reality. God is love. Trump is hate.

    3. @Whicker Boy Google Jacob Pederson. It appears he is an undercover Minneapolis cop caught smashing windows at an Auto Zone. Black protesters confronted him and he threatened to fight them. It’s on video.

      Even if he’s not a cop, he’s a white male just there to vandalize so that black protesters can be blamed for it and then the police can be “justified” in using force. There are also many reports that undercover cops and professional provocateurs have been setting fires so they can blame the black protesters for it.

      I, a white male, attended dozens of protest marches in my city after another cop publicly executed an unarmed black male some years ago. I saw, and people recorded and uploaded, dozens of outside white provocateurs/possible undercover cops starting fires, looting, smashing windows, and throwing things at cops so the peaceful black protesters could be blamed for it and the cops could be “justified” in using force. The cops even arrested dozens of members of the media after they tried to go into areas where this was happening. Thank goodness that citizens could record and upload some of this; the sad thing is that only people looking for the videos on social media sites would ever see some of what was going on as the MSM did not report it but just that “riots, vandalism have broken out”…yea, and WHO caused at least some of it?!

      I also witnessed cops taunting the protesters, calling them racial slurs (and calling us white people there “race traitors”), running at the protesters like they were going to attack, threatening violence, etc. It took all my will power to not start punching some of these CIU Thugs faces in, and I’m a white male. I can’t believe the restraint showed by the peaceful black protesters; only that stopped me from beating down several racist criminal cops at some points.

      Some older black protesters I talked to were not surprised by all this; they said this has been going on since the civil rights era: law enforcement, including FEDS, and outside white supremacist groups would send in plants to provoke the cops and vandalize and then the MSM would just report such things without bothering to look into who really started it. And the cops would try as hard as possible to incite a reaction from the protesters, to make them charge them so they could “justify” using force and defeat the point of their civil and peaceful protest. I knew some of this was going on before I took part in these protest marches, I have always known that most cops are corrupt and all are suspect and a danger to us all (especially poc), but this experience showed me how truly lawless cops are in the US. We are basically a police state (we have for profit prisons ffs and the highest incarceration rate in the world: that is not what a free liberal democracy allows) and so far it is mainly the poc who have been most crushed under the police state, but soon none of us will be safe.

  4. Only *33 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, and 54 minutes* until Joe Biden is sworn in as president … and Trump is finally gone.

    1. Never happen lol. There is a lot of brainless lib tards out there but the intelligant over whelms the racist brainless lib tards !!

    2. Don’t let these lawless hoodlums destroy public and private property!!! Get out the teargas and water hoses, and stop that crap!!!!

    3. If you don’t vote for me I question your blackness

    1. Wait where are the Klansman,? I’ve been waiting for 3 years now. I tjought they’d be everywhere if Trump got elected. More fake news.

    2. Trump is a loser. Obama 3, Trump 0. Obama destroyed Libya, tried in Syria, and sold arms and gave satellite data to the Saudis to start the present day Yemen war. Trump 0

    3. @Jamie Mercer Starting with Lori’s death. How do you think Lori’s family felt when they seen the video of Joe laughing about his dead wife ? Im glad it popped out to open a new investigation and so far every conspiracy theory Trump said turned out to be real scandals

    4. @luis caro now your just lying. You must be best friends with Adam schiff. And you don’t believe in Jesus Christ.

  5. To Trump and Klan it’s just Democrats dying. He’s not bothered at all bc to him less democratic voters🤨

  6. Donald Trump: “Caronavirus? Never heard of it. Roger? Mike? Paul? Any of you guys know about that?”


    1. Don’t let these lawless hoodlums destroy public and private property!!! Get out the teargas and water hoses, and stop that crap!!!!

    2. Republican senators, all except Romney, failed in the following:

      call a witness
      seek the truth
      remove Trump out of office
      uphold the oath they took to defend the constitution

      Vote blue America! Republicans are bought and paid for by Donald Trump and paid for with American taxpayer dollars.

    3. – true that – soooo true – I blame mitch, gaetz, Nunes – those idiots who mock the covid – they need to go- Lindsey has competition – VOTE 2020. Kentucky it’s on you too

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