Chris Hayes: “The virus is not suppressed. The mission is not accomplished. And it is becoming clearer and clearer that Donald Trump never even really tried to accomplish it. He just wants to open up the country and be re-elected.” Aired on 05/06/2020.
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Chris Hayes On Disconnect Between Trump’s Thetoric And Reality Of Coronavirus | All In | MSNBC
I am voting blue no matter who.
Please watch !
In ALL races, make REPUBLICAN’S extinct.
If the Democrat was a german shepherd, I’ll vote for the dog. That’s how bad it’s become. Corporation freebies and foreign aid need to end, with more going back to it’s citizens. Those are the enemies right now, not people coming into this country trying to find the American dream!
I am not a Biden fan but I would rather vote for him than to see this arrogant selfish reality show host re-elected.
Warriors? Seriously? Looks more like sacrificial lambs for rich people to get richer…
They are fast becoming a minority and they know how they have treated minorities since the inception of this country and they are afraid. Turnabout is fair play. Go to the back of the bus.
assume you are poor, you can do something about that
Rakesh ,exactly ! I so loathe this administration.
Warriors? I think Lardass means ‘cannon fodder” or ‘guinea pigs’.
Come Nov. America will make ‘great progress’ when they vote out every single corrupt Republican from office. Democrats will make the country great again!
Free vaccines
It is R-e-a-g-a-n. ADDITIONALLY: The Preamble To The Constitution of the United States of America, begins with these words:
‘We The People….” (GOGGLE the remaing words, they are enlightening and spiritually uplifting)…. These Three Words, are not Socialist. These Three Words Are Universal and these words are the Foundation of the American Nation and Spirit.
Most Fifth Grader would know the ORGINS of those, Near Sacred Words.
You are not an American Citizens: Natural or Naturalized. Try improving your Political Circumstances in Vladivostok or Minsk, Boris before Pandering for Rubles with the Politics of the United States.
You have the brain of a small cow if you are believing this coronavirus hoax!! They put a nose ring in you, then lead you around. By the time you figure out what’s going on it’s to late and you have lost your freedom!
Coronavirus cure!! Know your enemies and stop listening to this crap! Fact; More people that have coronavirus have no symptoms so there is no way to give exact stats on coronavirus death rates.
If you don’t test everybody on the face of the earth then you have no ideal how many people are coronavirus positive. This is supposed to be a highly infectious virus. Dallas TX 3.1 million population, deaths 125 infected around 3640 that were tested. That death rate is 0.023. Not pandemic! If you look at worldometer it shows that all the cities across the USA are similar with very low deaths rates from coronavirus. The fake stats given on death rates doesn’t calculate A symptomatic people, they are only counting tested infected people and deaths. The death toll is much lower if you calculate the actual number of infected coronavirus cases and the A symptomatic infections doing a expectorant calculation. Expectorant calculations are what every scientist around the world has used for hundreds of years to calculate virus infection rates. You would have to test the whole world to get a real true death rate because we have no clue how many people are infected! This is nothing more than a plan to destroy middle class businesses and leave nothing but large corporations. Coronavirus cure– Stop watching the mass hysteria created by scientists, government and the media! If say 1 billion people have coronavirus then the death rate is about .002%. And if 4 billion have it then the death rate is half that. 20 million people have died this year 2020, so far, 147k people died April 30th 2020 in the world, but not from coronavirus. Coronavirus is actually very low in the world of death rates. (See CDC and worldometer websites) Simply put, if you haven’t tested everybody and you really don’t know how many people have it then you have no ideal what the true death rate is! Coronavirus is here just like car crashes, alcohol deaths, cancer, aids, malaria, suicides, starvation, all of which have higher death rates this year than coronavirus.
They are now talking about the number of deaths from coronavirus in the USA has passed the amount of people that died in the Vietnam war. Death sucks for someone somewhere no matter what and at least 20 million people know that this year. But if we lose our freedom and constitutional rights than every person who died in all of the wars we fought, and from fighting our government, died for nothing! It will take years for the world economies to come back from this if they ever do? Look at all the facts and research for yourself, the information we need is all in plain sight but you must open your mind from the norm that you have been programmed to believe since you were born. This is not about Trump or Biden, Democrats or Republicans, Race, Creed or Color. This is about the human race! This is about you losing your fundamental rights as an American or any other citizen of other countries.
Money and greed drive people to do horrible things! Know your enemies and stop the divide and conquer that is going on! You are being distracted from the truth! Cure for coronavirus, stop listening to this crap! Freedom of speech is already being attacked by videos being deleted that don’t go along with the narrative.
Amber, that’s you isnt it? Your odd Phrasing (ie “…if you are believing…”) and Deflections, Literary style Betray you. You are not a resident of any Country on the CONTINENT of America. Give it up. Go home and have a bowl of Borscht and apply for immigration immediately (if you even dare). Be brave Amber/Boris there are much better ways to earn Rubles.
It’s all fun and games until a pandemic hits, and then you realize that your president, your leader, is not only the dumbest human being on the planet, but he’s also a narcissistic sociopath with a god complex. Is it still fun now?
A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a god complex may refuse to admit the possibility of error or failure, even in the face of complex or intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks, or may regard his personal opinions as unquestionably correct. The individual may disregard the rules of society and require special consideration or privileges.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Donald J Trump
Daniel Osterman r
Narcissistic sociopath with a god complex? You’re about 12 years too late for that comment. Look no further than the Obamanation, how, in 2008, you liberals greeted/accepted him on a stage resembling an ancient Greek temple. Give us a break, drone.
narcissistic Davey look in the mirror
I disagree with everything you just said. YOU’RE just trying to spread panic for political advantage. We are not convinced by your fear mongering. We will not be controlled.
Ah see you have been drinking the liberal koolaid – you are nothing but a dumb blind sheep – get educated >
You first Trump, Lead from the front, you go outside into harms way first.
And he should lead with no testing of the people entering the White House. So, he can enjoy the uncertainty the rest of the country does.
Where’s Biden then??? Seems like Joe is hiding from the public…Lets have Joe on for an hour without anyone holding his hand or giving him cheat sheets…seem very strange the leader of the Democrats is hiding under a blanket somewhere….lets see his strategy???
@Master Temple Biden has no power right now, does not need to have a plan. Your Orange Cretin is in charge. Maybe you havent heard, but when you are leader, you have to lead and take responsibility.
@Master Temple He isn’t POTUS.
That’s a good point. He should set up a rally and fill it up with thousand of ppl. Let natural selection takes its course.
Reporter: “Mr President, I want to ask you one more question, about the 70k American lives that have been lost. Grandparents, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters… we’ve lost more people now than we lost in the Vietnam War. What do you want to say to those families tonight?”
Trump: “I want to say that I am always greeted by a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen… They always said nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse.”
Reporter: No Mr. President. I asked about the families of the victims.”
Trump: ” Oh, we’re back on the families again? I thought we were done with that. Well let’s see….to the families…. I would like to say that I love you, even though I don’t feel like I’ve gotten enough love….but that’s okay. I’m not complaining. So even though they can never ever come close to replacing whatever it was they lost, we’re going to have a tremendous economy again that I think they’re going to be very proud of, and make them forget all about that thing they lost.”
@Zach Rogers you actually live in a nutshelf. You see no wrong how US can degenerate into the worst country handling the pandemic. Over 70,000 death and the president still blamed China for the virus. Why dont he blame the US citizen for going over to China. Did he stop the europeans from US borders? Afterall he already closed the border to chinese citizen end February. But his mistake is the infected Europeans are coming in. So who cause the problems. The main issue is the president consider it a common flu. It will blow away. Now! He blamed china.
CF Yong I live and work in the real world in the US. You live in a fantasy world. I have made life and death decisions for over 35 years. What I have learned is people make their own decisions. In the US -our freedom to make that choice and no one else. When the government starts to tell us what we can and can not do. That is against what America was founded on. The liberals want to be a dictator to us. Trump knows that and giving us the choice not the government. He gave the choice to remain free and have choices. We chose to have freedom over deaths. We now want the freedom to work. And now have to accept 150,000 to 200,000 deaths.
Again the blame you put on Trump is a political blame perpetuated by the left. That fake news you listen to, read such as on CNN and MSNBC.
michael woods Right now-the blame on Trump is a political misinformation ploy by the liberals/liberal media/CNN and MSNBC. The blame is on China.
how old are you
@CF Yong I’m from a “3rd country” but believe me or not our president took drastic measures to protect citizens. It’s a real shame to call this disgusting yellow dumber a president
One American is dying every 45 seconds from coronavirus. Mission accomplished, Trump!
And by the way the name has now been changed to Cover Up-19
@Paul Belardo So, you have nothing but deflection. Thanks for proving my point.
@Doug E the fact that you pulled up the easily debunked disinfectant story shows how dumb you really are. I bet you still think Trump colluded with Russia.
@Zach Rogers Ya, How? He’s put Stupid Tariffs in place. We end up paying for them in The Cost of Goods going up. That’s taking care of Imports or their Holdings in our Country? U are Delusional,
@Veronica Valencia thats trump supporters for ya lol
Mark my words: the virus will hit back with a vengeance in the next two months if we do not continue safe distancing and ‘stay-at-home’ habits. Are you seriously going to trust a LIAR-IN-CHIEF that has not gone a day in his presidency without MAJOR LIES, and continues his corrupt ways? He cares nothing for America and less for Americans, too. DO NOT TRUST tRUMP ! DO NOT TRUST tRUMP ! DO NOT TRUST tRUMP !
Sure we should just trust China and sure they would never lie.Trump 20/20
@meezergurl yeah all of those study come right out of China, the country who released the virus
@meezergurl we know for a fact where it came from. Wuhan, China. Not the US. Peace
Really? Do you seriously need a Presidential recommendation to wash your hands? …or maybe you can manage that one on your own? Just sayin
The correct term classically is “Cannon Fodder”.
It’s like jumping into a volcano to please the rich while being told that it’s to appease the economy god.
That’s it !!
How is “going back to work” a bad thing? I’ve been on the “front lines” as an “essential employee” this whole time and NOBODY I work with has even come down with a sniffle. And we’re all exposed to the public.
Not even cannon fodder, it’s more like civilian collateral damage.
@Matthew The Great Coin Roll Hunter Well you’re either lucky or stupid !!
I’m choosing stupid
Warriors?? MORE LIKE Guinea Pigs!!!
Richard Williams – Or pawns.
Richard Williams – You are far from being the only one. Many psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, although unable to diagnose him properly because they have never seen him as a patient, have observed his behavior and stated that he exhibits the symptoms of malignant narcissism. You can find a description of these symptoms in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the definitive work used by most mental health professionals in the US to diagnose and plan treatment.
– and a total loss life that did not have to be.
Richard Williams – To you and the others who have contributed to this discussion you help us to see this monster for what he is. I hope it helps others to see as well. All of you stay safe. Let’s not give him the satisfaction of dying for him and his “economy.”
Death kills 100% of life. So…what you gonna do with yours? Hide in your house all day? Sounds good to me Less people I have to share the rest of the world with. You might as well be dead. Just sayin
To all those that voted for this nutty fruitcake and want 4 more years of chaos. You need to see a psychiatrist..
@Will Whittington
@mad M Oh, nice.
@generationofswine I see you’re a real humanitarian.
There was a Russian textbook on “Psychopolitics” by Beria that was first published in the 1930’s as a manual for soviet brainwashing techniques. Communist agents in America have used it to guide their ideology and tactics to brainwash and subvert the populace. Our MSM, ANTIFA and anit-Trumpers seem to adhere to that treatise. Where was the “House of Un-American Activities” when we needed them?
@Hal Walinski Thanks Hal.
Sounds interesting. Best to understand the tactics being used against us. Here is a free PDF download:
“The plan is … no plan”
Another great inscription for Trump’s tombstone. Along with “I don’t take responsibility at all” and “Maybe with the disinfectant… ? almost like a cleaning.”
“Warrior”, a word from the draft dodger-in-Chief.
@William H Music 2020
The point is that Trump was called up and dodged the draft like a little pathetic coward.
The US population makes up about 4.8% of the world population in a country with nowhere near the same average population density as in Europe and Asia and yet, USA have nearly 28% of all dead in the world to Corona virus.
As a right winger, I don’t expect you to be able to understand more than single digit figures but having nearly 28% dead of the world global count when your population is only about 4.8% of the world population is not exactly a success.
USA is militarily powerful but a pathetic 3rd world banana republic in all other ways of measure.
@William H Music 2020 did Obama or Biden tell these Vietnam Vets to risk their lives again?
Much better than a Fulbright Stipend for foreigners recipient Obama.
Dodgy Trump
William H Music 2020 , obviously the Russian bots are still active. I hear Russia is having serious problems with the coronavirus. Be careful.
Thank goodness for Chris’ moral outrage. There’s far too little of it around.
Any outrage is morale outrage dealing with madness
Moral outrage? He’s not forcing anyone to leave their “self-quarentine” If people still want to stay home, they can. But, if people chose to work, they should also be able to do that, too. I’ve been grateful to be considered an “essential employee” so I’ve been getting hazard pay and as much double-time overtime as I want. Plus the stimulus. So, I’ve been much more fortunate than others. But, I chose to take the risk. I talked it over with my family and we agreed it would be better than watching everything we worked for slip into default. Could you imaging becoming homeless in a year because you weren’t allowed to work? That’s basically what you’re proposing. So, I take precautions every day so I don’t bring anything home and honestly, nobody in my home has caught even a sniffle.
This malignant president has brought the office so low. I’m astonished the American people have not dragged him out by his hair plugs.
November 3rd is around the corner; I predict that we’re going to have a lot less Republicans in office.
@Myla Starseed keep it that way! They are all clearly morally bankrupt.
@Khris Keane Indeed. They want to sacrifice our elderly for money, yet they claim to be pro-life Christians. Sad.
President Farquad Bonespurs wants us to slay the dragon for him. All of us who die will be a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
@Stasia Spade He was just a Duke. He needed to marry a princess to be king.
Hahaha oh man that’s a good one
@John Burnside Oops!
@Stasia Spade No biggie. I probably shouldn’t even have mentioned it.
@John Burnside Shrek is a favorite movie of mine. Stay well!
Hooray for Chris Hayes!!!! I love your show and reporting, as I do for Rachel, Lawrence, Ari and all others on the show. Keep doing the great reporting and commentaries.
Horray for disrecpting Fake News?
@long nose: Disrecpting???? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahajaha
@Marcus Guzman yes why you are laughing?
This is just an extension of the Republican health plan. Get sick, die, thank you.
Yep, you heard the Senate rep say let the seniors die and let the young survive. Look at the senior Nursing Home’s. Is this what they do? Take the weak and sacrifice them. Thank goodness it’s not a real ( person ) enemy or we be purging a geration and those with illness.
They cant get rid of social security so going for option 2 ger rid of social security recipients.
If it isnt the plan, it is a Convenient Coincidence.
That’s why I’m self-insured Who would trust the government to take care of them? They can’t even take care of our Veterans with dignity! I’ll stick to washing my own hands, thank you very much!
@Matthew The Great Coin Roll Hunter And a corporation (that is what private insurers are) has your best interests in mind? Seriously? They have your wallet in mind!
If this prez wants warriors he needs to be one first; lead the way, give the example, Dear Leader
Did he serve in the army? Even most male mambers of the British Royal Family serve in the army/navy/airforce.
Message: you’re expendable.
My thoughts are that the virus would take out the poor community, the ones on welfare and that would bring a smile to the government. To not pay for them anymore