Chris Hayes discusses what we learned from top diplomat Bill Taylor in his ten hour testimony on Tuesday. Aired on 10/22/19.
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Chris Hayes On Bill Taylor’s Damning Testimony Against President Donald Trump | All In | MSNBC
Anyone like Taylor, that makes sure it’s in print is one smart man, and has a higher IQ than Stable Genius.

Well if it’s in print he knows that Trump can’t read it! Impeach, indict, HANG!!! Let’s see him swing from the gibbet on Pennsylvania Avenue. -Djo Life 2028
@killerjoke2945 Most generous!!

that’s an awful low bar. I imagine pottet plants to have a higher IQ than the Stable Genious in Chief…
Yes, it was no accident that he sent that text. He wanted to make sure his resistance was documented and may have suspected this would come out so he sent a CYA text ………….THANK YOU SIR!!
Let’s hope that there’s more damaging testimony that keeps coming from other true patriots.
Unless someone made a recording or put their crime in writing, I don’t think there is any more damning evidence, only corroboration. Of course, there could be further crimes, conspiracies, and/or obstructions. Let’s wait and see.
I think at this point it is crystal clear what happened.
Honestly, how much more testimony does one NEED!?!? Still I’d love to see that porcine pucker Pompeo sweat out a 8hr Benghazi type grilling and turn on the duplicitous and deranged dotard.
The noose is starting to tightened around Trump’s fat orange neck.
@DK x Mace There are REPUKES in the interrogations and you ALWAYS have a impeachment inquiry to get all the information before bringing it to a VOTE to IMPEACHMENT JUST LIKE ANY CASE…. MAGATS

That noise isn’t tightening fast enough. With all he’s wrought, he should’ve been in a casket by now.
Extortion is a good word. Trump isn’t giving over anything. Except our national security, and Kurdish allies’ lives.
Extortion is THE word. It’s precisely what happened.
What country will fight beside the USA if we needed it after this. ??
@Moose I can`t think of any ! ………………….
@Ralf Häggström In Oz we Trust all other MFs pay cash up front.
Who to believe?

Bill Taylor
Donald Trump
@dan112020 Hey Dan, Dawn was trying to be facetious, because she was actually describing Trump and not Bill Taylor. That’s what the whole “oh, wait…” was about. Sarcasm is hard to pickup from text alone, but her comment was pretty obvious.
@chillm8tOh Wait….Far too intelligent a sarcasm for my brain to comprehend. TUMBLEWEED moment…my apologise to DAWN
Tough call…a 50 year Patriot vs. a duplicitous and deranged dotard. Impeach, Indict, HANG!!! -djo life 2028
@demitsuru yes he’s the best president ever. He’s not racist, he’s not a crook and he never ever, ever,ever lies

@chris brunette ….And Ditch MITCH!!! ( in KY. that is)
“Tell the truth and shame the Devil(s)…”, Mr. Taylor.
‘Kudos’ to you, sir.
hopefully this time his cult followers will wake up
@Bruce Boring – We’re *not* ‘holding our breath’, waiting to find out, however…
Who are you going to believe a Vietnam Veteran with 50 years in the government or a 5 time Vietnam draft dodger.
Trump have 13,000 lies.
Brainspurs are real.
Donald don’t even believe Donald. There’s absolutely no Credibility in Trump Gene
His “ten lies a day keeps impeachment away” strategy no longer holds water. Impeach, Indict, HANG!!! Let’s see this traitor swing from the gibbet on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Impeach then arrest Trump, Barr, Pompeo, Rudy to begin with.
And “christian” pence …………………….
Moscow Mitch is next…
These guys are a cancer that needs to be surgically removed immediately if the USA is to survive!
Substitution of the word “stalemate” for the phrase “quid pro quo” does not change the facts. It’s like using the word “commandeering” instead of “stealing.” A crime is a crime no matter what words one uses to describe it.
It was a “mutually beneficial agreement.” But seriously, I noticed a lot of commentators are gravitating toward the word “bribe” probably because of the association to the impeachment clause of the Constitution which refers to “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” And I would also argue that Trump has clearly committed treason in plain sight by always favoring Putin over his own intelligence agencies. The court ruling that treason only applies to enemies declared by Congress is bogus and should be overturned. Any person, group or nation that seeks to do harm to the US or its allies should be considered an enemy. Russia fits that description perfectly.
@Blink Once on Sunday! Actually the legal definition of bribery is a crime that also included a quid pro quo. The Trump Regime was very careful to deny a “quid pro quo” for this very reason. Also the commentators use the word “bribery” for the very same reason. In this case the crime is asking for foreign election assistance. When quid pro quo enters the picture, that indicates a second crime of bribery.
@ruth depew Oh, I see you’re now using the word “regime” as well. I thought I was the only one. Yeah, anyway there is gonna be a reckoning very soon. Republicans have put themselves in a box for 3 years defending one Trump scandal after another. I think their outrage at the Syria decision is misplaced. They should be angry and ashamed at their own actions of enabling Trump all this time. The entire GOP bears responsibility for the aftermath of the Syria and Ukraine scandals.
Fellow Earthlings: we’re witnessing the demise of a psychopath on the world stage. Such things mostly happen in discreet police investigations and rarely happen so publicly. It’s the worst imaginable scenario for a psychopath. Poor little PO(TU)S.
Yes, Trump is performing a tremendous public service to psychiatrists by exposing his psychopathy so openly. It will be the ONLY public service Trump performs.
@Reg Munday Exactly. In all seriousness, mental health professors worldwide are using clips of Dump to illustrate psychopathy to their students. I know firsthand.
One interesting psychopath study on Trump can be what it is that makes the guy so abhorrent to speak the truth.
Trump is getting ready to tweet at 3am lol #impeachtrump2019
Sure sounds like a quid pro quo to me
That’s only because you’re using commonsense and reason to come to a logical conclusion. We don’t do that anymore.
Buud he said it’s NO KWIT PRO KWOU! Whom should I believe? My eyes, ears and brain – or that honest gentleman residing in the oval office?
Sounds like extortion to me.
Bill Taylor actually went to Vietnam. No bone spurs there.
We need more of these lessons on American government.
Ambassadors Taylor and Yovanovitch: absolute heroes. Integrity is still to be found at the US. Foreign Service.
It is sad to think and to see that even faced with overwhelming evidence the GOP will still stand by this conman.
They can’t rob the treasury without him.
Because they hate this country
Donald Trump should be charged with treason he hates America
NO. He loves the USA. It’s the only country where he could get away with his crimes.
@the 48thRonin Learn more about the world.
@Mickey E Really? that’s what you think? You have no clue about the world. Where’s your world? Your hometown? Your mom’s basement?
@Mickey E Should I play D&D? Would that make me learn more about the World? Just asking.
They need to get Giuliani in front of the committee and let him hang himself—he just can;t help himself!
I predict he will plead the 5th over and over if Barr ever let them get him under oath.
He is his own worst witness. He basically already given it all away already
He said he’s not testifying.
West Point grad unlike Pompous Trump he served his Vietnam time in the 101st Airborn. Articulate writing skills and recall. Compare his opening letter to Trumps last letter! Lol
In Trumps own words sounds like a “perfect” testimony to me.