Ohio soybean farmer Christopher Gibbs says President Trump was "never ever forthright with the American people" about China tariffs.
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Chris Hayes Explores The Impact Of Trump's Tariffs On American Farmers | All In | MSNBC
It’s farmer welfare?
Yep. $16 billion in taxpayer dollars to bail out the farmers, while Trump cuts $60 million from Planned Parenthood, and chops Medicare, Medicade and the EPA to the bone. One trillion $ in domestic cuts over the next 10 years, while farmers, Big Business and the military live high on the hog. And he calls Bernie a ‘socialist.’
@Tim Countis oh SNAP! <<< pun intended
Took foodstamps from the actual poor and gave the farmers the foodstamps
I’d like to know why we are giving billions to Ivy League schools like Harvard?
You voted for this foolish Cheetos and hence we welcome your return to humanity. But it doesn’t excuse your poor judgment.
IDC EID :::: little advice change up your approach at this point!!! Fake!!! The thief is never smarter than the supreme!!! Boss up!!!
@Saltponds239 PWHAHAHAH!!! Free Speech?! AHAHAHAHAH !!!
@Turnible Spencer Ain’t it grand
Soybeans supply chain is going to Russia now. Trump gave our nation’s soybean supply chain to Russia. worth at least 15 billion a year. No wounder Trump does not need a Pay check.
We all know Trump is the TRUE “Soy Boy” socialist giving farmers bailouts for votes
And he is really just paying them off…so they’ll vote for him again….
Putin is Trump’s boss so of course he did this
brazil is not russia
Soybean giant Brazil swoops on US crop as China trade war …
2018-07-20 · China has been the biggest buyer of US soybean in recent years, but as imports have become caught up in Beijing and Washington’s tit-for-tat tariffs, Chinese purchasers are now …
@dan mac they burned the amazon to accelerate climate change and yes it is to make way for farming soy
For people (farmers) who got riled up by Republicans about socialism now don’t mind that same socialism!
f*cking hypocrites, not surprising.
Welfare Donnie spreading his Socialism to buy votes with the taxpayers’ money.
@Jeremy Backup 12 billion to the farmer’s? Whats wrong with that? we’ve given 350 billion to China and 10 billion to the EU and we can’t give our farmers help?
By the way, the Treasury has brought in 63 billion – thanks to trump tariffs.
Upward trend? Really? So why was Fake News and members of congress telling people Trump will lead us into financial Armageddon? How about that Noble Peace Prize loser in economics Paul Klugman? He was spot on right?
The market has risen 29% since Trump. I just got a 1-year CD with a 2.4% interest rate. Been killing the market with the indexes. You should try it – easy money.
Also, what happened to Trump is going to get us into World War 3? I liked that one
@Saltponds239 Because they shouldn’t need your handouts in the first place. The point was to improve the economy not have to bail them out.
and GPOs backing it
@Noel Faber You’re absolutely right, we are so afraid of socialism we won’t admit that it’s public highways, public education, public utilities, public libraries, fire/police departments, community rec centers, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public parks (including national and state), public radio, public television, FDIC, CDC, FEMA, etc. The policies of the original New Deal enacted during FDR’s term was one of the largest collection of socialist policies in history.
China will never buy from you again. Very sad to be honest. Good luck
@Russian Métropolitan Russia has a gigantic agricultural market so they will be more than able to feel 1.3 billion Chinese – LOL.
Saltponds239 how much have we got from other countries including China
you didn’t “give ” them anything
unable or unwilling to learn is the very definition of stupid
due to sanctions, ya dummy
Sanctions were meant to hurt Russia, but Russian agriculture has benefited,” said Jim Rogers, a US investor who has shares in PhosAgro and sits on its board. … before there’s a gigantic …
Russian agriculture thrives as sanctions close off imports …
Makes you wonder how many agricultural companies are helping the Amazon to burn so they can put up farms. They have been deliberately burning the Amazon to force land being opened up to farming and ranching for years. It also makes it that much harder for the indigenous people to lay claim to a forest that is no longer there.
Exactly, you nailed it correctly.
No need to wonder. That’s 100% what is happening. It’s what Bolsinaro promised.
I hope you’re happy with your vote. You’ve brought this on yourself
@Saltponds239 You are prob right, and that will prove what I have said all along; ‘Americans are the most ignorant people on earth – by far’.
The laughingstock of the world. Even school children laugh at Trump where I come from.
@Morten Grue Its nice kids are being taught economics. Hopefully, kids will be shown giving billions away and getting nothing in return is a formula for disaster.
@Saltponds239 theres no cure for stupidity! Have fun banging your head in the wall!
@Saltponds239 You’re too young to vote.
@Turnible Spencer But old enough to make money
the guy who complains about the price being below the cost of production should read “the art of the deal”
God bless our farmers who were already having a hard time before Trumpterd took his imaginary office…
…but they voted for him in OVERWHELMING numbers!!!!!
A wise man talking, but maybe too late. Customers are lost to other international suppliers. The next US president(s) and team will have a tough job to amend.
He’s giving farmers money, so they’ll vote for him in 2020. That’s all.
and you don’t know how tariffs work
big surprise there, eh?
@dan mac Let me ask you, if we are already paying China 350 billion dollars a year, whose BEEN paying for that? And/or 7 Trillion since Bill Clinton.
He’s only handed out $12 billion so far, which doesn’t come close to covering what they’ve lost so far. Over the past 2 years, the amount of farms and farmers filing bankruptcy has tripled. There will be farmers that vote party over country, but I think enough have been personally hurt by Trump, that they will side with America in 2020 and not vote for Trump.
@Jeremy Backup
i’m going to suggest that it wont be a matter of siding with Donnie dementia
but rather doing whats best for themselves
Donnie dementia has cost them markets that took decades to build up
and will take even more decades to get back, if they ever do
if Donnie dementia had planned for the big corporations to completely take over the farming industry, he couldn’t have picked a better way
bankrupt the little guy so as the big corp pays cents on the dollar for their lands, and machinery
the big corp’s have enough cash to wait it out
No farmer welfare!
Sell your farm!
Augie V i doubt it. Farmers have it the best. They inherit millions of dollars in land. And just have to plant a seed.
to who?
the giant corporations?
@dan mac
No….to the current white house occupant. You know, same clown who was their hero!
And yet some farmers still supporting Trump, duh…
Why not?
@Saltponds239 because its idiotic.
@Patrick Hag Idiotic? Since Bill Clinton, we have given away nearly 7 Trillion dollars to China. Idiotic? I agree.
@Saltponds239 How did he give away 7 Trillion dollars to China? Explain.
Stubborn farmers and their stubborn, bully man-child.
Better to just keep giving away billions of dollars while our cities crumble – I get your point.
Trump thinks randomly, talks randomly and makes policies randomly. But you were safe?
Mr. Gibbs has to be among the most fluent and intelligent people I’ve heard on this issue.
My thoughts exactly! I found it very impressive how Mr Gibbs explained the issues involved in a clear and lucid manner.
Not sorry fot farmers. You get what you paid for. You bought the snake oil, no refunds.
Ha, ha. Trade wars are easy to win. Why do farmers still support this idiotic orange god-emperor?
Voted for trump. Active in the republi con party. Well. I guess you got what you wanted, right Gibbs? How’s that working for you? Are you tired of ‘winning’ yet?