“There needs to be a full investigation,” says Chris Hayes. “We need some formalized process for getting to the bottom of what happened with Covid, so that we never go through this kind of disaster again.” Aired on 01/26/2021.
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Chris Hayes delivers the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. Drawing from his background as a reporter, Hayes at times reports directly from the scene of a news event as it occurs to provide a firsthand account, digging deep and speaking with people who represent different points of view. Hayes brings the nation's officials, legislators, policymakers, and local activists to the table to address key issues affecting communities across America.
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#Trump #Covid #MSNBC
Chris Hayes Calls For Formal Investigation Into Trump Covid Failure | All In | MSNBC
He threw around paper towels during emergency in Puerto Rico. You can use them to rub the bleach into your skin to prevent corona virus.

Did you know BEFORE he started throwing the paper towels, he was actually throwing canned chicken meat (size of a tuna can) at people….until some SMART person told him not to because someone could get hurt. And he had the NUCLEAR CODES for 4 yrs !!! WTF!!!
@Mikka Linka And he asked (with a straight face) if we could Nuke hurricanes In the future.
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers..
@Doug LoweMan! Who could forget THAT one ! He was even smarter than NOAA scientists when he changed the landfall projection map w/ his Sharpie! And eventually the poor S.O.B.’s @ NWS finally had to cave & AGREE w/ him! Again, WTF !!!
I hope Pence is investigated. He and his task force did NOTHING while thousands died.
@Nathan Clark aye Nate thats basically what I’m saying bro
Of course not. He was 45’s “sidekick”.
He thinks he’s gotten away with his crimes.
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers..
Jared too
i hope the next time the republican party holds any position in the white house whether it’s presidency, senate or house is the year 2100 (maybe).
Earth will be dead by then
Exactly maybe
I really believe those thugs signed away their party with their souls when they nominated Trump. It’s just taking a terribly long and painful time for the death throes to subside.
Republicans will be back in power 2024. Biden has done more damage to the country in 1 week then all of Trumps 4 years. Alot of voters regret goin round XD
Ffis that
oh good
But if and when the matter goes to the Supreme Court, they might give him a pass on that too, just like the one they gave him yesterday.
@TJ liberals are the dumbest people on Earth.
@TJ And I didn’t vote for Trump.
@C Mi Who said you voted for Trump? Who cares who you did or didn’t vote for, I don’t.
Questionable actions…The most grievous of which was his refusal to adamantly encourage stricter preventative measures in containing this virus. Particularly in the last months leading up to the election. This clearly pointed to one thing. He allowed people to die so as not to alienate votes. He AND his administration are responsible for that. It could amount to a crime against humanity by some definitions.
I’ll say it again…his purposeful inaction caused thousands of unnecessary deaths. [and continues to] Merely because he was afraid that if he amended his opinion, some might turn against him and threaten his chances at the polls. What kind of man would do this???
@Christine King
DOJ is in a mess…lots of trumpers in there. He very nearly gets to overturn the election results. That last 2 weeks was iffy….he must be impeached despite the fight with covid. Do not let this man get away with it. It would be the beginning to the ending.
How can this be allowed? Elections have consequences. Get em, Joe or Dems will lose.
You late to the party. You should said that 5 months ago!
Chris Hayes, you took the words right out of my mouth. Yes, the investigation of Donald J. Trump’s COVID-19 failure will be as big as the Nuremberg trials.
@DAVE MAURER campare? Campfire? Compare?
Let see how many people will be dead under the administration of Biden!
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers.
@Kevin L Don’t be so cynical.
Remember how Benghazi was endlessly talked about and investigated? Good times.
@Kate London I heard OAN is going to run a story about how Biden forgot to flush. Impeachment articles need to be brought to the house floor immediately!
nine hearings if I remember correctly… millions of dollars and Hillary wasn’t even over the defense dept.. she was sec of state for gosh sakes… repubs had refused money for more security…
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers.
@Brian Nave what! Are you mad! Where were the restrictions required! Where were the Trumpers wearing masks , ehh was Trump lying every day even at his last rally, he told his cult they had turned a corner and the numbers were down! Liar liar America was recording its highest daily rates of death ever !
He would put restrictions in and now his cult will never do as they are told! Stop passing the buck! Trump was the commander in chief and he couldn’t even lead by example!
A total despicable excuse for a human! He cares about nobody but himself!
@Brian Nave exactly how did the Democrats get into your stupid story!
One person! One person! You cannot just go around giving drugs to a mass of people until they are sure! This drug had to be taken with two other drugs! Nobody would know what helped her!
Now tell me where the Democrats lied!
Did they lie 30,000 times!
Imagine this ONE TERM GUY told over 30,000 LIES but his CULT Still BELIEVE that the ELECTIONS WERE STOLEN??? THIS IS LUDICROUS GTFOH
Lol. News flash for you out here in red state flyover country america sideshow Joe Biden has killed thousands of real jobs. Keystone pipeline cost thousands of union jobs. Please don’t trust me because I live out here in gods country. And the mainstream media and hollywood and the left will never talk about it. So you will actually have to look at our local news. Start in nebraska and the Dakota’s and Montana and Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. You Dems shut off natural gas and oil and natural resources energy exploration here in my state. Guess what Joe also stopped solar energy and wind energy lease’s ok it here. But he didn’t stop coal. Know why. Because you blue states in the EAST would get cold without our big Wyoming coal in your coal fired energy plants tonight. 46% of the nation’s coal comes from us. Most of it goes to blue states in the east. If I was making the decisions I’d stop our coal going east. And you would be wondering what happened to your electricity. Good luck but remember 75 million Americans didn’t vote like the left wanted us to.
@Mark Cross and sideshow Joe has absolutely no covid-19 plan. Wake up he is now using Trump’s plan.
@R M G 1. A stolen election
@R M G 2. Covid will just go away
@R M G why would he go on the record and say that covid would just “go away”…enjoy the L conservative moron
Trump: *I want To See Biden In Prison*
Biden: *why does trump think I would visit him in prison* ?
I wonder what someone should get for violating a Presidential Executive order?
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers.
That’s a good one. Lol
Trump: I want To See Biden In Prison
Biden: why does trump think I would share 10% with you ? No way!
Great one

Not only did Trump call it a hoax but he insisted on not wearing a mask, then asking his minions not to wear one either! We seen his Rally’s!!
It proves that Trump is not a dictator! He did not want to interrupt the freedom of the people! I know it may not be a good reason but can anyone else do better than him? Do not think so! Why ? It is all because we respect people’s freedom!
We shouldn’t put the horse before the cart! A wine maker is a wine maker he can’t do to tasks of a rocket scientists! In my father’s house it was do as I say not as I do! Always thought of him as a dictator but I still loved him & showed respect! I get it!! Wasn’t till I was outta my father’s rule that I was able to think for myself!! Give change a chance! Be part of the solution!! We all on this rock together! Peace!!#
It is a hoax
How does Tom Hanks get it then say that he recovered? Coronavirus is a hoax. Wake up watch banned.video for real news
Rfis that
oh good
I still want to see his tax returns btw…
@1sand0s Hahaha
@joe guy One of trump’s poorly educated.
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers.
And his grades, to be compared to POTUS Barack Obama!
MsNBC is controlled by the chinese government, Obama is a communist he also trafficks children. Anthony Bourdain did not commit suicide Research pizzagate
Don the Con must have called Puerto Rico’s Governor to pressure him to lose 3000 deaths and recalculate.
This better not fall on deaf ears. Chris Hayes, get this out to ALL Congress people and Senators!
@Dr. Grant Shapiro Sure. Hes my hero
@Dr. Grant Shapiro You know that face talent such as this guy just reads what his writers tell him to, so that MSNBC can play to their base for ad revenue, right?
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved.
https://youtu.be/Q6pm5T_E4rw NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers.
They are working on it in the house congressman James Clyburn started a corona virus committee to investigate
Rfis that
oh good
tRump flat out lied about Covid and then muted Fauci, and abandoned the virus altogether saying “WE’RE ROUNDING THE CORNER” as it was raging still today.
@Bob Heck Who are you talking to? You are actually talking to yoirself like a crazy person at this point XD
@Josh Pep-a ..keep talking…
@Bob Heck Do you need a friend? Ill send you my discord if you are that lonely that you wanna snuggle in the comment section.
@Josh Pep-a

Questionable actions…The most grievous of which was his refusal to adamantly encourage stricter preventative measures in containing this virus. Particularly in the last months leading up to the election. This clearly pointed to one thing. He allowed people to die so as not to alienate votes. He AND his administration are responsible for that. It could amount to a crime against humanity by some definitions.
I’ll say it again…his purposeful inaction caused thousands of unnecessary deaths. [and continues to] Merely because he was afraid that if he amended his opinion, some might turn against him and threaten his chances at the polls. What kind of man would do this???
I’m here for all of it. Bring it on baby. LOCK HIM UP!!
All faith will be lost if this dude isn’t held accountable. The law is the Supreme order of the land.
Do not forget 10% for the big guy!
That is acceptable too!
Faith across the whole planet will be lost, USA is/was/is what the world wants (without Rupert Murdoch’s fake news)
Ffis that
oh good
Without accountability there is no real chance for change. ^^
Was hoping someone would throw one of those paper towel rolls back at him
That happen before he wanted to trade for Greenland. If after he might have had more than papers towels
to dodge. Plus he blamed the people for the infrastructure problems. What a guy.
Joe Biden is a communist though. This is why the killed JFK, as well as Ronald Reagan. Because they were against communism. Trump wants to get rid of communism too, thats why they want him out. Don’t get fooled by these sick democrats they have too much corrupt power
@Bena Manea A couple of guys with white coats and nets would like to talk to you. btw, You’ve got
a long way to go before you catch Q-TheNut. Throw in some Klingons, the Loch Ness monster,
a few star troopers and some kinky LDS rituals. The less sense it makes, the more followers you get.
Hfis that
oh good
that is pretty crazy have you taken medication or sought help from a medical practitioner .
400,000 people die on your watch as Prez there’s an investigation, end of story.
16 people. Certified.
Such a horrific human being.
Yes, trump is certifiably insane and textbook Narcissist.
IKR? As if those 16 people are not important. To him they were just “things”
Rfis that
oh good
45 was the most “Do Nothing” President I History!!
If you think President Trump was a do nothing. Wait until zero Accomplishments in 50 years Biden gets going. The man with a plan Biden’s death count already at 20000 in 6 days.
Hey Chris. Do you need those glasses or wear them to look smarter? FYI — It’s not working.
@M T are you really that ignorant and stupid? Biden just took over from an administration with no plan for a ranging pandemic. It’s impossible for the deaths to just stop.
And btw, Biden was previously working in government, he wasn’t calling the shots.