Chris Hayes Breaks Down Trump’s Plan To Undermine Democracy Ahead Of Election | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “Donald Trump and the Republican party are waging a war on the very mechanisms of voting ahead of the upcoming election in November. And they are running some real risks not just with our democracy, but with their own campaign.” Aired on 8/4/2020.
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Chris Hayes Breaks Down Trump’s Plan To Undermine Democracy Ahead Of Election | All In | MSNBC


  1. Trump is an extreme narcissistic wannabe dictator, who doesn’t believe you should have the right to vote unless you’re voting for him. And that’s not an exaggeration, he actually believes that.

    1. @Charlie Wyler Thought I’d congratulate you for one of the most immature comments I’ve ever encountered.👶

    2. Johnny one – hey johnny boy, at least the people who voted for Adolf Hitler in the 1930 had an excuses that there wasn’t any other news than his propaganda. What is your excuse for being such a dumb moron? Ever heard about the Dunning Kruger effect?

    3. I remember an “election” back in the seventies or eighties (yep I am old) in Spain when Franco was still “president” he got 105 % of the votes.
      Shows you can win when you control all.

  2. Trump doesn’t care for the concept of democracy, because it doesn’t benefit him financially, politically or psychologically. He’s a confirmed dictator who needs to be in prison asap. #JOE

    1. With all the Cities BLM BS .. LOTS of COVID-19 there . ALL The Lovely Democrats lined up hundreds at the DEATH “Mr LEWIS ” .. Well if you can go to Funerals “YOU CAN GO AND VOTE” ..

    2. William H It’s the decent thing to do to support Black people and people part of the LGBT community, it’s 2020 not the medieval ages. And Joe Biden isn’t for defunding the police, he just doesn’t send them after people using their freedom of speech. Educate yourself before commenting lies pls

    1. I can’t understand how Chris Hayes is taking this so lightly, saying how rediculous it is almost making fun of it. This orange men cheats like a mafiosi whether you are looking of not. And he succeeds at cheating almost evey time. That is the likely szenario you are faced with.

    1. @William H In reality, I am working 10-12 hrs a day…so you can eat, What are you doing except Trolling?? Doing nothing is what I guess!
      Other than Copying and Pasting a URL! It seems to me that Republics get “Paid” for being STUPID! Thank You for showing us how it works!

    2. Trump is not the problem. It’s his 50 million MAGAts that are the problem. Once Trump is rotting in prison, his MAGAts will be watching Fox News frothing at the mouth as Hannity and tucker are blaming Biden for all the problems caused by trump, waiting to vote for Trump 2.0 (Sen Cotton or worse).

    1. Sandra Whitlock Not only evil, Biden is demonic. MSNBC producer Ariana Pekary publicly announced her resignation from the notoriously xtreme left-wing network in a soul-searching and passionate blog. Pekary became increasingly appalled by the way MSNBC, and all corporate fakenews, have sacrificed journalism for whatever overtly political content will garner the best ratings‼️“The model blocks🐽diversity of thought and content because the networks have incentives to amplify fringe voices and events, at the expense of others… all because it pumps up the ratings,” she writes.
      Pekary revealed that “behind closed doors, industry leaders will admit the damage 🙈 that’s being done” to journalism, and a senior MSNBC producer confessed, “Our viewers don’t really consider us the news. They come to us for comfort.”

    2. Sandra Whitlock Sure, this fake news ‘reporter’. no. Youre complete desinformed. The American left has traditionally prided itself on being on the right side of history, but today their efforts 🐽 to make sure that everyone stays in one racial or cultural lane puts them in the position of standing athwart history shouting “Stop!” ‼️ Their opposition to an America in which cultures blend ❤️ to create a national identity runs counter not only to our nation’s traditions but also to the cold reality of cultural and racial mixing. In the long run, this is a fight they can’t win, but that doesn’t mean they can’t cause a good deal of 👹 harm and discord in the short term. The sooner they desist with these futile efforts, the healthier and more equal our society will be.

    3. @William H is a known TROLL do not respond to his posts that only makes him happy, thats what he wants he will move on if he can’t get a rise out of anyone DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS TROLL

  3. Trump: So we have a new phenomena, it’s called Mail-in-voting’’

    Jonathan: ‘’It has been here since the Civil War!”’ 😂😂😂

    1. @Downright Dutch, “notoriously xtreme (sic) left wing”??? That is not only not right, it is not even wrong!

    2. I can’t understand how Chris Hayes is taking this so lightly, saying how rediculous it is almost making fun of it. This orange men cheats like a mafiosi whether you are looking of not. And he succeeds at cheating almost evey time. That is the likely szenario you are faced with.

    3. @Downright Dutch You seem to be talking about the right and their attempts to blame the left for their own racist behavior. Nice try, though.

  4. All con-jobs will eventually run their course and come to an end. Bernie Madoff knows better than anyone, that every con-job has an expiration date. And the con-job that Trump has been running on America and on the world since the 1980s, is coming to an end. And Trump knows what’s waiting for him after he’s no longer in office: Prison and or financial ruin..

    1. William H You are a troll. You are one of Trumps followers on YouTube that has to go around to all the posts and stick up for him. I’m guessing there’s about 10 of you that I repeatedly see. Trying so hard to make Trump look good. It’s going to be a hard fight and you know you’re going to be beaten down.

    1. @Victoria Grayson Well I’m sure the House democrats will go after him for it, and successfully prosecute him and remove him, just as they have every single time so far. Lol…. wow.

    2. @Mike Bernard not much the Democrats can do whilst the Republicans shield him and interfere with the process

    3. @Priscilla Robb “But Putin gets to be a dictator now. Why can’t I? It’s so unfair to meeeee!”

    1. Democrats in America are more dangerous than any outside terrorist.
      They encouraged and supported Violent Lawless Riots
      Throughout the USA.

      Since the Riots, America has been so disheartened and disunited.

      No one knows who to trust any more. It just feels Insane in America.

      Democrats want to destroy what America has always stood for.
      We aren’t perfect
      but no one is.
      Our Nation isn’t perfect
      but no Nation is.
      But USA was built on High Ideals
      And has been the envy of the world,
      and a
      Refuge for Millions of immigrants throughout the world for centuries.

      Only the Democrats have been able to tear away at the fabric of America’s pride in our country,
      at the Heart of our country,
      which no terrorist group could do.

      Democrats degraded America even on the 4th of July,
      our celebration of Freedom and Unity and Pride.

      I was 100% for Democrats with all their media hype against Republicans,
      Until the Riots,
      And then I saw Democrats for what they really are all about, destroying the Heart of America.

    2. @s do you witnessed any nastiness going on right now under Democrat administration? Try to be honest dullard.

      Trump is worse than Richard milhous Nixon.

    1. @Brian Wurch He is a racist and there’s plenty of evidence. For example he wanted to fry The Exonerated 5 and never apologized to them.They were kids. He called Mexicans rapists, murderers and thiefs etc.

    2. The media feeds us on hatred, violence, disunity.

      It makes Money!

      News anchors for mainstream media make Millions Yearly!!

      This has been the
      Most Divisive
      Election year
      And the media has fueled it

  5. Hence Mary Trump’s book title:
    “Too Much and Never Enough”
    “How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man”.
    When a spoiled brat comes to power, it is VERY dangerous.

    1. Why was he the only child sent to military school… his family….his mother couldn’t stand him, that’s his issues with women…and why no picture of his mother in the Oval office…that room will need saged, blessed by Priests….can you imagine the tainted lies….floating.

    2. With all the Cities BLM BS .. LOTS of COVID-19 there . ALL The Lovely Democrats lined up hundreds at the DEATH “Mr LEWIS ” .. Well if you can go to Funerals “YOU CAN GO AND VOTE” ..

  6. Trump knows the presidency is slipping away, and is behaving like a cornered animal. He’s dangerous and irrational.

    1. @DAVID JACKSON Quit trying to turn this country into a Trumpian nightmare! Oh wait, we’re already there! 156,000 DEAD Americans, testing that takes 2-3 weeks to get results, and Trump wants to delay the election and suppress the vote by NOT funding the USPS and NOT allowing mail in voting which has been done for YEARS in many states! Oh H*LL NO. We will vote this Dictator wanna be OUT.

    2. @Gloria K There will be statues of our great PRESIDENT in every state of our great again country.
      Trump 2Q2Q! WWG1WGA!

  7. Stay on it Chris, we need to get this right so he can’t squirm out, let’s enlist FedEx and UPS they’ll deliver!

    1. With all the Cities BLM BS .. LOTS of COVID-19 there . ALL The Lovely Democrats lined up hundreds at the DEATH “Mr LEWIS ” .. Well if you can go to Funerals “YOU CAN GO AND VOTE” ..

  8. By tampering with the USPS, trump is committing another crime. Election interference and should be charged with it…

    1. @Stable Jenius I didn’t vote in the last election, but I can’t wait to vote for our great PRESIDENT this election.
      Trump 2Q2Q! WWG1WGA!

    2. @Voix de la raison That was his promise to make America great again, he didn’t say for who he was making it great for.

    1. @BartJ583 if I write something that is to difficult for you to handle utube will step in and block you from Reading it. They read everything you write and then they determine you need protection. I would only hang out on Twitter if I was you. Twitter is a safe place with others of your kind.

    1. @Firstwave Better give tony stark a call before it’s too late. maybe team avengers will come by and save the day!

    2. ​@Kieran Watson You did not read the context above.
      I’m a neutral.
      Doesn’t matter either way, Biden, Trump? Don’t matter.
      It’s the underlying policies and values that led to this day that needs changing.
      Not just freedom, equality, and rights everyday. Empty words.
      The situation is way harder than looking to the next election, im afraid to say.

    3. @Iain Goh Yes, it matters if we vote Trump back in…he is destroying America, he constantly decries freedom of the press, he has sent Secret Federal Police that have harmed peaceful protesters, 156,00 DEAD Americans and he has significantly slowed down testing and allowing more to die because of the spread, and he is trying to undermine the elections and suppress the vote! He believes he is above the law, and he wants to be a Dictator! Are you deaf, dumb and blind? Vote BIDEN and vote straight BLUE to get America back on track to normalcy!

    4. @Kieran Watson Fortunately, there is no such thing as god, so we don’t need to reckon on that kind of influence. This whole horror is explainable in real, natural ways.

  9. Mail in voting:
    “Its a New phenomenon”..
    Ummm…it’s been around since the civil war!
    Trump is the king of ignorance and stupidity.

    1. @Brian Wurch VP Biden does not want to get rid of law enforcement in anyway shape nor form….he is PRO…Police… better get your facts straight….you are spreading a false narrative…..

    2. With all the Cities BLM BS .. LOTS of COVID-19 there . ALL The Lovely Democrats lined up hundreds at the DEATH “Mr LEWIS ” .. Well if you can go to Funerals “YOU CAN GO AND VOTE” ..

    3. @Crypto /Hydra Look kids, its a Lunatic ! Try not to get any spittle on you or let him scratch you with his putrid claws !

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