Chris Hayes discusses the highlights of the packed week of testimony in the impeachment of President Donald J Trump. Aired on 11/21/19.
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Chris Hayes Breaks Down The Week Of Explosive Testimony | All In | MSNBC
It’s well known that Trump likes doing business with gangsters, in part because they pay top dollar and loan money when American banks stopped loaning Trump it money. It was a win-win for both sides. The Russian mafia is totally different than the American mafia. In Russia, the mafia is essentially a state actor. In an interviewed, Gen. Oleg Kalugin, who is a former head of counterintelligence in the KGB and had been Putin’s boss at one point, was asked about the Russain mafia. He said, “Oh, it’s part of the KGB. It’s part of the Russian government.”
In 2005, Manafort started working for billionaire Russian Oleg Deripaska. Manafort, a Republican operative who had hired himself out to a variety of global villains, promised he would “influence politics, business dealings, and news coverage inside the US, Europe, and former Soviet Republics to benefit Putin’s government.
Russia’s oligarchs put their wealth and power at Putin’s disposal, or they don’t remain oligarchs for long. This requirement is not lost on Deripaska. “I don’t separate myself from the state,” Deripaska told the Financial Times in 2007. “I have no other interests.” A 2006 U.S. diplomatic cable described him as “among the 2-3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis.” Working for Deripaska, meant Manafort was working for Putin. Deripaska hired Manafort for $10 million a year, and Manafort worked to advance Russian interests in Ukraine, Georgia, and Montenegro.
The question now is why did Manafort continue to lie for Trump? Why would Manafort, who has a law degree from Georgetown and years of experience around white-collar crime, behave like this? What incentive does he have to spend most or all of his remaining years in prison rather than betray Trump? One way to make sense of his behavior is the possibility that Manafort is keeping his mouth shut because he’s afraid for his life.
Trump was working with the Russian mafia for more than 30 years. He was profiting from them. They rescued him. They bailed him out. They took him from being $4 billion in debt to becoming a multibillionaire again, and they fueled his political ambitions, starting more than 30 years ago. This means Trump was in bed with the Kremlin as well, whether he knew it or not…
On November 9, 2016, just a few minutes after Trump was elected president, a man named Vyacheslav Nikonov approached a microphone in the Russian State Duma (their equivalent of the US House of Representatives) and made a very unusual statement.
“Dear friends, respected colleagues!” Nikonov said. “Three minutes ago, Hillary Clinton admitted her defeat in US presidential elections, and a second ago Trump started his speech as an elected president of the United States of America, and I congratulate you on this.”
Nikonov is a leader in the pro-Putin United Russia Party and, incidentally, the grandson of Vyacheslav Molotov — after whom the “Molotov cocktail” was named. His announcement that day was a clear signal that Trump’s victory was, in fact, a victory for Putin’s Russia.
Trump’s inauguration was celebrated jubilantly in Moscow, where Putin supporter Konstantin Rykov hosted an all-night party. Champagne flowed as an interpreter narrated the new U.S. president’s speech. In Washington, the Russian Embassy tweeted, “Happy #InaugurationDay2017!” with a photo of people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Konstantin is Putin’s Internet/propaganda expert, and the person who created Putin’s troll army.
@Chris H I completely disagree! Your side IGNORES the facts that have been laid out to you for all to see! People on YOUR side see things ONE way, trump does NOT lie even though he is a well document pathological LYING conman who has spent his whole life ripping people off!
@Chris H I have pointed out FACTS and EVIDENCE which you CONTINUE to deny! What the FK is the point, if you WILL NOT accept TRUTH and EVIDENCE!
@Chris H WHY do you not be honest and admit, that you DO NOT CARE what trump does! You DO NOT CARE how much he LIES! You DO NOT CARE how much he breaks the law!
You DO NOT CARE that he is CLEARLY incompetent, You DO NOT CARE that he is CLEARLY in at least the early stages of dementia!
He is a white man who, so as far as YOU are concerned, he MUST be defended at all cost’s because he is a white man!
Admit the FK truth for a change!
I was talking to a woman from Russia at the bus stop. She said that she loves trump. She was babuska type and not political so it surprised me.
David J Thank you for taking the time to explain this. I wish more people would understand that Trump is owned by Putin. Sad, but that is the reality.
Fiona Hill put all those Republicans in their place!
@rolysantos Are you afraid of articulate women?
Don’t feel threatened.
It’s ok.
Stop Smoking the Pot
@Ramon Guzman
*Fiona Hill: Hillary Clinton Helps Vladimir Putin by Questioning 2016 Election*
Former National Security Council staffer Fiona Hill acknowledged that failed presidential candidate *Hillary Clinton was only helping Russian President Vladimir Putin by questioning the validity of the 2016 election.*
@Crystal Giddens Ignoring Putin’s attacks is helping Putin.
That’s what you wish we did, but we know what that little manlet did ordering those attacks on the USA.
Rusbots are too stupid to flip the script.
@Angrage Macmuffins Says a Trumpturd affected by TDS.
If Traitor Trump isn’t impeachable, then no president will ever be impeachable, no matter what they do.
Republicans in Congress and the Senate are going to have to choose between America and the Constitution, or the slavish and amoral cult known as Trumpism.
Actually Joe it seems you’re the moron
I mean really if you can’t see the truth by now you’re a fully fledged member of the trump cult
@The Shadow of Truth the rate is almost 3 years of investigations (Mueller report) found no collusion. Also since you have amnesia from 3rd presidential debate before election where Hillary Clinton criticizes Trump for not trusting the possible results of election after she loses you people flip the script. Pure leftist nonsense!
@Sye Williams The truth is Biden actually arrogantly admitted to quid pro quo
Trump didn’t do any quid pro quo. You people are really the walking dead smh
@Judy yeah keep burying your head in the sand. You people are are asking for a leftist globalist camouflaged form of communism dystopia and dont even know it. WAKE UP!
For all of you people that think you know American history and the Constitution go to amazon get a book You Know Something Is Wrong When…..: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause by Judge Anna Marie Reizenger This is not a Republican party or Democrat party book, you’ll just learn the history you’ve never known. Its $5 ebook or free to read if you have kindle unlimited already. WARNING: THIS IS THE RED PILL, so if you’re afraid of unadulterated truth don’t bother, but if you’re a truth seeker read it. I DARE YOU! You’ll never look at the world the same again.
This, “Dr Fiona Hill,” lady is extremely impressive!
She clearly doesn’t suffer fools lol and had every one of those Trump sycophantic Republicans scattering in FEAR with their tails between their legs!
@Morgan J.S. Aaand? Your point is….?
They literally stopped asking her questions, and simply launched into a monologue.
@equinox project I watched every minute of those hearings…gavel to gavel.
Not one witness was as strong as she was. I began to laugh when she spoke up after three of them were just speechless.
That was the best of the entire proceedings!!!
@Jeannie Winters Morgan J.S. was merely responding to the original (unedited) comment which erroneously referred to Fiona Hill as an ambassador.
If there is still not enough evidence for you, you’ll learn democracy disappears when corrupt elected officials won’t need your vote to stay in power!
@rolysantos Like Trump soliciting foreign contribution(thing of value) for his reelection campaign?
I mean, we all know the corruption in the entire country of Ukraine is limited to one single company that employs his political opponent’s son.
@Derek Flynn investigating election meddling is not a crime. go ask President Trump if you think it does.
*Fiona Hill: Hillary Clinton Helps Vladimir Putin by Questioning 2016 Election*
Former National Security Council staffer Fiona Hill acknowledged that failed presidential candidate *Hillary Clinton was only helping Russian President Vladimir Putin by questioning the validity of the 2016 election.*
rolysantos good… very good …ignore everything…. give us all your businesses. Trumps trade war is designed to punish Hong Kong by orders of China. Who cares about American agriculture. China buys 7 % of what they used to and trump calls it a win. Lol. You have no idea how amazing trump is for Vietnam, Thailand and well. SEA. Heck. Budweiser’s are now made in Vietnam. There is evidence…. for other crimes.
The Republicans and their legal counsel would have been way better off NOT asking her a single question. She was AMAZING!
@AlphaNet Telecommunications – well, how about Extortion (not explicitly stated as an impeachable offense in the constitution), BRIBERY (Latin: quid pro quo, explicitly an impeachable offense!) plus high crimes and misdemeanors – spelled in modern language as “abuse of powers” (the entire Ukraine scandal) and “obstruction of justice” (refusal to allow ANY official to testify before Congress).
Dr Hill like all sane, intelligent people is sick of the Trump/Putin bullsh!t.
@AlphaNet Telecommunications
As it turns out, electing an insane malignant narcissist criminal to the highest office in the land.
AlphaNet Telecommunications your crime ? Your crime is being gullible.
*Fiona Hill: Hillary Clinton Helps Vladimir Putin by Questioning 2016 Election*
Former National Security Council staffer Fiona Hill acknowledged that failed presidential candidate *Hillary Clinton was only helping Russian President Vladimir Putin by questioning the validity of the 2016 election.*
I just love Dr. Fiona Hill. She tells it like it is, which is the truth. No republican dared to put her in a box, and as far as her impeccable English (love her accent too), she’s probably embarrassed to have a president who only speaks in illiterate, mob-boss language. Her testimony was very compelling.
@Crystal Giddens you’re a real dummy aren’t you, Or perhaps a Russian bot?
@Babba Ganoush [smile] It simply takes citizens such as yourself, dear friend, to stand up and [not from anger though angry we may be … not from a sense of vengeance, incited seeming revenge or even agitated hopes that the “other” be punished] … BUT from the BEST of who we are confronting our government with our deep-seated concerns, our demands that our governance be issued with an ethical level that cannot be impeached and that our representatives conduct themselves with the HONOR given to them through their high positions.
I’m happy, my friend, to join you …
@Rock the Casbah 21 even the hearsay shows no crime-only whining by bureaucrats that are mad they are not in charge-president runs foreign policy totally
@suzanne adamson you mean like BILLIONAIRES Soros,Bezos,Bill Gates,Zuckerburg,Warran Buffet oops all democrats
@mike swiental The 1% are set 4 many generations to come. I mean republicans now in 2019-2024.
I kinda like Fiona Hill. I’d respectfully request to buy her a drink.
David Wilhelm think you could pull it off? You gonna need big pants
@Linda Scott Durham, it’s a county in Northern England next to Yorkshire. Northern women have a reputation here in the UK for being non-nonsense, practical and straight to the point. Just what this inquiry needed. Dr Hill said she was from a family of coal miners, so working class (what you’d call blue collar)
David W- Agree, but kinda? No kinda, I love this women she is strong and a far, far, far greater champion for the United States of America than ANY of the Republican clowns. She schooled & humiliated every last one of them.
@Alexandra fa I’m definitely out of my league! But you gotta aim high!
Roj H … Hi Roy is that near Hull?
Fiona Hill- American Hero
GOP- Spineless Zeros
Ramon Guzman Agree with you, and even the “reluctant witness” had the guts to show up and take the heat, unlike WH witnesses
@jessica bradshaw
*Fiona Hill: Hillary Clinton Helps Vladimir Putin by Questioning 2016 Election*
Former National Security Council staffer Fiona Hill acknowledged that failed presidential candidate *Hillary Clinton was only helping Russian President Vladimir Putin by questioning the validity of the 2016 election.*
@Crystal Giddens Putin wins both ways you dummy.
He knows that the American electoral system is flawed.
Putin helped traitor Trump take advantage of its flawed electoral college and focused their brainwashing campaigns at specific districts in swing states.
Those denouncing it aren’t playing Putin’s game, they are spoiling it by exposing his game.
We should investigate Putin and his minions like Lavrov and the like.
American interrogators should take Putin to Guantánamo.
Traitor Trump should be waterboarded at Gitmo to find the truth.
Mulvaney just needs a microphone and he’ll confess screaming that that’s the way it goes and get over with it.
Giuliani is ready to throw traitor Trump under the bus.
Putin is about to lose big time when traitor Trump is exposed at trial.
@Crystal Giddens Great Crystal Hillary sucks, she lost, maybe it is time you got over her. So when she calls HRC out you applaud her, yet you seem to have no problem with your dear leader when she thoroughly takes him to task, which is pathetic. Can’t have it both ways dear, sorry.
And that is what it looks like when a group of republican lawmakers are made to look like fools by a woman, who actually takes the national security of The United States, her job and her oath seriously.
All republicans whether in Congress or Senate could learn something from Fiona Hill. Their first and foremost focus should be on USA, the Constitution of The United States, The Law and the American people. It should definitely not be on party matters or an incompetent president.
They made fools of themselves when they got involved in covering 45 Nasty,dirty corrupt behavior..
Having someone in a British accent put American lawmakers in their place is kind of ironic given how America was founded
Fiona Hill comes from a working class background in North eastern England (County Durham). Compare her accent to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. She sounds authentic, even though now a USA citizen.
TheChiefEng so right. That’s because 45 doesn’t understand who a President is supposed to be. He is supposed to be a servant of his country, advancing the interests of his country. 45 is befuddled by all of this because ultimately what he seeks is to advance his own interests and power. More power to abuse in the advancement of said interests.
*Fiona Hill: Hillary Clinton Helps Vladimir Putin by Questioning 2016 Election*
Former National Security Council staffer Fiona Hill acknowledged that failed presidential candidate *Hillary Clinton was only helping Russian President Vladimir Putin by questioning the validity of the 2016 election.*
Summary of Fiona Hill’s testimony:
Wake the F’ Up America, this is NOT a drill!
@Ramon Guzman – And she *didn’t* like getting ‘called out’ on it, either…
I was in occupied Germany from 1963 ~ 66 // The Soviets were like German Gestapo! I know the difference between a Republic and a democracy! There really is no such thing as A socialist democrat! You see, if that were true, there’d be no Constitution, because there’d be no Republic for which it stands”: The USA with out being a republic would by now be a huge dictatorship like Russia or China. // Look at the difference between No Korea and So Korea? One is of Capitalism and the other is a ruthless dictator. The Common people suffer in a socialized government, because there’s no Bill of rights! . If you’re not a millionaire what do you really think is going to happen to you in a Social Government? What are your basic skills? That’s where you’ll be and never a possible chance to change. // The liars write with opinion, because they’re granted freedom of speech. In reality isn’t freedom of speech shut off in a government controlled society? Isn’t that what these liars want so bad that they’re blind to the reality? // I’m not Their enemy but MSNBC is!
@Leo Ortkras WELL SAID Leo :o)
@Jeannie Winters I was in occupied Germany from 1963 ~ 66 // The Soviets were like German Gestapo! I know the difference between a Republic and a democracy! There really is no such thing as A socialist democrat! You see, if that were true, there’d be no Constitution, because there’d be no Republic for which it stands”: The USA with out being a republic would by now be a huge dictatorship like Russia or China. // Look at the difference between No Korea and So Korea? One is of Capitalism and the other is a ruthless dictator. The Common people suffer in a socialized government, because there’s no Bill of rights! . If you’re not a millionaire what do you really think is going to happen to you in a Social Government? What are your basic skills? That’s where you’ll be and never a possible chance to change. // The liars write with opinion, because they’re granted freedom of speech. In reality isn’t freedom of speech shut off in a government controlled society? Isn’t that what these liars want so bad that they’re blind to the reality? // I’m not Their enemy but MSNBC is!
And yet the Republicans pretend not to have heard anything impeachable.
@Jen C If a witness testifies to his guilt and also clearly contradicts that testimony, is the contradiction not sufficient cause for reasonable doubt?
Yeah, I presumed that you’re a liberal. So what? You’re not on trial, and I’m well aware that it’s only a presumption.
@Chris H I was trying to make a point that you are clearly too obtuse to understand. I’m out of this pointless conversation. There’s nothing stronger than a person holding on to their own ignorance.
@Jen C Yes, you’re point is that details like witness testimony don’t matter to you. That’s fine. Stay ignorant.
@Chris H You are infuriating! I say that ALL of the testimony matters – you say testimony doesn’t matter to me. You have put words in my mouth more than once during this conversation, which I find not just incredibly rude, but also an excellent indication that you don’t understand what I’m talking about, or you don’t care.
What is the point in trying to carry on a debate while the other party twists your comments and is completely inconsistent within his own. If you can’t trust Sondlands testimony, how can you hold his words out to justify anything, such as you did? You have contradicted yourself and mocked my comments without holding up a shred of evidence. You know, facts? They are important here.
You are not. Say whatever you like. I’m done.
@Jen C What are you talking about? I literally posted relevant parts of Sondland’s testimony, and you responded saying it was pedantry. So are you interested in the facts or not. You’ve now claimed both.
It’s a shame that a British person is more patriotic towards America than some American politicians in congress.
i don’t trust brits you liberals are the traitors.
@takfi I know. She is an American citizen, born in Britain, which makes her British (and American).
But you guys get my point.
@H W Sure. Liberals are the ones working for Putin. You shouldn’t trust OR distrust someone based on where they come from.
@rootytuners I know. She is an American citizen, born in Britain, which makes her British (and American).
But you guys get my point.
*When an Honestly mistaken Man is confronted With Truth & Facts, he will either cease being mistaken or cease being honest.
*Now we’re watching in real time as GOP members are actively encouraging the “Normalisation” of Criminal Activity!*
**SEDITION: is conduct such as speech & organisation, that encourages discontent towards established laws & order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution & incitement of resistance against an established authority. Sedition may include commotion, though not necessarily aimed directly to open violence. Seditious words in writing are seditiously libel.*
*A seditionist is one who engages in, or promotes the interest of sedition.*
Farmer Bob, great comment!!
i’m in love with fiona hill. the way that she basically shaded congressmen from running out of the hearing room was priceless.
ashley Me too!!!!! When I grow up, I want to be like Dr. Fiona Hill…. and I am 53!!!!
Remember, Moscow Mitch doesn’t want any security on our elections.
And Lindsey Graham is a coward. Not only lying but Bragging about Lying. The quick mind up until 2016, a mucked up mess right now.
I honestly believe that McConnell should be alongside the Trumpians that deserve to be called traitors and belong in prison! They are not serving our country and that is for sure.
why why ? why are they playing up so hard to Putin ? what do they want from him?
Dr Hill is indeed America’s gain, and sadly Britain’s loss.
A most capable and outstanding lady.
Fiona Hill, a no nonsense northern UK lass tells them how it is!
Clear, succinct and neutral – Fiona Hill tells it as it is … politicians who spin a different narrative do so at their peril.
Trump the ripper: “I took the knife out of the wound of my victim officer, no harm done.”