Chris Hayes: Biden Won—And It Wasn’t Close | All In | MSNBC

“Our perception of what happened has been colored by the trickling vote counts. But take a step back. Biden's probably going to win with 306 electoral votes—when all is said and done—flipping five states in the process. That's huge,” says Chris Hayes. Aired on 11/09/2020.
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Chris Hayes delivers the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. Drawing from his background as a reporter, Hayes at times reports directly from the scene of a news event as it occurs to provide a firsthand account, digging deep and speaking with people who represent different points of view. Hayes brings the nation's officials, legislators, policymakers, and local activists to the table to address key issues affecting communities across America.

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#JoeBiden #ElectoralVotes #MSNBC

Chris Hayes: Biden Won—And It Wasn’t Close | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Cliff Medina I’m putting all of this election in Gods hands and whatever the outcome is is the outcome. I have none respect for for Joe Biden never have never will. I will show respect for the office of the presidency but no respect goes to him. If he proves me wrong then I need to eat humble pie. Time will tell.

  1. Fun Fact: t’rump is the only president in history to be a 1-term president, never win the popular vote, and to be impeached – which literally makes him the worst president ever.
    Well, I guess he did say he always wanted to be a historic president. 🤔😅😂🤣

    1. @Konservative Kirby II you are lucky voting is not based on one’s IQ, otherwise I am afraid you wouldn’t make the cut! 😉

    2. @Born Free Don’t play the “what about….” game dude. It’s a weak look. And doesn’t change the fact that t’rump literally said he would sell out our election process for foreign help to win re-election.
      Ain’t no amount of gaslighting gonna change that.

    3. ​@Ro G It is a direct question. And your take on what Trump exactly said seems to be more of an attempt to describe it as worse than it really is. I would rather hear the exact words.

    4. @Born Free Go ahead. It was the ABC interview with George S. We all know what he said and exactly what he meant.
      But sure, go ahead and argue that you need to dissect the nuance of t’rump’s words because he is such a nuanced speaker! 😂🤣

  2. I recently watched the concession speeches of Carter- really nice man, and Bush 1. I suggest crump watch them, if he’s lucid, and he can steal from them.
    He will never be worthy of their dignity and honor.

    1. @PHOTOTRISTAN unless it my imagine….. there was no Russian collusion. Fact it was Hillary that initiated this nonsense. The Dems spent years trying to impeach the President and that didn’t fly either. Whatcha got now. We know how the socialist media wants to control YOU but what happen to Sleepy Joe and his useless son where there was actual evidence?? Crickets!!

    2. @Nina Falzone I notice being a decent human being is not a prerequisite. Statements like: if Trump had discovered a cure for cancer couldn’t be less relevant. Since he’s mentally and morally challenged. We’re all flawed, but each of us needs to see ourselves for what we are. Trump is incapable. Which puts the onus back on his enablers.

    3. @Nina Falzone I notice you don’t stand up for decency. You can smear every oerson on the planet, that does not exonerate Trump.

  3. Look, it’s not that complicated.
    If Trump admits he has lost then he can no longer send emails to his base begging for money to fight the outcome, and therefore he can no longer continue to steal that money.

    1. @Brian Bell Trump is in the red for $400 million dollars, at least. Trump is bankrupt. Do you not follow the news?

  4. I’m an independent and YES I voted for Joe. I may not agree with some of his political reasoning however I know for a fact that 45 reasoning doesn’t even come close to what I think America should be. An i approved this message

    1. Ty Ty: Did you agree with Joe receiving money from China through his son Hunter? Did you agree with Joe withholding US funds (our taxes) to get a prosecutor fired in the Ukraine that was investigating his son Hunter’s company Burisma? Do you want a corrupt politician to fix all of thing that you think are wrong with America? Do you think that will work?

    2. @Jarret Rice the firing of that procecuter was considered a joint effort of congress at the time. The reason the prosecutor was fired was not because of anything to do with Hunter Biden the reason the prosecutor was fired was because he refused to investigate corruption when it came to the president of Ukraine at the time. this is known and documented because several countries asked for that prosecutor to be fired period including great Britain and many senators and representatives here in the states. It had nothing to do with Hunter Biden second you talk about him receiving money from China and you don’t bring up the fact that President Trump has a foreign Chinese bank account they kept secret from people. You also forget to mention that Trump pays only $750 in taxes which is less than the average American pay s in a month period so it is acceptable for your present to be corrupt but it isn’t acceptable for vice President Joe Biden to fire a prosecutor because the senators and several other countries wanted it done at the time?

    3. @Lominoth Productions You are talking about Yuriy Lutsenko, who replaced Viktor Shokin at the request of Joe Biden (based on Joe’s own words). Did Yuriy (who is not a lawyer, but a political hack) investigate the president of Ukraine at the time? Did that corruption get resolved or was it swept under the rug?

    4. @Jarret Rice I believe they were investigating the Ukraine present at the time that’s why the Ukraine present got ousted

  5. Let’s not forget:
    Donald J. Trump is the only “president” who LOST the Popular Vote TWICE IN FOUR YEARS !
    How Joe Biden WON the 2020 Election by the LARGEST MARGIN in Recorded American History !!!

  6. From the time of the announcement of Cov19 Trump spent more time going against the instructions of professionals and going his own way. Not seeking to help the people of America. Treating cures as an infomercial. Openly speaking out against what has been known to work. Mocking those that were willing to listen to good and proper instruction. Putting others before themselves. Scheduling rallies, not caring about Americans health and well being. Slandering others for him and his own family’s belief and wrongdoing. All those rallies, all those risks he desired to take at his supporters expense, where did it get him. NOWHERE.

  7. trumps base have to cool down..they look ugly on tv everywhere in the world…Biden wins whith 5 millions votes..big time

    1. @Dementia Joe Kid Touch Supreme Court dont decide presidents genius. Stop trying to change the rules cause your republican incumbent was so trash he couldnt even win Arizona and Georgia. Yall are gonna feel quite stupid come January 20th when Biden’s your new president, get over it nerds, dont like it leave 😂🤣😂🤡

    1. @Testa Rossa Could that be because of the governors who want people to be locked up because of virus be careful out there not wearing a mask or washing your hands and washing your hands but seriously couldn’t it be because of the governors instead of the president. And by the way if your son or your daughter was President of the United States would you be happy with people calling them names like you people and what you say of Trump? Running them down at every move they Take, every decision they make, everything they say and tear them down would you be happy with that? I don’t think so

  8. The Low Budget President #45 is quietly sending out Fund Raisers to get money to pay for Vote Recounts which is an odd position for a billionaire to find himself in.

    1. Of course if one reads the fine print in all those begging emails sent out to supporters one finds that 50-60% of all that money will actually go towards paying off the debts of the Trump Campaign!

  9. So nice to see just a normal family come out on stage instead of a look at me family with so many tickets on themselves, it is refreshing to see normalcy again. Well done Biden/Harris families.

  10. When Donald steps out of the white house, you can then truly say “Let’s make the United States of America great again.”
    Make us see the light shining bright on that Lady of Liberty …not so long ago…again.


  12. Once heard a political joke: Mother Theresa V Hitler on the ballot; one will get 51% and the other 49% (that’s how polarized the US is).

  13. He lost that’s it and he needs to go. He’s got no choice, sending his Labrador Barr won’t change anything! These racist truly are disgraceful!

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