CNN's Chris Cuomo says President Trump is wrong to ignore the science on the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic.
#CNN #News
Chris Cuomo: We are stuck in an ‘IDK, WTF’ cycle

CNN's Chris Cuomo says President Trump is wrong to ignore the science on the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic.
#CNN #News
Listen to beau of the fifth column
“I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all.”
Love Beau
Yeah, he’s great.
Just a thought
FFS, not the “raking the forests in Finland” routine again!! They laughed him out of the country the first time he said it, but here we go again! Smh. I swear, Trump makes morons look smart. Or is it that he makes morons THINK they’re smart, and that’s his base? I can’t decide.
Bombshell after bombshell the rich get wealthier misleading many to their death is the result of greed.
I DO know that we have been in “WTF” mode since 2016
Yes. When he came down the escalator it was an indication that he would take the country down, down, down …
Yeah, but the longer he’s there, the worse it gets… since we didn’t deal with it like most other countries, and are torturing ourselves by making it an _endless_ cycle of despair and uncertainty, we’re living in the weirdest mindstate… everything is ruined… concerts, movie theaters, restaurants, sports (both amateur and professional)… he’s destroying the post office… everything, and most everyone, is screwed.
When white house came out with “don’t let science stand in the way of reopening school,” we know what our government stands. They are anti science, pray to God will solve everything.
Just cancelled my trip to the US now I know about your exploding trees
chuckle of the day: a science denier talking on a cell phone.
Not even that complex, just using a belt is science… IDK about this ‘stable genius” guy
tj Rioux Not to mention his hair color, skin color, 2” shoe lifts, his corset and his diet coke. He does not know or care, remember he is a sociopath Megalomaniac Narcissist.
Flying on a airplane.
Using orange foundation.
Trump doesn’t care about local virus guidelines or rules. He’ll sacrifice every single one of his followers to try and save his own skin. And that “forest” nations leader completely refuted what trump quotes him as saying… trump. has. to. go. PERIOD!!
Oh brother.
Why in the hell is none of these people being arrested
@Deplorable Cat if it wasn’t for trump there would be no need to place thousands of sick people in nursing homes. and fyi- why weren’t they placed in hospitals…oh thats right the hospitals was full. hmmmm and trump kept saying its not that bad. trump as the [president literally left governors to fend for themselves and he refused top help them, trump kept saying ti nots that bad and its going to magically go away. where do you put patients if the hospitals are overflowing???
trump ddint care. governor cuomo did the best he could rather than putting them on the streets. it was like a war zone and we had no president. trump will be charged with crimes against humanity when this is all over.
Who needs to be arrested??????? You….. TRUMP 2020……
@Miss Spirituality if you honestly believe there was a pandemic I am done talking to you. I bet you watch your mainstream news and haven’t bothered to research anything, have you?
@Zondra Terry my god it sure is easy to fool you leftards
America is one big Reality show now and the only one laughing is the rest of the world this is what happens when you go from a reality show to the White House
we kind of stopped laughing a while back and now we are just horrified for you
I don’t think they are laughing because what happens to us affects them. They are living in fear.
I’m in France and I stand with you. Get this bad president out and everything will restore.
“Nothing more could have been done”
– A smug psychopath.
@Heather Mefford But, yeah, seems like a total bot, huh?
Like, people keep calling me a Marxist, and i’m like, what century are *you* livin in, comrade?
He think this about every tragedy. It is what it is…
ummmm… sounds more like his ideology of Coronavirus recently with the death toll. Just heartless. 
@LaDyZiNaDa He’s proud. Like Mussolini was.
@LaDyZiNaDa And we know what happened to Mussolini.
Everyday has been a wtf moment since trump got in.
“All blame no shame!” put it on a t-shirt; I’d buy it.
It’s gonna cool down. He sounded so stupid even he had to laugh at himself.
I fell out my chair
Like a pre k kid
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
@Stephen Vierling Dude stfu, there’s more damage going on right now that 200 people destroying an abandoned courthouse and a car lot. You care about federal land burning so much? Then go be a fire fighter and help California. You’re crying about something that’s OVER instead of paying attention to what’s still happening. Those riots have been over ages ago when the feds left. What you see is still on repeat of something that’s already done. You can’t see the forest for the trees, no pun intended. Go cry about your delusions to yourself in your mom’s bed.
@Mason M I agree with you 100% that many Trump supporters have a blind allegiance to him. Absolutely, and it’s sad. But I’ve also noticed a similar trait on the left in the sense that criticisms of certain liberal positions will not be tolerated even via civil discourse. For example, if the right says there are political implications to BLM with which they disagree, it is replied, without open dialogue, that BLM is absolutely apolitical and anyone who disagrees is racist (and can be fired).
@Stephen Vierling death of black cops? Destruction of black businesses? Single mother hood that affects all races? And what causes that? Oh right, THE DEMS! Go take your hallucinatory need to find nonexistent fantasy threats when you’re blind to inequalities created by the right that’s been responsible for every mass shooting and denies people to have health and assistance. Trash human
@Mason M Also, while it’s true that liberals have a much better record with science, they have one blind spot when it comes to sex and gender. I get called pathetic by liberals, for example, when I say that it’s normal to sexualize female breasts since they can signal high levels of estrogen and fertility. Body positivity has become a cult myth. [I’m not saying this is you, btw.]
Half these Trumpist comments on YouTube are Russian fake accounts, and the other half are degenerates that actually believe there lie, and a small number of genuinely evil people that project that evil falsely unto others.
I’m surprised he didn’t say: Its will magically cool down and disappear
It will it’s called an Ice Age. Unless you believe Trump is going to not allow an Ice Age somehow
I can’t believe you guys actually believe the president is in control of the climate please do some research about volcano eruptions learn a little bit more about how the Earth evolves without us
Just in time for seasonal flu.
Richard Clair there are things we can do.
Trump don’t care about the voters that’s voting for him or Biden
Shut up
Your mom doesn’t care for you either.
Copy and paste. Everyone must vote. ” A NO VOTE IS A VOTE FOR TRUMP “.
every single day: “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest”
Yep : “If you elect a madman, you gotta live in his madhouse”.
40% of our neighbors have taken that flight. Let’s hope it’s not a one-way ticket.
Bless everybody like you three who haven’t drunk the Kool-Aid…
The trolls have been out in full force lately… and it’s only gonna get worse from now until whenever the election result is fully counted and finalized.
Biden/Harris must end this nightmarish disaster. We can’t take four more _months,_ let alone four years. Drumpf is running us into the ground like we’re one of his businesses, except he’s getting thousands and thousands of our citizens killed, and ruining the lives of everybody else.
It doesn’t matter does Mara what they say I’m still going to vote for Donald Trump you can say anything to the Sun I’m sorry it is what it is that’s my story and I’m sticking to it

Trump sitting up there with his arms crossed, like he’s missing an episode of ‘Gillian’s island’ or something.
You just mad. Smart educated people see through fake CNN news but not you. You know better right? We were all wrong last time. LOL not. You people are so stupid for even believing CNN. Proven fact of fake news period. Claim its not true if you dare.
It’s called let’s see how many people I can kill
Benjamin R

And which news channels do you “smart, educated” people watch?
@Benjamin R – Smart educated people don’t massacre the language with phrases like “You just mad.” Smart educated people know the difference between “its” (possessive) and “it’s” (contraction of it is).