Chris Cuomo: Trump’s claim is a winning argument

CNN's Chris Cuomo discusses how Trump taking hydroxychloroquine, despite the FDA warning about the drug, could be a political move.

#Cuomo #CNN #News

Chris Cuomo: Trump's claim is a winning argument


  1. Thank you Chris. It’s also a distraction for the injurious and possible illegal firing of inspectors general

    1. Shiftyeyes775 /potentially/ illegal obstruction of justice if Mike Pompeo asked the inspector general be removed specifically to stop the investigation into Pompeo by the inspector about pushing Saudi Arms deals

    2. Emmet Harrigan haha. Everything he does to you cry babies is obstruction. Did Obama obstruct on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch ? He’s the fucking President. Get over it. Trump2020

    3. Emmet, you’re fucking dumber than these assholes on CNN. Trump has every right to fire them. Do you people ever look into how anything works, or is it just a genetic defect in you?

    1. And he wants us to die.bc he knows that his worshippers will get out of their death-beds and crawl through Pig’s blood to get to the polls to vote for him. VOTE AMERICA VOTE TRUMP OUT !

    2. @Jack Soxman i would Vote for them. Of course i would Vote for a turkey sandwich to make sure Trump doesn’t get reelected.

    3. ღSwnsasyღ _ It’s a generic drug for starters. His family trust is run by J.P. Morgan, he has about the same chance of earning off that as anyone holding a index fund. Why don’t you go buy some pharmacy stock if it’s some cash cow. I just read a article about how pharmacy stocks are what most people are shorting right now, so good luck

    4. I mean, you guys are so dumb that you still listen to chris coumo even after he said he hates his job on live air! I mean you guys are just that dumb!

  2. Will this drug make me lose weight? He did say Hydroxycut, rt? (haha)
    I know what you guys will say to me…”you’re fired.”

  3. It is exactly like the story that the IG was fired because Pompeo was asking someone to walk his dog. No, he was being investigated for an illegal arms sale to the Saudis. Trump is king of meaningless distractions.

    1. Yea, it’s called winning.. he’s been winning for nearly 4 years and he’ll continue winning for another 4. Surprised you hadn’t noticed sooner!

    2. In the meantime Democrats are murdering old people in this country! The Democratic policy has been to put recovering covid 19 patients in nursing homes! The Democratic party have now become enemy number 1 in my book!

    3. Daniel Glover Don’t talk such shite! Give us a break! The man is a crook and an imbecile. Do you like having a president that is the laughing stock around the world, nobody has any respect for him, only the likes of you. Jesus! the man is ruining your country, breaking all the laws, lying every day, this is what happens when you vote for a conman and failed businessman. He’s the most corrupt president in the history of the country! He’s stealing as much money as he can because he knows there is no way he will be re-elected.

    1. @Geo Pipe69 I don’t think anyone in this world can lie as much as Trump can. 5 public lies a day.

    2. He’s lying. Trump is a narcissistic sociopath they don’t care about people he is not capable of it. Part of Trumps mental illness is that he is not capable caring about anyone but himself, but he holds himself in the highest regards and would never risk doing anything that could even possibly put him in Harm’s Way.

  4. First he said it’s a hoax,and now he’s taking a pill that going to protect him from a hoax???????🤨🧐🙄

    1. @Cuz R The problem with what you “heard” with all you trumpists is that you always leave out words, add words, or take things completely out of context. Sort of like “truth isn’t truth” “don’t believe what you see or hear” or “alternative facts” kind of things.

    2. @Randall Marsh That’s not what he said. He said how serious we need to take the virus right after he called the democrats agenda a hoax. That doesn’t jive with what you claim at all. I’m tired of you guys taking words out of context. It’s just a distraction from things that actually matter like policies.

  5. “His strength and determination to do everything he can” — except wear a damned mask…

    1. Trump is LAWLESS! For his entire miserable life, he’s done what he wanted. F~¢√ the rules! F~¢√ the laws! He has many lawyers to flood the courts to buy him time, even if he eventually loses. now as president he doesn’t even follow his own laws and rules! He put out the regulations to follow for states to open back up and then allows them to open up anyway; even though they don’t meet the criteria. Why? because he doesn’t give a damn about any of us! Remaining in power and embezzling from the country is his only focus.

  6. Would he take a blood test to prove he’s taking it?
    No chance.
    Just like he’ll provide his tax returns.

    1. Art Lawrence , just like he will release the phone call original transcripts of what happened in Ukraine! Yeah they’re selling ice in hell!And so is the GOP

    1. @DAILY BEAST 🤔🤔🤔 invested in a $5 prescription? Or try pushing Remdesiver $4,460 per person? Yeah Trump is trying to make money. 😒

  7. Hydroxychloroquine works for people with immunodeficiency , it’s proven and has been prescribed for a long time .

    1. Chemo therapy is approved for certain cancers. It doesn’t mean it’s safe. It sure as heck doesnt mean it would work for covid.

      Does that make sense? The issue I beleive is one of faulty logic. All of the premises are true but the conclusion is false. I demonstrated an analogous argument and its deconstruction above.

      I’m tired of fighting with people about stuff like this. Saying nothing feels ethically wrong tho. Therfor I am giving the original poster the benefit of the doubt and assuming ignorance instead of malicious intent.

    1. Sharon please don’t have sex.. Your fat ugly and need brains. Trump 2020 landslide victory ✌️ 🇺🇸

    2. I used to do that too and then they hacked my YouTube account and got my information. My life has been a living hell ever since.

  8. Chris CUOMO is one of the best host I have watched.He speaks so decisively and passiomately.You are a credit to your brother Andrew and to America.Thumps up for not toeing the Trump Line.

  9. Excellent point Mr. Cuomo, he’s going to risk his life by taking that drug but he won’t wear a mask.

    1. Solstice of Snow what are you talking about??!!! Governor Cuomo is constantly wearing a mask! 😂

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