CNN's Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon discuss the House passing the Senate's version of an emergency border aid bill and how some Democrats split with their party on the issue.
#CNN #News
Chris Cuomo on border bill: It didn’t have to take this long

CNN's Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon discuss the House passing the Senate's version of an emergency border aid bill and how some Democrats split with their party on the issue.
#CNN #News
BREAKING NEWS: Project Veritas’ documentation of google doing censorship has now also been removed from Vimeo
@J Groovy google does. They also have a liberal agenda and bias
God forbid they show an ounce of empathy for victims of illegal aliens
@gerald heckathorn i save my sympathy for the children and families here in dallas that are hunhry and homeless which consistently help. Let the coyotes who made money from them help them. I do love your name though. It’s a good one.
@Political Foolishness Probably because the content was created by a known far right extremist known for making deceptively edited and spliced attack videos that are subsequently exposed as false facts. But all the bigots and racists sure love to see their hatred justified.
Meanwhile i watched youtube go crazy… and im suffering over other peoples mistakes… i want a solution for the usa! I have alot of good works floating and new age theives have zero limits… etc.
Manufactued crisis blew up in their faces and still blames your President.
@Devin Phillips a threat? what are you smoking kid… no where is anything i said even remotely aggressive. Unless truth threatens you lolol
@Michelle McGuire The best liar is the one that makes you think someone else is.
@Andrew Whitfield …You already did, that’s why I said that. You want to call people names just like a child.
Caring is significant…why didn’t the bill start from the start of the issue?…we didn’t want to provoke president and the presidency…we just needed something done…
Seems like offending each other is something we do all the time…we think we grow up like we say but it’s not what happens…
TRUMP 2020
Hey folks stop mocking these guys. They get paid millions of dollars to drive people away and talk to an ever smaller audience despite a growing population. To me that’s impressive.
Don Lemon gets butthurt when called a democrat or a leftist…Also Don Lemon in this clip “regardless of what the other side say’s or what OUR OWN side says about Nancy Pelosi”. He claims a side here but cries foul when called out on it and claims to be a moderate. Why not just own it since he and everyone else knows it?
, they get paid millions of dollars to spread Fake News
@vrnc M Yea but to fewer and fewer people. You know they will be getting a raise soon even though CNN is laying people off. To be able to turn failure into financial and social success is impressive.
It takes along time when u deny a crisis.
@Dawn Goodman – That foreign aid SHOULD GO TO OUR HOMELESS HERE IN AMERICA… not to rogue socialist governments who end up stealing the money anyway,…. in a situation where the people in those countries who really need it….. never see it.
@BUZZTROLL Inc. A men brother.
@Gerald Colgrove – Happy Friday … fellow patriot… lol
@BUZZTROLL Inc. Back at you brother
What didn’t work so well with the Haitians. I don’t really understand this part
We must also never forget since the Cuban exodus in the 1960s VIOLENT CRIME RATES INCREASED BY 126%
@Danny v oh yah thats right scarface was cuban lol
kamehameha correlation==causation you fucking idiot. By that logic, plastic causes crime because we use more plastic now than ever.
D Vá lazy? Puerto Rican’s maybe, but Cubans? You’re out of your mind
Show me the data Kam.
Those who are can not recognize crisis don’t have solution to the crisis.
Micheal Felix but I thought there wasn’t according to Chris
It didn’t have to take this long?…you clowns on CNN deny it was a border crisis for SIX MONTHS.
They tell so many lies they forget what lie they told and when….
vrnc M ..Actually it’s been a crisis for years. 30,000 a month were crossing under Obama. Trump has been right all along.
You to,d us there was no crisis. You have zero credibility.
@Alec Zitzelberger …..
@Alec Zitzelberger Dude, thats totally incorrect, and I think deep down, you know it.
We already take a million immigrants legally and another million coming in illegally, we’re not going to have a country left
@Alec Zitzelberger your just another uneducated moron
@Christopher Duke *You’re
It took to long because Dems don’t care about anything but their agenda.
And let the CNN backtracking begin
Luckily there are dozens of cnn YouTube videos of cuomo on line showing him bullshitting
You are bullshit. Commie
@Danielle Adair
Just goes to show that all they care about is their agenda. Spreading lies to the point they believe it.
Manipulation!!! I can’t stand both of these guys! They lie and put the blame on others! Are borders are an a crisis! They should be shut down!
criminal adults who decided to cross border illegally need to be jailed for child endangerment!
The president national emergency wasn’t real…right?!
Someone had to die for the socialist Dems to wake up!
They are coming here ILLEGALLY PERIOD! The JUDGE gave a FINAL ORDER, we have to OBEY OUR LAWS so do THEY!
I just came over here for the thumbs down to up ratio, well I’m no clairvoyant but I gotta say I’m not disappointed. You lose again CNN thanks for playin’ Lol!
Cnn, the mouthpiece for left wing radicals, claimed all along this was a “manufactured crisis.”
What changed?
Can’t blame the current
president for that past Obama failures

You wish Obama or Hillary was still in office !
Stop the madness !