After President Donald Trump issued a pardon for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, CNN's Chris Cuomo argues the President only sees corruption as wrong if the perpetrator is caught. #CNN #News
Chris Cuomo argues Donald Trump isn’t normalizing corruption; the GOP is

They got him out of there to make room for the next moron that’s how business is done in Washington
I remember when Ted Cruz wanted to fist Fight him over the ” My wife is way hotter than yours thing “. I do disagree with Chris on one thing. corruption has been rampant for decades in Washington…Decades.
corruption is most rampant in ALBANY. big brother andy shut down the mooreland commission when they got too close to him.
yes, and they knew it was wrong. Now trump comes and thinks it is okay and smart to do. If nothing else he is doing a terrible job trying to hide it. He has no shame.
@melodk None
papadukes523 Cruz is such a disgrace not only as a senator but more so as a man. A real man would have knocked Trump out for his comments about Cruz wife. Instead of standing up for his wife and being a real man but he now sucks up to Trump like a baby kitten!
@BigAl Dodgers There’s got to be more hear than meet the eye. The way slump operates I think he has something on these guys…all of them. Maybe a boys club where Epstein was the grand puubaa.
What changed, is that they got paid!
This whole world gon rotten
Not CNN fan but this one I loved so true so true
Excellent analysis!
“The gop became part of the trump organization “
@PinFish53 It’s “an ignorant, stupid bastard”… I’m sorry that you clearly never learnt how to write. Weird that the Trump people always seems to lack verbal/written communication skills… it’s almost like you’re stupid.
Another bernie bot. Reported!
@DabCat 716 Do you have any evidence of that or did you just not like what they said?
@DabCat 716 : …. tissue ?
Trump: “Do you want America to be ruled…”
No sir, we want America to be governed.
@Maurice Lucious I’d love to see the sources for your comment.
@Duke Togo : The empty headed orgasmic morons at his bullshits fests, er, ” rallies ” for starters.
@Duke Togo if you believe in every CONspiracy theory and talking point that makes you a cult follower. Trump wants to put all his critics and political opponents in prison.
Govern means control and mente means mind. These politicians are not here to serve. Jesus said, The rulers of the gentiles want to lord it over you. He then says that there are benefactors who Lord it over them (the governments).
*yep. it’s the republicans. let’s remember – the GOP was taken over from the inside. it began with the tea party – then morphed into the freedom caucus. it’s now the libertarian party if we’re honest. the entire point of that party now appears to be personal agendas. they are united in their hatred of all things left or democratic. they want just one party and will cheat to get it.*
Nail on the head Mr Cuomo, Graham, Cruz and all the other 2 faced lying wankers should be jailed.
Sorry u were born a Ignorant Stupid Bastard
Echoing echoes in the echochamber.
“I argue that…” now that’s journalism.
This is what corruption looks like
Don’t forget to remind every republican…
Here are a list of Trump corruption you approve of Saudi Arabia rented 3 floors of hotel rooms at the Post Office hotel at 5 times the rate for 2 months. No one occupied any of the rooms Emoluments violation Trump charges our Secret Service $650 per night for rooms.
Trump plays golf, then charges the Secret Service rental on the carts they drive while protecting him. A rate of $2,000 dollars a day.”
At Trump Bedminster the Secret Service has been charged $17,000 per month
A businessman would take the tax write off like presidents Bush 1 & 2 did Bush 1 & 2 provided housing food for the Secret Service in Texas & Maine at their cost Obama provided housing food for the Secret Service in Hawai’i at his cost Don Jr is selling Trump Chinese steel condos via US Embassies Two days after Trump meet with the Mongolian president Don Jr went to Mongolia to shoot and kill an endangered sheep. Jared received a $90 million investment from Saudi Arabia while serving in the Trump admin Jared received a 0% interest repay in 300 years $1 billion “loan” from the Qatar gov after Trump threatened to remove our bases WHERE IS THE INVESTIGATION Princess CommieVanka who receive 16 of patents & trademarks from China and Saudi grants while serving in the Trump administration Ivanka Trump Chinese factories
Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks…77178.82441..84236…0.0..0.1279.3179.1j6j7-2……0….1..gws-wiz…….0j0i22i30.6M83HEM33oM&ved=0ahUKEwiz9pzC7annAhVFCKwKHXmmBIQQ4dUDCAs&uact=5
Luis Encinasjr the fact that you’re getting upset about a comment on a CNN YouTube clip says everything
@Elliot Charles The gentleman is upset because wealthy people commit crimes in broad daylight.
Harry Steele Oh! That’s right… I forgot that Chris Cuomo said it so it must be true. Makes total sense now.
It is an opinion piece. His opinion is not presented as fact. That’s why he specifically says, _”I argue…”_ It’s not a ‘clue’; it’s a statement of opinion by every dictionary definition.
BUT, it’s done properly: here’s a list of *actual things that have happened* & here’s *quotes as supporting evidence* & here’s the *_MY_* *opinion* [based on supporting evidence]. It _is_ a form of journalism; and of debate, analysis etc.
It would be a good model for others to use – across networks, for this kind of commentary.
Being overly analytical, for viewers, or if it was being analysed by e.g. media/ journalism students – at any age – it could serve as a lesson in ‘how to look at news items and form your own opinion’.
As a Brit in the US (& with a background in media/ news analysis), I don’t think US news has a high standard. I find it mostly superficial – it doesn’t dive deep. I think it’s way too insular for people to form a realistic perspective of global views; and I don’t think it covers _nearly_ enough global news compared to what is ‘normal’ in most other countries.
Unless people actively search for international news sources, they remain – and appear – ignorant about global issues; and generally ill-informed about the rest of the world.
I know that’s a generalisation, & mean no disrespect. I do know people who look for more; & I know many people with similar opinions. There is something missing, from news, over here that would make it ‘normal’ – & easy – to be more globally aware.
It’s almost as if your news channels are closer to UK tabloid newspapers than our daily 30 minute ‘6 o’clock news’ shows. By ‘Tabloid’, I mean like the Daily Mail – it _does_ report news – but it’s not ‘Broadsheet/ Quality’ (to use media terms) standard like e.g., the Independent, or the Guardian.
It doesn’t come close to Channel 4 or BBC, or even Sky News (Murdoch owned, not really ranked ‘high quality’ at home) nightly news programmes. They all offer a PBS-type ‘daily world overview’ as well as national news (then usually go to regional news, e.g. BBC Scotland, from 6.30-7). *Every channel* across the UK, & most of the ‘western world’ makes it easy for _anyone_ to just have an awareness about current global & national issues.
People can then watch US-style news with different journalists for further discussions, or opinions etc. etc. on their cable channels.
And I really have a huge issue with Fox News being allowed to call itself that, when it is actually registered as an entertainment channel. It has a couple of news programmes, but it’s *not* a news channel & that’s not common knowledge, so it’s completely misleading.
Just some thoughts…
The camera framing is too high and too close.
This crook was so dirt and corrupt in chicago he breath on you ! you got corrupt too ? and his family member ? pay to pay and get him off and out.
” life is hard by the yard, but a cinch by the inch” Robert E Leahey circa 1980
@1:34 pence speaks nothing. Literally. I laughed.
Hey? I typed in I cannot stand to listen to this….
See? They manipulate everything.
Big tech.
From Grand to “trump organization party”.
Andrew L PickfordIII boo hoo
Increasing “pay to play” is not decreasing?
Excellent argument Chris….keep up the good work(Canada is listening/watching)
Asha I Love you, I Am So HURT. By The way You IS TREATING ME.(CRYING).l Am And Feminine woman.