Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) discusses Covid relief negotiations, says "it's time for [both parties] to reach reasonable compromises, finish this package and send it to the American people." Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#ChrisCoons #CovidRelief #MSNBC
Chris Coons: It’s Time For Both Parties To Reach Compromises On Covid Relief | MTP Daily | MSNBC
You can not compromise with republican traitors.
@S EE he was a patriot until he decided to send the military into 8 unconstitutional wars for his profit. Now, was he a hero in the 70’s. Yes, he was. Remember, the republicans put party over country for 50 years now.
@Trump Lost and you single out one Republican out of all the REPUBLUCANS that voted for those Wars… Where is your stance on Bush… Lying to the American people about weapons of mass destruction… STFU..
Pretty sure that goes for both parties. They are all traitors.
@Lucius Kiirus lol, dont think so.
@Trump Lost You are entitled to think that Congress is fighting for us. Average person is 13k behind on home payments, utilities being shut off and facing homelessness. Neither party is in a hurry to help. Not sure how you see that they are fighting for us, but self delusion is a human right. So I recognize the importance of your opinion.
In our heavenly fathers name mercy to the people!
Democrats support abortion and HOMOSEXUALITY *FACT
I wonder if the people that lived in the Middle Ages who got the plague prayed for mercy? If so and god would not hear them, then why would he hear people from one of the richest nations on Earth? Just wondering.
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“It’s time for both parties to reach reasonable compromises in covid relief.”. No, it’s way past time for both parties to reach reasonable compromises on covid relief!!!
@E Hole Good one A Hole!
@Timmy Truth please explain who just voted down a stand alone stimulus bill this morning put on the floor by Josh Hawley? It was Ron Johnson R- WI. Sanders is going to try again this afternoon. If you want a stimulus I suggest calling Ron Johnson. I’m a conservative but I work with facts and truth….mitch has maintained he would not pass a bill over 500B and without liability protection. Nancy negotiating with the WH was all show because any bill was DOA in the Senate.
It’s not even their money, but the Average person is 13k behind on housing and the most either party is going to give is scraps. No care that children are going to be made homeless.
Way way way past. It’s an insult to the American intelligence( meant for the intelligent only)
@1Drummer Thanks for straightening that out
They played games for months. Mitch GRIM Reaper. Is. Enjoy ing his power. Wants to make sure Republicans keep power.His legacy.
His legacy is the deaths of 350,000 ++++ Americans. Disgrace.
I say we stop paying them (politicians) until they can get it together
they shouldn’t have lights either
Georgia VOTE FOR DEMOCRAT Jan 5 2021!
“The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.”
It’s time for GOP to go to prison for treason and murder.
@Sharon Azevedo lol. It’s because you figured out that the demopedos are cultists and are the true Nazis…. Isn’t it?
@Generalissimo Donald Trump You replied with facts. Youre not allowed to do that when arguing with a lefty.
@DAVE MAURER yeah, I know. But I really enjoy watching them get angry and burn down their own cities.
@Generalissimo Donald Trump Haha! No worries…Kamala Harris will pay thier legal fees…
@DAVE MAURER will heels up Harris ever resign from the Senate? She seems super confident about the big win
Pennsylvania should advise Toomey to not come home. I think they know this next stimulus is no where near enough.
Average person is 13k behind on rent and mortgages. Does Congress care that children are going to end up homeless? Not even their money. We get scraps and the boot.
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Halloween in Usa!!!
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It’s time for America to get rid of Moscow Mitch and his Corporate Stooges.
@ra5928 40% of health care workers said they would not take the vaccine. I wonder if that’s where that number is coming from?
@Lucius Kiirus – They will take the vaccine. I read that most of them were worried about the politicization of this issue. There is no issue. These companies were never the orange man’s lackey’s. He isn’t responsible for anything concerning the vaccines except for opening his pie hole.
@ra5928 Looks like the only one here politicizing anything is you. And for the record there are tens of thousands of medical professional who said they will not take the vaccine because they are worried about the long term health consequences which I think is a BS excuse. I do not care what skin color someone has we are all humans and you should at least pretend you are above that.
@ra5928 Here is proof of what I was saying. Doctor FAKED his vaccination on live TV but he will have NO problem giving it to everyone else.
@Lucius Kiirus – No. Most of the health care workers are worried that it was rushed through too much. That would be blaming the orange turd. That would be making it political. Not me. In fact, they don’t trust the scientists because they think the scientists bowed to tRump, when in fact he had nothing to do with it. Scientists could care less what he things or says or does.
If only one of the parties was pushing for 2,000.00 per person, but they are not. Both D and R are working to screw us over don’t ya think. Forget about months ago, what are they doing for us today?
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His whatapp +1 8-1-2-2-0-0-6-5-7-6
@MSNBC nothing msnbc says or does can be trusted
Tell that to the GOP, they are trying to overthrow Democracy.
@Sweger Shanna no he didn’t
@Generalissimo Donald Trump Oh my bad
@Sweger Shanna that’s right. Can’t wait for him to announce martial law
@Generalissimo Donald Trump Thats not going to happen psycho, do you consider yourself a patriot?
@Sweger Shanna lol. It will get your team of cheaters a first class ticket to gitmo.
You going to burn down your own cities again in protest? Global warmings??
Georgia: You can rid the Nation of Dictator Mitch!
Gosh, we need both parties gone. Neither side is trying to help the people with a realistic amount. Most people are behind about $13,000.00 on rent and mortgages. How are they getting help from D and R parties?
They need to “Poop” or get “OFF” the pot! We are Waiting!
The time for compromise has come and gone for 7 months. I have no confidence in the US congress or the US government period.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” -JESUS
Matthew 22:37-40
Reminder: Under t’rump’s incompetence, Russia has hacked our national security agencies for 9 months without anyone knowing, and now that we do know, t’rump has done as much as my dog to stop it: Nothing.

Georgia VOTE FOR DEMOCRAT Jan 5 2021!
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