CNN’s Chris Cillizza and S.E. Cupp host a live post-show following President Joe Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress, talking through the top moments, answering viewer questions and even playing a new game(!) using their predictions for the President’s speech text.
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Paul Dwyer
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
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#CNN #Cillizza #JointAddress
Paused at 34 seconds in, is she looking at him , “like who picked out that shirt ” . : D
Essie’s facial expressions are always gold
13:45 “You don’t say jobs 98 times by accident…” you JUST DID

you Don ‘ t say jobs 98 times by accident you just DiD
I love The Pointe
is that French or Spanish?
I like turtles
“A politician thinks about the next election ; a statesman of the next generation !”
That’s what Thomas Jefferson had to say !
Thomas Jefferson didn’t think about the next generation. He had children with his slaves, and on his deathbed recanted a promise to free them.
What a strange equation, indeed – blaming someone else so as to coverup one’s own shortcomings/undoing !
Propriety demands that one should better ascertain one’s own status first, prior to raising an accusing finger on others !
Propriety further demands that one should also try to inculcate the habit of seeing goodness in others, as well ;.instead of finding fault on every available opportunity, on the slightest of pretext, and at the drop of a hat ! It raises one’s mental/spiritual level by several notches up !
How right was someone in his assessment in saying – “The favourite pastime of some people is – nothing other than leg – pulling and back – bitting !”
Him thanking his wife and her husband for appearing in the audience was… interesting.
Joe Bidens husband was there?
His wife’s husband is also Harris.
Interesting isn’t very descriptive.
Do you have a point?
Watching grass grow is more exciting than a sleepy demented biden speech.
Who else is watching and reading comments at the same time
I fell asleep, what was that?
@DAVID Everyone here is speaking about a legit broker
@Paula Luis Legit broker? Those words don’t go together.
@DAVID surprised
@DAVID check him out
You know the thing!!!
This great nation of ours was built on principles of all else the requirement of us is to stand up for what we believe in no matter the consequences or odds
Поробуй мне обьяснить рабство
если ты в америке, ты обязан обоссать статую свободы!!!!
обещай сделать это!!!
3 миллиона вьетнамцев….
И этому списку нет конца…
Oh yeah? Well I’m still waiting for Nancy’s arrows. Anyone remember that? While Barret still sits on the bench.
Chris and S.E. here — we had a blast doing a live post-show after the Biden speech! Do you think we should do more of these?
@Rad tech companies
@T Satyamsetti pnjb
2 uploads to hide the 10k dislikes live. Both reuploads have a worse like/dislike ratio. People don’t like either of you 2.
I found the contrast between the conservative former ballerina turned commentator and the self admitted nerd amusing, I am slightly twisted though. S.E.’s audio was jumbled a couple of times for me, and it will be nice if you do this in the future with this match up to have a bit more back and forth. Thanks for the segment and the question.
Try to report the truth, it real not that hard.
Dude get your ears checked. He said “we the people are the government”, what’s wrong with you??
@Proverbial Mind_Spread NO, I just call all the magatards I know in real life and ask them if they watched – not one of them answered because I don’t know any. Where do you get your information? OAN, Faux, Newsmegs?
@Proverbial Mind_Spread Just one, you
only a racist would ask that question
@Omoke Morara they just make stuff up to troll. Sad little sheep without a shepard
Our Constitution opens with the words, “We the People”.
It’s time we remembered that We the People are the government. You and I.
Not some force in a distant capital. Not some powerful force we have no control over.
It’s us. It’s “We the people.”
Someone watch this before you upload. There’s buffering errors all over the place
“A nation of sheep will soon have a government of wolves.”
Edward R. Murrow.
Just had the government of wolves….did you like trump and his chaos? his lack of caring about the people of this country?
Interestingly enough the republicans are the party of Sheep…they all toe the line and do what the boss says just like now with trump out of power they are still bowing down and kissing his ring out of fear….they were only wolves because they had a pack leader in charger not a true leader.
@Dale Hartley I refuse to believe any human being could actually be this delusional.
@Beans NCornbred I take that you are implying me? If so welcome to reality
and most of the world. If you meant Kong well First off it is only accredited to Murrow and was actually said earlier by ““A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves” has been credited to French philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987) since at least 1949. It is probable that de Jouvenel originated the saying.” and also
then I am right with you. But feel free to clarify yourself.
““To Thomas Jefferson: A Tribute,” pg. 4, col. 2:
We affirm, in the face of unparalleled examples, our agreement with your abhorrence of government by tyranny: “To have an idea of the curse of existence under (governments of force), they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep.”—Letter to James Madison, 1787.”
both drawn from For the true legwork on the historical background of the saying.
I would also point out that since Trump tried to seize power through various different means, all of which were illegal and unconstitutional, HE truly represented a “wolf” government since it is as close to a tyranny as the US has gotten since its inception. His attempted Coup was the final straw and clearly seen by the American people who took DOWN trump flags in mass ( i live in a very red area of Illinois and from a probable 50 we went down to 4 houses overnight after that).
So if you mean Kong is delusional
Chris, I love hearing from both of you guys, but this video was thrown together in a hurry, and it’s poorly edited. It’s a mess. I’m guessing that’s why you later posted a shorter, cleaned-up, version. But I would have taken this one down.
Chris Cillizza reminds me of a middle aged Jim Levinstien from American Pie! Lol
Who watch the speech and then thought to them self why isn’t grandpa in a home
Nobody, after Trump Biden is a breath of fresh air.