On the sidelines of a G20 meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his displeasure with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that details of the pair’s brief meeting Tuesday were "leaked" to the press.
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I miss the old days when diplomacy were more decent
@Venture Ontario he is a court jester and is trying very hard to to perform his job as best as he possible can.
@Venture Ontario the right voted for trump? I thought it was the russians… Oh wait we know how that went now. U have no clue.
@Wyliam Ulayye is a TV brain.. trying to think as hard as it can
@Venture Ontario You are venturing too much. When Trump came in, Diplomacy was already on the street. He just took her, washed her and made her Twitter presentable.
@OLD lmao does everyone defending him just say dumb things as a hobby?
An adult scolding a child with the expected response.
It’s a common sense of not talking to a lapdog, but its master
How Xi spoke to Trudeau is exactly how I would speak to a misbehaving child. We are so screwed lol
He had talked to Trudeau’s dad, Biden, for three hours and didn’t want to talk to the child, who couldn’t decide anything, but had to meet as a courtesy.
Just imagine if Xi had to speak to Pierre Pollivre – Trudeau was at least respectful and firm with Xi. Just imagine a temper tantrum crybaby like Pierre in that position “how much how much how much how much how much” – we’re lucky we don’t have to worry about having a right wing extremist for a PM.
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity.
@Forsaken Bacon if you know president Xi. He is pretty humble.
When your boss is not happy with your performance.
You get around don’t you?…..lol
its more like when your boss is fed up with your belligerent.
Now Justin won’t be getting his Peking Duck with his Xmas bonus.
I’m sure he’ll try harder next year.
“We in the Liberal Party believe in embarassing ourselves”- Justin Trudeau
When ur dad was a pm u don’t really face hardships ,u become entitled and grand without the work behind
Eight more years for the Libs, shill.
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity
Why’d they cut off Trudeau’s nervous walk in the end?
Because you could see the stain.
I’m very interested to see that part !
@HeyWatchMeGo Lmao! That’s why he hurried off nervously to the Men’s Room. Hahaha!
Because he rushed to see Daddy Biden for comfort.
We Canadians should learn and know what is common sense and politeness , especially as a country leader.
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity…….
After Xi turned and walked out of the camera, He added “very naive” that is not interpreted.
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity…..
No, it’s indistinguishable sound you can’t even tell if that came from xi.
I think Xi also murmured “what a sissy”
What he really said was, „ I am going to make you into an example…“
Haha I was actually very interested in knowing what he said (which I was 100% sure was dissing Trudeau)… Because I had very similar thoughts
“In Canada, we believe in a free and open and frank dialogue”… unless you happen to have parked your truck in downtown Ottawa or have “unacceptable views.”
Hypocrite of the highest order
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity…..
When your boss is fed up with your poor performance at work and decided to fire you. Oh look, he is coming at you to tell you bad news now.
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity…..
Focus on the last Word Xi said, “天真” ,which means “naive”
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity…..
Trudeau was terrified of what his boss was telling him
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity…….
We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity
The face on Trudeau while listening

We can talk privately, don’t miss out the opportunity
You cut out the best part of the video, when Justin trots off awkwardly at the end.
Experience vs Inexperience. Trudeau tried to answer XI like he would reply to a tough question from a reporter LOL.
Ping is just saying what we as Canadians are all thinking
Show me don’t tell me.
After shaking hands, president Xi literally said Very Naive
“In Canada, we believe in a free and open and frank dialogue” This applies to common people’s life, but not diplomatic affairs.