China Analyst and Former Chinese Prisoner Peter Humphrey says the two Canadians detained in China have not been given any of the normal conditions required under the United Nations' treaties on the treatment of prisoners and torture.
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Awesome. What prisoner said matters!
Lock her up!!
What I don’t understand is why is she still in Canada , the americans want her ffsakes just send her there it’s so very simple , rule of law blahhblahh blahh she’s not our problem
She is fully entitled to full due process of Canadian law – Get it? As far as I am concerned, put her in a SRO on Hastings Street on a top floor
Trudeau is also a fan of Jewish nougat.
Who will ever go to China voluntarily now that you can get kidnapped as a political prisoner? China tourism is dead!
Spying is a terrible crime, usually punishable by death.
I only go to 1st world countries. I won’t support communism if I have a choice.
Most places around the world are shitholes.
we need China desperately have you seen how england & Canada overcharge for their products GTFO
Never never ever travel to Canada!!..Canada is very dangerous country!..Canada is kidnapping country!..
Stay out.
Yes we have UYGHUR lovers
here as well.may want to stay away
Rule of law country Wtf!!..kidnapping cfo is unlawful…
Stop believing CCP propaganda. She’s living in her $10 million dollar house in Vancouver, waiting for extradition to the USA because she committed financial fraud.
mrs meng is vacationig in Canada not prisoner
Who would have thought it only took two arbitrarily arrested citizens 4C TV to turn the narrative against China. Not so long ago you guys were saying how the epoch times is conspiracy propaganda and we can trust the CCP the WHO and the No mask dr.tam…. lol

What would be the best deal for both countries to trade Justin Trudeau
Revoke all Visa’s
Revoke all double passport holder’s citizenship.
I salute Trudeau’s courage. We do not make deals like thugs do. Our justice system and our values are not for sale to the evil CCP.
tell that to Ms. wilson raybould
canada is a tin can republic beating its own citizen down & torturing the mist vulnerable
This show is kind of propoganda.
Trudeaus little Chinese princess will probably flee to China with his help first chance she gets.
We all still very basic very primitive thinking our group is perfect and not the rest
Spy evidence and court disclosure please.
Why everybody insult China without China we could not survive. Our gov. overcharge the poor for everything. They doing ugenics in CA
The government is doing ugenics to the canadas most vulnerable. Their living conditions are inhumane
Spying is a crime punishable by death