A Chinese spokesperson says Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor were released due to health conditions. CTV's Michael Boyer reports.
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The timing suggests otherwise
Sorry, not buying what you are selling.
Cons hate seeing Justin win bahahahah BEST PM EVER. THANK YOU JUSTIN. LIBS RULE!!!!
@GNR 1978 Forever Go back to sleep.
@the bongheadization He’s a spam troll LMAO
@GNR 1978 Forever You seem to be brain washed beyond help .
@Randal Gardner Sorry but you’re wrong, one needs to be a DemoRat for that which I’m not. But I’m sure you are.
If they say its true it must be, right?
Yes they were. Everyone knows it, stop wasting our time and yours.
You are being very naive
Money always talks
@Kevin Birch, do tell. I’m assuming you are not naive.
That’s like saying the the gasoline in a vehicle has no correlation to the tires spinning
Well, correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation.
@Ocean Wave so you think these instances are unrelated?
So who are we holding that has them holding 4 other Canadians?
So it’s just “coincidence” they were let go at the exact same time that ho was released? Ok…sure
I believe that
“Canada was successful”. What part was successful?
@m k And what would you have done. Convened the A-Team and gone in guns blazing?
There was really no other way for this to play out. It was all up to the USA.
@m k Was not a success but honestly I got no clue what you would have done differently. It was all up to the USA.
Investment King Why wouldn’t we release Meng ourselves 2 years ago and save two years of each of the michaels lives…
This was very clearly hostage diplomacy and our Canadian government is too weak and cowardly to call it was it very clearly is…
@m k I smell a moron…. is that what the ‘m’ in mk stands for? Askin for a friend…..
@GladiatorSlows ain’t saying it was not hostage diplomacy.
I’ve never been more embarrassed to be Canadian!
Same. Our country is an absolute joke now. Couldn’t even be invited to AUKUS
Why are you embarrassed?
If you were Canadian maybe I would believe that.
Hostage diplomacy
I wonder why we have “Trust” issues.
Should of gave her the chair
It’s almost as if they have never had to learn how to construct a believable cover story.
They believe power overcomes truth and reality.
Peeing on my feet and telling me it is raining
Justin saved them. That’s what $600mil was for. To keep Justin in power so he could save the two Michaels. Right?! Hellooo?! Is this thing on
Makes sense they traded them for that wombat
something only the Liberal Cabinet would believe.
I find this headline impossible to believe
We believe you while millions do not!!!!
You see guys, they were held hostage for a completely different reason.