1. A cease fire is not to the advantage of Lockheed martin, raytheon, boeing, Northrop grumman, General dynamics, Bae systems, L3 harris, and Huntington Ingalls

    2. ​@barn owl ​@m china doesn’t put guns on anyone head to accept Chinese peace proposal. If western countries don’t agree on it , Usa or any other country or block of countries should come forward and put their peace plan forward on start to talk zelenski and putin

  1. Both lost the war. Russia evidently didn’t achieved the plan they intended to do and lost thousands of lives and economy impacts. Ukraine on the other hand, lost lives, infrastructures crumble. War is hell and the traumatized of the Ukrainians generation for years to come for best and worse.

    1. Хорошо, что весь мир поддерживает Украину военной техникой с лозунгом «нет войне», хороший шаг к третьей мировой войне. Идем дальше, привет из 🇷🇺

    1. The benefit of a ceasefire depends on who wins more on the current battlefield. At present, the Russians are occupying more and more land. The continuous war will only cause the Ukrainian people to lose more land and lives.

  2. the so called peace plan only caters to russia. So it is a total no go . And in germany was a demonstration of the left wing party “die Linke” which basically said the same “we want peace” which sounds great right? but if yoou read behind the lines they also only cater to russia and want ukraine to fall. Just saying Peace plan dooesn’t mean anything when its an one-sided thing. Slava Ukraini!

    1. ​@m china doesn’t put guns on anyone head to accept Chinese peace proposal. If western countries don’t agree on it , Usa or any other country or block of countries should come forward and put their peace plan forward on start to talk zelenski and putin…

    2. No, it a PR are Stunt. Even Russia wouldn’t accept the conditions and the Chinese know it. Call their bluff, tell them to send a high level minister to Ukraine. They won’t do it. LOL 🤣

    1. China is protecting its interests and it is to its advantage if the EU comes under Russian rule. Those Russian sanctions aren’t going away until the Russia accepts defeat and the people behind the crimes against humanity there are arrested, tried and if convicted punished. The USA and NATO hold all the cards. China has no power here and is placating the Russians so they can continue buying cheap oil from them. China is also testing the waters regarding NATO resolve, particularly USA resolve, to apply sanctions to China if they don’t back down in helping the Russian war effort.

  3. Also, I don’t know how China can try to be a peace mediator when all they did is talked to only one side which is Russia. They did even bother to go to Ukraine to talk with anyone there. Is this how one try to mediate peace for both sides? It is absolutely absurd.

    1. @David Kottman sure, people in China don’t have cell phones and social media don’t even exist there! Keep hyping!

    2. The benefit of a ceasefire depends on who wins more on the current battlefield. At present, the Russians are occupying more and more land. The continuous war will only cause the Ukrainian people to lose more land and lives.

    3. @David Li Well you’re an idiot if you actually believe trains never derail in a nation the size of China, or the concrete buildings never fall down, or the leaders never make stupid choices, etc. Maybe China is better or worse than America, but all these things occasionally happen everywhere

  4. Exactly if China has something positive to add to stopping war in Ukraine than great. But don’t expect Ukraine to give up any land. Including Crimia. Otherwise China has nothing to add

    1. China is prepared to send supply lethal aide to Russia in crates labelled refrigerators. Some neutral peace broker eh.

    2. Разве народ в Крыму хочет быть вместе с Украиной? Почему Россия должна терпеть, чтобы остальной мир одобрил? Что вы возомнили о себе, если даже не знаете историю своей страны 😂

    1. Putin emptying his prisons and 9/10 dying. Making room for anyone that doesn’t agree. He’s probably glad he doesn’t have to feed the convicts and sending them to their death. He won’t lose any sleep over it.

    2. I totally agree with you. They will never go to the Frontline but sit in their offices and command our young men and women to sacrifice their lives for nothing. This is the main reason I quit the military.

  5. It would be a nice gesture for China to give Russia some territory. I am guessing that the peace plan will favour Russia and set a future precedent for Chinese endeavours. I never thought that the Chinese had a sense of humour but I could be wrong.

    1. When Africa was been emptied, enslaved and colonized by Europe and America — ONLY the Soviet and China helped Africa attain it’s independence. My father and I fought in one of those wars of liberation alongside the Russians and Cubans….
      They DO NOT make movies about families like ours, because they hate everything we achieved for ourselves against all odds….

    2. The CCP is just trolling the russian govt’s invasion of ukraine on. Why make all the mistakes on Taiwan, when they can let Russia test the waters lol. That and they can pretend to have tried for peace to their domestic censored audience. Just my personal opinion.

    3. The benefit of a ceasefire depends on who wins more on the current battlefield. At present, the Russians are occupying more and more land. The continuous war will only cause the Ukrainian people to lose more land and lives.

  6. When I was a little boy in east Germany and came home from my friendship with the Soviet Union lessons at school, my granddad took me aside every day to tell me: “Nothing good has ever come from Russia.” Now almost 50 years later I understand.

    1. @holycow343 there would only be a radioactive wasteland where Russia used to be if it was up to people like me. But you are right about something, Russia is poisoned with nuclear waste, why do think they need to get out. Imagine bigging up Russia but never actually been there lol misery loves company, have a good stay lol don’t rush back.

    2. @FunnyFlix meh the fact that you thought Russia started WWII by invading Poland without knowing the pretense behind that invasion was because Poland illegally annexed territories from the Ukrainians and Belarussians (again the irony), is proof that you are far more susceptible to propaganda than I am buddy. At least I prefer the side of peace. Westerners has learned nothing from WWI and WWII hence the reason why world wars always start in Europe.

  7. Thank God for the peace making 🙏, China 🇨🇳 can tell Russia 🇷🇺 to go home, easy 🙏 🙌, God bless Ukrainians 🙌 🙏, stay strong 💪.

    1. I watched 3 minutes on US TV the other day, it showed how the goods are all still reaching Russia from other countries, after those goods are shipped overseas from other countries, whose governments have not sanctioned Russia yet. These goods included luxury vehicles going into Russia. They showed Truckers lining up for miles going into Russia with every kind of goodies Putin could possibly want.
      I was ready to gag…

  8. Personally, I think that a diplomatic resolution is the best course of action. Both parties’ provision of firearms is not beneficial to anyone.

    1. @Shawn Murray😂🤡 Ваша политика на западе выполняет все договоренности, и по ядерному оружию? Лицемеры

    1. China has good relations with both Ukraine and Russia, so it is the perfect mediator. China is condemning NATO and EU, not condeming Ukraine, actually China is telling Russia to respect Ukraine borders

    2. @Mike Evans Why is China condemning the EU and NATO? The EU is an economic collective not a military organisation and when has NATO ever threatened Russia or China?

  9. Ukraine should propose a peace treaty that involves China giving up some territory that not even theirs(that being Taiwan).

    1. 13. Communist China removes its military support from Myanmar.
      14. Communist China agrees to stop its adventures north of India.
      15. Communist China agrees to pull its Mafia Casinos from Cambodia.
      16. Communist China agrees to stop shipping Fentanyl to Central America.
      17. I could on, but its time for dinner.

  10. There are two points mentioned in this video that are key:

    One is by Victoria Nuland beginning about 1 minute 20 seconds into the video. “It can’t simply be a cynical cease-fire that allows the Russians to go home, rest, refit and return.”

    The other is at about 8 minutes 11 seconds, “Their fear is that delaying a more aggressive push against Russia will means, ultimately, defeat for Ukraine.”

    Of course! Can you imagine the United States “winning” the war in the Pacific by adopting a policy of defending the west coast of the United States and maybe warning Japan that any Japanese military airplanes, surface ships or submarines that cross the International Dateline will be treated as hostile and subject to interdiction?

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