Health Minister Patty Hajdu says if China was not honest about the COVID-19 outbreak to the WHO, they need to be held to account.
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Trump says this about China and he’s a racist. Liberals say it and it’s okay. Hilarious.
@Hans Otto Kroeger what? He was just following CDC and WHO guidelines. Reason he pulled out of funding both by the way. Wise move in my opinion. They’re both politically compromised.
Trump 2020!
@Hans Otto Kroeger Back up your comment with facts and not just your opinion. Please provide details of your claim and not made up facts that suit your liberal narrative. Go….
@The Populist He gave them a chance , They screwed Him bad and He was blamed for it.
Is that all trump said?
Global corruption.
If you say so
@Brother Denis We know so.. Time for a revolution!
Not Taiwan. Not Sweden. Not, knock knock knock, Germany.
@Brother Denis You are such a troll, you leave comments constantly doubting anyone that speaks out negatively about the government…. Sad.
China has lost face and so has trudeau shame on you its all about your votes and about your money shame!!!
Our money that he thinks is his
“Les Miserables..” Canada
you are better than this. 
sez the Honorable Honest Hajdu lol……….. freakin twilight zone

Trump has said this for months now and he was a racist…
Ain’t that the Truth..
I guess they are lying and blaming China to push the blames of how use less canada is in stopping the spread.
@DMB How am I stealing tech? Lol.
@Bee.C. Budz You have full proof? The first case was from China but the seafood market has many imports from overseas.
Canada has actually done about average for stopping the spread. There definitely are better nations in that regard, but we have done much better than many of our international brethren
@Rodrik18 Take a look at our population please. 4 per square km, compare that to china’s 153 per sqr km. lol
@Bee.C. Budz the virus in Canada was came from USA.
Trudeau isn’t even being held accountable…how can we hold China accountable?
Accountable for what?
@Matin A’zadeh wasting taxpayer money, we scandal, blackface
@Have you seen chef? blackface? What does that have to do with anything? That was before he was Prime Minister…
@Stephen Rioux Where was Hajdus mask at the airport recently……….maybe that`s what she ate!
@Aspect Productions what happened to actions have consequences, anyways thats fine if you dont think there should be any repercussions from it, the other two points still stand.
Canada has a drama teacher as prime minister, newspaper editor as finance minister, and graphic artist as health minister. To say I’m embarrassed to be Canadian is an understatement.
You are an embarrassment to the word intelligence.
@techthai tehabnormal Don’t worry they are just government shills trolling the MSM comment section. How can I tell? They either bring trump into everything and anything negative, or call names instead of debate with information. They are everywhere here.
@techthai tehabnormal I got notified about your comment but it’s not here. Are you being shadow banned? Haha they love doing that and getting the last word in as well. Knowledge is power, you’re correct. They can’t stand it.
@Tamara Fletcher I am that and more they are extremely scared of me, they must be.
Please sub me so we can stay in touch
she basically said nothing and won’t be responsible for anything
I highly doubt China gives two shits about anything anyone says about them. They own half your real estate and 1/2 your manufacturing
@Mr. Kelowna They will own all of Alberta in 5 years.
@Mr. Kelowna It sounds tough without anything to back it up
@L. Y When’s the last time you were accountable?
@indoctus41 for what? Gov ppl should be held accountable for their job titles. You voted them in they need to do their job.
..Hajdu “there is no question” that health Canada has been corrupt as have you been, and you cannot be trusted,
A Health Minister with zero education in the Health industry or medicine? This is part of the problem. Hadju has a bachelor of arts for flippin’ sakes.
She also has a Masters degree in public administration. That means she knows how to suck the public trough dry.
She won’t answer the questions on accountability, because SHE is the one that has to be held to account .
She won’t admit that.
She is so trying to save her butt that she even committed the great Liberal taboo of saying China might be responsible.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, Canada hold China to account. Comedy Gold. We can’t even hold a minority Government accountable.
such a joke you watch for a laugh. There’s no way in hell that Canada will ever hold China accountable for anything.
Canada can’t even hold China accountable for basically kidnapping two of their innocent Citizens.
But Chinese hold 2 innisent guys there 2 years ago/ top of the cake !
Justin’s circus again…can we just find one single person in his cabinet to complete a proper job? is that too much to ask??
After 5 years to ask? That is tragedy and comedy in the same time!
She has never answer a question yet. Caught without a mask and lied about it.
holding them accountable would at be $100,000 per canadian for starters
‘IF’ they weren’t honest. This woman is so busy covering her butt, she isn’t even worth listening to.
This woman is despicable.
I’m not sure (S)HE is even a real woman.

Dr. Tedros is NOT even a real doctor.
He has a PhD. in Philosophy….Great. I have a PhD. in Natural Ability and that’s made up and basically the same thing.
Yes, but he is a real Criminal in this crime against humanity.
Neither is she lol