China may be taking another step towards attacking Taiwan. This comes as China continues to stage aggressive military exercises off the Taiwanese coast. #CNN #News
China continues to stage aggressive military drills off Taiwan’s coast

China may be taking another step towards attacking Taiwan. This comes as China continues to stage aggressive military exercises off the Taiwanese coast. #CNN #News
Oh man well it was nice knowing you guys
Taiwan is the province belonging to China.
ISLAM is spreading I know your angry 
@Ann An No
@Islam spreading hate
It is just a matter of time to see WWIII in our lifetime
@Kathy Erb NATO in Europe. AUKUS, France and Japan in the Asia Pacific.
Taiwan is the province belonging to China. China has the authority to defend her how territory from Taiwan regime’s separation.

Let’s all be friends.
Say that to World leaders and military officials.
What world are you living in?
Ok, but I’ll need your name, dob, ss#, 10 references, and some proof of collateral responsibility 1st.
Taiwan regime needs to stop separating Chinese territory. Taiwan is the province belonging to China.
Xi – We need peace in Ukraine
Also Xi- Get ready to invade Taiwan
Taiwan is the province belonging to China. It is international law!!! Taiwan regime’s activities to separate China violate international and Chinese terrorists and are not allowed.
@Jon Diebe Well, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen are still sovereign nations. So, there’s that.
@Red Comet panda

If I remember correctly, Russia also did “military drills” along the Ukrainian border.. 20/20 is hindsight?
@Noneshere No. Russia is still getting drilled
Were the US drills in the South China Sea, back in Feb 2023, called “aggressive” like these are being called?
Brandon has dementia. Fukraine
@Jon Diebe No, because they were a handful of ships just sailing through an area designated as international waters, not a fleet *conducting combat drills* off the coast of a nation.
I miss Erin! I mean I understand that she’s on her spring break in my opinion
During the Vietnam War, most American soldiers didn’t have the heart to fight for another country. There was no true motivation in the soldiers’ point of view. All they saw was their friends getting killed in a foreign country.
They were demoralized, because they were constrained by a bogus DMZ, while the enemy was not.
If this happens it will devastate the world economy.
*And that is the best case*
I don’t even want to think about the worst.
Though the winds can shift quickly at times, the accoutrements should harken some foresight into greater future possibilities in preparing for the road ahead. I definitely would of gone with a wise owl airforce badge, rather than pooh badge as a lionen or dragon or something would be a little freaky? He definitely has to meet with some interesting people at times, and I’m sure is accumulating some reverence and maturity with some things we hope, if the crane could catch a fish.
This is just sad.
I’m kinda scared now….. I hate these times…. So much…. It’s so sad, why can’t everyone just be happy and live in peace instead of living in a world where politicians don’t give a damn about us but power and money and….. not let innocent people killed…

Couldn’t agree more. Give yourself some ‘happy time’ once a day, watch a sunset or something and try not to think about how our world leaders for the most part will sell our/their souls for $5 a minute
@VioletSkye19 *scoffs* As young as I am, might as well!
It is time for someone to step up.
This is looking more likely as the drills continue. China has said Taiwan belongs to them so it makes sense that they will invade and take possession. In addition Taiwan makes 50% of all the semiconductor chips in the world today. That will give China the majority market in this technology. Militarily China has become a super power with unpredictable strength. The world will experience a major shift, economically and influencially. Does the United States have enough resolve and is there enough of a coalition of nations to stop the aggression? There will most certainly be casualties on a large scale regardless of support. Do we have any ability or bargaining chips to play to bring them to the table? I truly hope this will not occur but this seems the most advantageous moment for them to attack, the United States are distracted with our own divisions and internal conflict. Let us hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.
This is like someone showing his teeth in front of a camera. Doing it in an actual fight is a complete different story, “doing drills” may turn into “getting drilled”
RIP Taiwan
The United States cuts sausages, and China also cuts sausages, but the methods are different. Both sides are cutting sausages, and they are competing to see who can cut the last knife with superb knife skills. Have you guys considered the feelings of sausages?
More content for the game makers it seems.