No hes not completely blind and ignorant to the truth. Clearly they pay for these news stations csnt believe they have the audacity to keep on the lies n lies n lies. He would concede n we all would carry on w our lives if it was done fairly what part of that can you not understand? Let them get away with this and noooobody, will have faith in our legal voting system again. Not everyone who wants the TRUTH is even for Trump. They are for the TRUTH. OUR RIGHTS. OUR CONSTITUTION EVERYTHING YOU GUYS ARE TRYING TO CHANGE TO STRAY THE WORLD FARTHER FROM GOD , KEEP FOLLOWING THE LIES THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. LOVEEE ALWAYS WINS
They’re trying to rile up their base in hopes they’ll start the bloody war to end the democracy they hate. Why else would Drumpf continue to hold rallies? They have nothing but lies and threats to work with.
Anyone thinking that he’ll come to his senses and simply leave the WH is delusional too. Accepting defeat after telling an egomaniac that they’re not ‘top dog’ is not how their brains work.
@Tim Jester But you do recognize they exist and are celebrating right? Can you guess why? Because there are millions of Biden supporters who are overjoyed that Trump has been beaten. The fact that they weren’t out at Biden rallies doesn’t mean they weren’t going to vote for him, it means they knew better than to group together when one of the major subjects they drilled Trump on was his lack of respect for a global pandemic. If anything it highlights how badly Trump handled covid. There were enough people who didn’t want to catch it and that wanted it better handled that they all got together and voted someone in who they believed could do a better job.
@Tim Jester Just wait a few years and you’ll see. And by the way, America has put 20 million mexicans under surveillance since the 60s, and they still say China is the surveillance state. That’s insane. I know is off the records and you shouldn’t speak about it, but I can’t stand the injustice.
@William Holdstrom
Which mountain of evidence? Trump had so far had all of his “fraud” lawsuits laughed out of court. Main reason their “evidence” amounts to ” someone i know heard someone else he knows saying that he knows someone who seen clear voting fraud!”.
That´s what every lawyer and court in the USA will tell you is called ” horseshit”.
@William Holdstrom show one single instance of cnn saying Trump won 2016 due to fraud. You’ve been listening to opinion pieces telling you what’s happening. You’ll find the networks said Hillary lost, conceded, and there was a proven Russian misinformation campaign that targeted both parties. Noone ever claimed we don’t have the right to vote based off being a dummy. It was alleged that Trump was working directly with the Russian campaign, but the Mueller report found inconclusive evidence. There was discussion of that being an impeachable offense, which didn’t happen.
Trump just won NC.
Georgia and Pennsylvania are having recounts right now. Georgia is leaning to Trump. You would know that if you would STOP WATCHING Fake NEWS.
Pennsylvania is next.
CNN does not decide the president.
No Media, can legally do that.
This election is NOT over.
You have been Super Trolled by the media.
Where is the conservative outrage?
Where are the conservative meltdowns?
Why has Trump been on the golf course?
Why is Pence going on vacation?
Why are the Dems rushing the election bureau to call it? They call it in December.
But they want it now.
They want Trump to concede, now!!
But he has until December.
What’s the Rush?
The only way Trump will lose is if they call it early, or Trump concedes.
Neither is going to happen.
The Dems were betting on one or the other. But Trump was one step ahead.
Not Voter Fraud, because there is no voter fraud. But there is election fraud.
Watch the clip again.
No one, on the Trump Team is worried.
Neither are his supporters.
Maybe you need to think about this a little. Call a friend, have a discussion, share this news.
Don’t let these Hacks troll you.
You’ve had 4 years of it. demonrats cheated and as soon as the supreme Court vindicates Donald the GREAT demonrats are going to scorched earth. No joke
@blonde lebanese that’s just it, EVERYTHING they say is baseless and has ABSOLUTELY no common sense to it!! THEY’RE NO LONGER AMERICANS, THEY’RE HATE MACHINES CREATED BY THEIR HERDER THE HEAD SHEEPLE!!!
Five States Face Federal Lawsuit Over Inaccurate Voter Registrations
.By Mark HemingwayJanuary 07, 2020
Five States Face Federal Lawsuit Over Inaccurate Voter RegistrationsAP Photo/John Minchillo, File
In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population, according to a new analysis by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
Based on data the federal Electoral Assistance Commission released last year, the new analysis indicates that a minimum of 2.5 million voter registrations are wrongly listed as valid. It suggests widespread lack of compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to remove people who have died, moved, or are otherwise ineligible to vote from the rolls. While having excess registrations isn’t proof of voter fraud, voter integrity advocates note that it does create opportunities for deception, such as allowing people to vote twice in different precincts or submit invalid absentee ballots.
Last week, Judicial Watch sent letters to election officials in 19 counties in five states – California, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia – warning that they could face a federal lawsuit for their failure to update voter rolls.
Eleven of the 19 counties are located in California, which has had habitual problems updating its voter rolls. Last year, Los Angeles County settled a lawsuit and agreed to clean up its voter rolls after Judicial Watch revealed that it had 1.6 million more voter registrations on file than the eligible voting population in the county. As of last year, the entire state of California had a voter registration rate of 101%.
@VICTORIANO Except he`s actively claiming to have won. “I won this election and by a lot!“. So it`s not so much that he`s defending himself as it is that he is making unsubstantiated claims contrary to reality. Maybe if he had been saying “we don`t yet know who has officially won” it could be perceived as defensive, but that’s not the case.
@VICTORIANO Yeah, anyone has the right to verify election results. That’s not what this is. Verifying election results should sound something like “we are doing a recount in these areas to verify the vote so we are sure of the results and will accept the results that come from this.” What Pompeo is basically saying here is “we will be having a 2nd trump administration and there is no other option.”
Stop watching all the major media outlets and then look at all of this again. CNN, MSNBC, Fox all whisper in our ears what they want us to believe. Time to wake up guys. Love your neighbor, who like you is a human. Don’t be easily swayed by any party. They all have an agenda whether you want to believe it or not
Trump just won NC.
Georgia and Pennsylvania are having recounts right now. Georgia is leaning to Trump. You would know that if you would STOP WATCHING Fake NEWS.
Pennsylvania is next.
CNN does not decide the president.
No Media, can legally do that.
This election is NOT over.
You have been Super Trolled by the media.
Where is the conservative outrage?
Where are the conservative meltdowns?
Why has Trump been on the golf course?
Why is Pence going on vacation?
Why are the Dems rushing the election bureau to call it? They call it in December.
But they want it now.
They want Trump to concede, now!!
But he has until December.
What’s the Rush?
The only way Trump will lose is if they call it early, or Trump concedes.
Neither is going to happen.
The Dems were betting on one or the other. But Trump was one step ahead.
Not Voter Fraud, because there is no voter fraud. But there is election fraud.
Watch the clip again.
No one, on the Trump Team is worried.
Neither are his supporters.
Maybe you need to think about this a little. Call a friend, have a discussion, share this news.
Don’t let these Hacks troll you.
You’ve had 4 years of it.
Republicans? Spineless? Says the crew containing large #’s of emotionally-stunted adult children losers that still play dress-up and cant even decide which bathroom they belong in. Pathetic.
Trump just won NC.
Georgia and Pennsylvania are having recounts right now. Georgia is leaning to Trump. You would know that if you would STOP WATCHING Fake NEWS.
Pennsylvania is next.
CNN does not decide the president.
No Media, can legally do that.
This election is NOT over.
You have been Super Trolled by the media.
Where is the conservative outrage?
Where are the conservative meltdowns?
Why has Trump been on the golf course?
Why is Pence going on vacation?
Why are the Dems rushing the election bureau to call it? They call it in December.
But they want it now.
They want Trump to concede, now!!
But he has until December.
What’s the Rush?
The only way Trump will lose is if they call it early, or Trump concedes.
Neither is going to happen.
The Dems were betting on one or the other. But Trump was one step ahead.
Not Voter Fraud, because there is no voter fraud. But there is election fraud.
Watch the clip again.
No one, on the Trump Team is worried.
Neither are his supporters.
Maybe you need to think about this a little. Call a friend, have a discussion, share this news.
Don’t let these Hacks troll you.
You’ve had 4 years of it.
@Food, Life, Family Hmmm. And how long will any coup work for you, Republican or not, your power as a U.S. citizen will be gone. You will be no one, unprotected, and forced to do what Trump and friends want you to do. Think about it. You will not be able to hand down your democracy to your children. They will no longer be free. They and you will live in fear, just like the senators do now who don’t dare speak their minds because they fear for their lives.
No worries. They can’t get away with their false innuendos. In the end they will all look like fools and trump will be indicted. Something to look forward to.
@manofsan damn, 75000000 + of us Democrat s got together and conspired to vote out trumpty dumpty. We re really good. By the way I missed that zoom MTG. Musta been when I was homschooling the grandchild cause her school shut down cause covid cases were there
@Mike B why is CNN/Youtube deleting all my replies under this particular comment thread? I’m having to re-post these replies again multiple times, because every time I post them, they get deleted less than a minute later. Is this how “free speech” now works in our country?
Now that to me doesn’t sound right. There was definitely some thing not right with that. I don’t know maybe Russia and Iran interference. That’s why Trump didn’t want mail in votes. Those couldn’t be interfered with.
No he’s not. You’ve been sold lies by the Fake news. They are driving narratives. That’s why they call it “broadcasting”, their casting their own reality. Our news, schools, social media, Hollywood, they are all ran by the Democratic Party. No one has challenged them like Trump has.
@Food, Life, Family Honey no one sells us anything. We have seen the orange buffoon for the last 4 years act like a petulant child. A serial liar that he is. Tries to take credit for everything until it’s something bad, then he doesn’t. Give me a fkn break. He is a failure as a President, hence why he lost.
@Lori Here You saw that narrative, portrayal through their lens, the MSM! You proved my point. They show things in a way to drive a narrative. The MSM is a Democratic Party platform. The election is not official. Not yet.
“This is all part of walking president Trump through this process emotionally”
….is he six?
A six year old is capable of learning and growing.
More like two with bad tantrums.
More like the walking dead
They are busy trying to keep him still while they change his dirty diapers!
No hes not completely blind and ignorant to the truth. Clearly they pay for these news stations csnt believe they have the audacity to keep on the lies n lies n lies. He would concede n we all would carry on w our lives if it was done fairly what part of that can you not understand? Let them get away with this and noooobody, will have faith in our legal voting system again. Not everyone who wants the TRUTH is even for Trump. They are for the TRUTH. OUR RIGHTS. OUR CONSTITUTION EVERYTHING YOU GUYS ARE TRYING TO CHANGE TO STRAY THE WORLD FARTHER FROM GOD , KEEP FOLLOWING THE LIES
They’ve been enabling more than one man’s “fiction”. They are enabling pure evil at this point
@Roshi Fernando knucklehead ?
@Roshi Fernando I agree…
@L1 yup…666
They’re enabling not only a Malignant Narcissist but Bannon and Putin’s plan to destabilize our entire government.
They’re trying to rile up their base in hopes they’ll start the bloody war to end the democracy they hate. Why else would Drumpf continue to hold rallies? They have nothing but lies and threats to work with.
Clearly James B is uneducated. Sorry to hear that mate.
Arthur Fonzarelli Sue every state ( oh, he only wants to sue the states he lost) , recount 3 times. So we can watch you suckers lose twice, lol.
@Coleen Goodell TDS at its finest! LMFAO
@MrSpeedFrk makes absolutely no sense at all this data you have isn’t even reliable. You making this up as you go along.
@Elle Fonzarelli You do realize it’s the left that spent the entire summer trying to burn half the country down right? Good grief
Anyone thinking that he’ll come to his senses and simply leave the WH is delusional too. Accepting defeat after telling an egomaniac that they’re not ‘top dog’ is not how their brains work.
Trump coming to his senses? Don’t you need senses to be able to come to them?
When trump losed economic countries around the world are getting amazing is that

@Tim Jester But you do recognize they exist and are celebrating right? Can you guess why? Because there are millions of Biden supporters who are overjoyed that Trump has been beaten. The fact that they weren’t out at Biden rallies doesn’t mean they weren’t going to vote for him, it means they knew better than to group together when one of the major subjects they drilled Trump on was his lack of respect for a global pandemic. If anything it highlights how badly Trump handled covid. There were enough people who didn’t want to catch it and that wanted it better handled that they all got together and voted someone in who they believed could do a better job.
@Tim Jester Just wait a few years and you’ll see. And by the way, America has put 20 million mexicans under surveillance since the 60s, and they still say China is the surveillance state. That’s insane. I know is off the records and you shouldn’t speak about it, but I can’t stand the injustice.
Really don’t care about him. His days are numbered too.
Pompeio should be arrested and charged with sedition for that statement
“emotionally walking donald through the process” lmao
And you can even imagine the shambles the administration is…seeing that every month Trump fired people on his team.
Hired then Fired
So is this a coup? Kinda sounds like trumps starting one.
@William Holdstrom
Which mountain of evidence? Trump had so far had all of his “fraud” lawsuits laughed out of court. Main reason their “evidence” amounts to ” someone i know heard someone else he knows saying that he knows someone who seen clear voting fraud!”.
That´s what every lawyer and court in the USA will tell you is called ” horseshit”.
@William Holdstrom show one single instance of cnn saying Trump won 2016 due to fraud. You’ve been listening to opinion pieces telling you what’s happening. You’ll find the networks said Hillary lost, conceded, and there was a proven Russian misinformation campaign that targeted both parties. Noone ever claimed we don’t have the right to vote based off being a dummy. It was alleged that Trump was working directly with the Russian campaign, but the Mueller report found inconclusive evidence. There was discussion of that being an impeachable offense, which didn’t happen.
@William Holdstrom << is a Russian troll. He's everywhere. Ignore this dude named William.
Trump just won NC.
Georgia and Pennsylvania are having recounts right now. Georgia is leaning to Trump. You would know that if you would STOP WATCHING Fake NEWS.
Pennsylvania is next.
CNN does not decide the president.
No Media, can legally do that.
This election is NOT over.
You have been Super Trolled by the media.
Where is the conservative outrage?
Where are the conservative meltdowns?
Why has Trump been on the golf course?
Why is Pence going on vacation?
Why are the Dems rushing the election bureau to call it? They call it in December.
But they want it now.
They want Trump to concede, now!!
But he has until December.
What’s the Rush?
The only way Trump will lose is if they call it early, or Trump concedes.
Neither is going to happen.
The Dems were betting on one or the other. But Trump was one step ahead.
Not Voter Fraud, because there is no voter fraud. But there is election fraud.
Watch the clip again.
No one, on the Trump Team is worried.
Neither are his supporters.
Maybe you need to think about this a little. Call a friend, have a discussion, share this news.
Don’t let these Hacks troll you.
You’ve had 4 years of it.
@becky doesit he reached/surpassed 270 @.@ no matter how you slice and dice it.
To quote the Orange One. “Nobody has ever seen anything like this before!” demonrats
cheated and as soon as the supreme Court vindicates Donald the GREAT demonrats are going to scorched earth. No joke
@blonde lebanese that’s just it, EVERYTHING they say is baseless and has ABSOLUTELY no common sense to it!! THEY’RE NO LONGER AMERICANS, THEY’RE HATE MACHINES CREATED BY THEIR HERDER THE HEAD SHEEPLE!!!
“We choose truth over facts”
“Poor kids can be just as bright and talented as white kids”
-Joe Biden
(Greatest president elect ever!)
Five States Face Federal Lawsuit Over Inaccurate Voter Registrations
.By Mark HemingwayJanuary 07, 2020
Five States Face Federal Lawsuit Over Inaccurate Voter RegistrationsAP Photo/John Minchillo, File
In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population, according to a new analysis by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
Based on data the federal Electoral Assistance Commission released last year, the new analysis indicates that a minimum of 2.5 million voter registrations are wrongly listed as valid. It suggests widespread lack of compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to remove people who have died, moved, or are otherwise ineligible to vote from the rolls. While having excess registrations isn’t proof of voter fraud, voter integrity advocates note that it does create opportunities for deception, such as allowing people to vote twice in different precincts or submit invalid absentee ballots.
Last week, Judicial Watch sent letters to election officials in 19 counties in five states – California, Colorado, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia – warning that they could face a federal lawsuit for their failure to update voter rolls.
Eleven of the 19 counties are located in California, which has had habitual problems updating its voter rolls. Last year, Los Angeles County settled a lawsuit and agreed to clean up its voter rolls after Judicial Watch revealed that it had 1.6 million more voter registrations on file than the eligible voting population in the county. As of last year, the entire state of California had a voter registration rate of 101%.
Yes. Tremendous failure like nobody in the history of the world has seen before.. LoL
This is insane, it looks and sounds like a coup attempt without the element of surprise.
@VICTORIANO You must be another one of trump’s idiot lawyers!
@VICTORIANO Except he`s actively claiming to have won. “I won this election and by a lot!“. So it`s not so much that he`s defending himself as it is that he is making unsubstantiated claims contrary to reality. Maybe if he had been saying “we don`t yet know who has officially won” it could be perceived as defensive, but that’s not the case.
@VICTORIANO Yeah, anyone has the right to verify election results. That’s not what this is. Verifying election results should sound something like “we are doing a recount in these areas to verify the vote so we are sure of the results and will accept the results that come from this.” What Pompeo is basically saying here is “we will be having a 2nd trump administration and there is no other option.”
Stop watching all the major media outlets and then look at all of this again. CNN, MSNBC, Fox all whisper in our ears what they want us to believe. Time to wake up guys. Love your neighbor, who like you is a human. Don’t be easily swayed by any party. They all have an agenda whether you want to believe it or not
Trump just won NC.
Georgia and Pennsylvania are having recounts right now. Georgia is leaning to Trump. You would know that if you would STOP WATCHING Fake NEWS.
Pennsylvania is next.
CNN does not decide the president.
No Media, can legally do that.
This election is NOT over.
You have been Super Trolled by the media.
Where is the conservative outrage?
Where are the conservative meltdowns?
Why has Trump been on the golf course?
Why is Pence going on vacation?
Why are the Dems rushing the election bureau to call it? They call it in December.
But they want it now.
They want Trump to concede, now!!
But he has until December.
What’s the Rush?
The only way Trump will lose is if they call it early, or Trump concedes.
Neither is going to happen.
The Dems were betting on one or the other. But Trump was one step ahead.
Not Voter Fraud, because there is no voter fraud. But there is election fraud.
Watch the clip again.
No one, on the Trump Team is worried.
Neither are his supporters.
Maybe you need to think about this a little. Call a friend, have a discussion, share this news.
Don’t let these Hacks troll you.
You’ve had 4 years of it.
You’d think these Republicans would have found a spine at this point.
@Food, Life, Family The only thing unhinged is your orange dictator. Patriot ? LMFAO
Republicans? Spineless? Says the crew containing large #’s of emotionally-stunted adult children losers that still play dress-up and cant even decide which bathroom they belong in. Pathetic.
Trump just won NC.
Georgia and Pennsylvania are having recounts right now. Georgia is leaning to Trump. You would know that if you would STOP WATCHING Fake NEWS.
Pennsylvania is next.
CNN does not decide the president.
No Media, can legally do that.
This election is NOT over.
You have been Super Trolled by the media.
Where is the conservative outrage?
Where are the conservative meltdowns?
Why has Trump been on the golf course?
Why is Pence going on vacation?
Why are the Dems rushing the election bureau to call it? They call it in December.
But they want it now.
They want Trump to concede, now!!
But he has until December.
What’s the Rush?
The only way Trump will lose is if they call it early, or Trump concedes.
Neither is going to happen.
The Dems were betting on one or the other. But Trump was one step ahead.
Not Voter Fraud, because there is no voter fraud. But there is election fraud.
Watch the clip again.
No one, on the Trump Team is worried.
Neither are his supporters.
Maybe you need to think about this a little. Call a friend, have a discussion, share this news.
Don’t let these Hacks troll you.
You’ve had 4 years of it.
@Food, Life, Family
you are seriously gullible and dumb.
@Food, Life, Family Hmmm. And how long will any coup work for you, Republican or not, your power as a U.S. citizen will be gone. You will be no one, unprotected, and forced to do what Trump and friends want you to do. Think about it. You will not be able to hand down your democracy to your children. They will no longer be free. They and you will live in fear, just like the senators do now who don’t dare speak their minds because they fear for their lives.
I know where voter fraud took place- try investigating mitch mcconnells and lindsey grahams elections no way they got a majority of legal votes.
@Lori Here oh please share the “evidence” of voter fraud
@Lori Here if the dems had the ability to rig the election now how come they didn’t do it in 2016?
@Lori Here I know Lori. Its some folks on here that talk real krazy!

Next thing you know, Trump announces he’s seceding from the union.
This guy has done this all his life wherever he goes and now everybody is shocked that he does it now?
He’s hiding in his Bunker, smashing his toys on the concrete floor.
They should be arrested: this ought a be illegal.
No worries. They can’t get away with their false innuendos. In the end they will all look like fools and trump will be indicted. Something to look forward to.
This is crazy.
Its a coup
@manofsan damn, 75000000 + of us Democrat s got together and conspired to vote out trumpty dumpty. We re really good. By the way I missed that zoom MTG. Musta been when I was homschooling the grandchild cause her school shut down cause covid cases were there
@manofsan Does the FACT that the guy confessed TWICE mean NOTHING to you?
@manofsan no, pal, you are just a fool. I’m seriously losing patience with all of you Trump cultists.
@Mike B why is CNN/Youtube deleting all my replies under this particular comment thread? I’m having to re-post these replies again multiple times, because every time I post them, they get deleted less than a minute later. Is this how “free speech” now works in our country?
Seventy million fools voted for this man: Only in America
Seventy million fools with guns voted for this man!
More like 35 million.
@Zyanteme Okay and?
@Mason Kuldinow you’re saying half of them are not fools? I call bullshit on that.
Now that to me doesn’t sound right. There was definitely some thing not right with that. I don’t know maybe Russia and Iran interference. That’s why Trump didn’t want mail in votes. Those couldn’t be interfered with.
We have a , “Sociopath in Chief” people.
No he’s not. You’ve been sold lies by the Fake news. They are driving narratives. That’s why they call it “broadcasting”, their casting their own reality. Our news, schools, social media, Hollywood, they are all ran by the Democratic Party. No one has challenged them like Trump has.
Twitter troll, has to go he’s an embarrassment.
HELLO ! ! Where have U been ? U GOT to start paying BETTER Attention.
@Food, Life, Family Honey no one sells us anything. We have seen the orange buffoon for the last 4 years act like a petulant child. A serial liar that he is. Tries to take credit for everything until it’s something bad, then he doesn’t. Give me a fkn break. He is a failure as a President, hence why he lost.
@Lori Here You saw that narrative, portrayal through their lens, the MSM! You proved my point. They show things in a way to drive a narrative. The MSM is a Democratic Party platform. The election is not official. Not yet.
“He has not moved pass the denial phase.”
Talk about a snowflake!