After the biggest single-state work immigration enforcement operation Wednesday, communities in Mississippi are shaken by the arrests and the children left without parents.
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Undocumented Workers Targeted In Mississippi ICE Raids – The Day That Was | MSNBC
I will say this when they came and removed a great portion of employees at the company I work for the talent has not been as good as it was when they were with us they worked 2 to 3 jobs they weren’t hurting anyone
@Trumprules Clintondrools Yes and they are buying many of the houses here in FL.They are doing very well and are getting cocky with very expensive cars and trucks in their driveways yet claim to be making little money.
@Trumprules Clintondrools I am confused by your pronoun use. Who are “the(y) and you?”
Americans don’t process meat, because there are so many better jobs a documented person can get, especially during low unemployment.
@ruth depew I live in a town with 2 meat processing plants, Americans do in fact work there
@Trumprules Clintondrools Do the undocumented work there as well?
@ruth depew their legal status is illegal alien
American citizens, plantations are hiring immidiately. Yay, your jobs are back!!! You can all apply at 4 am bright and early and oh yeah, leave your phones and humility at the door, this job requires pay of maybe $4 to $7 dollars an hour. Enjoy seeing white folks working here for once.
Erin Hawkins
So you’re saying you are a racist because of your view on migrants working in a plantation
@Crazy like a Fox my guess, it’s sarcasm
this is so much right. Americans are putting their anger towards immigrants when CEOs and billionaires are sucking up all of the money . NOT immigrants
Erin – That’s a good idea considering white folks do everything else that keeps this country and economy moving. Though I don’t think $4 to $7 is the minimum wage. Sounds like you need a job considering you don’t know what the wage scale is these days.
My family was the black farmers in the 1800s and the farms were picked and ready so I dont feel dry for the farmers they stole out farms anyways
Why isn’t the owner in jail? All he will do is hire undocumented again just like chump has
@christopher romero yup, they get double exploited. Owner gets to pay them under the table or underpay them and avoid taxes or even health benefits. But they can do more than just fire them, they can have them deported. That’s a lot of leverage.
During the 2016 election this little illegal immigrant girl spoke to Hillary saying she was afraid of being deported if Trump became president..Hillary assured her if she became president she won’t be deported…thank God for Trump..I bet that little illegal immigrant girl is waving bye bye to Hillary…lol
Did the owner knowingly hire illegal immigrants?
@DMG2FUN If he didn’t know, he’s too stupid to cross a street unassisted. The real question is, did you ever in your life eat a piece of meat that was not the product of undocumented labor?
ICE – Trump’s evolving Einsatzgruppen.
@Trumprules Clintondrools They gladly would if they were ordered to by the Justice Dept.
Democrats 1850: “We can’t pick our own cotton.”
Democrats 2019: “We can’t pick our own vegetables.”
Radwulf Eboraci Was the Holocaust real? You be the judge
@taltal milal
Republicans 1850..we need to have all the wealth in the country, because we deserve it.
Republicans 2019…we need to have all the wealth in the country, because we deserve it.
@TheDeepNorth lol. Are you making up scenarios in your head just to justify your hate?
What they need is to penalize the company’s that hire undocumented workers.
Agreed, but if they were using stolen social security numbers, how does the employer know when it comes back as a valid hire?
@Quiet Entropy then it’s not their fault if they’ve done due diligence but I doubt that’s the case universally.
Shouldn’t Trump’s enterprise be on the top of the list?
@Jon Manly that would require self sacrifice and Trump would have to lead by example but those elements are missing from his genetic code.
These companies don’t care about American, or non-American workers. They will throw them under the bus in a heartbeat. Shame what happened to those people, but H.R., and all of management knew they were using fake documents. They should also pay the toll.
The elitist owners of these plants/factories/manufacturing businesses must keep an eye on their bottom line: translation – don’t pay a fair wage. So, they hire undocumented people, desperate and willing to work – to do jobs that (as former President George Bush said) ‘many Americans refuse to do”..fruit picking, separating chicken and meat parts, etc..Meanwhile factory owners grow fat and wealthy off the backs of the exploited people these same owners.. turn a blind eye to…(and refuse to pay a fair wage, natch). ‘Real Americans” would never sit still for, that same treatment of course. So, there you have it. Worse, we have a man in the WH who employs many hard working undocumented people, as well at his hotels/golf course. Making him an exploiter, and a hypocrite.
You do realize that all new hires go through E-verify, right?
Do you think Trump will send ICE agents to his golf resorts or hotels? Yeah, me neither. He’s such a blazing hypocrite.
what about trump illigel workes how many did they get?
Did they call on any of Trumps golf clubs?probably not
You can do that yourself if you have any evidence.
So people in Mississippi that claim that illegal immigrants are stealing your jobs are you ready to put in those applications to the food processing plant and work hours on end for little pay?
sarah smith – Only a city dwelling liberal would say something this stupid. Go to any small town with factories and you will find them full of white people working these types of jobs.
Brad dibble ,we see things differently….we don’t want to illegal immigrants in this country in being paid slave wages. The Cival war ended 154 years ago.
If illegal immigrants flood the work force what would stop excellent jobs like machinist jobs or auto plants firing Americans and hiring illegal immigrants and pay them vey low low wages..
It has to end somewhere..
People working at a chicken processing plant probably make more then you
VERIFY: Are there 500,000 European undocumented immigrants in the U.S.?
A meme contends that as the president focuses his attention on certain undocumented immigrants, he’s turning a blind eye to others
Author: Jonathan Raymond
Published: 2:52 PM EDT July 15, 2019
Updated: 3:15 PM EDT July 15, 2019
OK ‘Mericans, it’s time to move to MS and become chicken processors! You got yer jawbs back!
… what? you don’t like plucking chickens and processing them into chicken fingers? Trumpers can’t be choosers.
Maybe Trump’s playing Five dimensional chess, I think he just did it to the create 600 jobs in Mississippi. Wow Trump’s got this President thing on lockdown
Every employer who has an illegal immigrant working for them, should fire them, or go to jail, and have their business seized.
why don’t you investigate why this happened? and how Koch Foods owed their employees $3.75m from a lawsuit in 2018, have the owners and managers been arrested? why not?
Yes the companies should be fined. But remember these people are breaking the law. Where do we draw the line.
Strange how the those against illegal immigration never will give one illlegal Free room and board for life

Send them rats home across the border…AND DONT FORGET YOUR RAT BABIES.
Please have the Feds go after the owners of these businesses who hire illegal workers. Surely they no better. Take them away from their families. God bless these victims of racial profiling.
Congress created this mess and the courts have compounded it through their ruling (Plyler vs Doe) . They are too cowardly to act .
More consequences of a Psychopathic illegitimate President, Traitor Trump!