No Pride in Policing Coalition's Beverly Bain told Toronto's police chief she doesn't accept his apology after race-based data was revealed.
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Spot on, she’s spot on.
LOL spot on to what
She is 100% spot on in stupidity.
Hush you are gonna upset all the karens
Just remember it’s your tax monies that pay for government lmao
This is why you never apologize to the mob.
@52waterdog FU
This is very interesting in light of the recent carjacking and gun violence that is running rampant by non whites in Ontario and the rest of Canada.
Dats rasis
@Dale Weiss Stats aren’t racist.
@N Y stats be rasis math be rasis, evidence be rasis
Googling Most Wanted -Toronto Police Services…the question is why does a small portion of that community love crime and grime so much?
You don’t know how over policing works
@Kyle Mumford Over policing is needed if there is over criminality in an area and or in a group..there is no mystery or conspiracy about it.
She’s an amazing woman

I support her 0%.
So what’s her solution? Turn a blind eye? I’ll tell you one thing, violent homicides have *dramatically* increased in Toronto since carding was banned in 2014. The same goes for gun crimes.
She is a professional agitator, lookup where she works and what she teachers. She needs to be in a constant state of anger.
Who do y’all think is doing all the car jackings, drug dealing, murders, robberies, etc, etc?
@Kyle Mumford You’re just afraid to speak the whole truth.
what a maniac. Just so everyone is aware, this is her press conference
Wow since bill Blair, she probably voted him into the liberal office to become the minister of public safety.
I’m insulted by her mindless racism and lack of understanding reality.
The police have a quota to fulfill in all areas within the police department. How that is done is, they go out and create a scenario. Not only does it collect data, show the public they are doing their job, allow police officers to move up the ladder in ranking, etc., it brings in the funds.
I mean this woman represents an organization that advocates for the abolition for police and prisons. Would you expect nothing less?
Community policing is important for the police to understand there community. Including new faces and change in the types of crime affecting an area.
I’m don’t accept his apology because he has nothing to apologize for.
Just look at gun violence statistics. Who is shooting who? Where is the respect for human life in those cultures?
Don’t expect from others what you can’t do yourself.
What s foolish idea, defunding the police….. look at American cities where this was tried….hasn’t worked out too well. In New York City crime is up 41% over last year. Maybe the Toronto police should all resign en-mass. Plenty of vacant policing positions across the country where they could get a job. Maybe underserved municipalities across the country should start a recruiting drive in Toronto!
Beverly Bain is spinning a tale.
She can not speak the truth.
It would break her brain.
The community owes an apology to
the city of Toronto and they have to FIX THEMSELVES.
That is the real solution
Maybe some members of her community should behave themselves accordingly.
We still can’t speak the truth about this outrageous problem.