1. @Tracy Love ~ No, don’t want to get you your 7 cents pay as a troll….hell I guess I just did. But we all know you are trolling and this is the LAST .07 cents you get from me.

    1. Tom Anderson
      Are you jealous because you’re stuck with Bernie, Biden and Pocahontas?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’d be jealous too, because you are F’d😂😂😂😂

    2. Wow! I see either the poorly paid Russian trolls or “Idiot America” clan are out already! Comrade Putin will give good Russian troll more bonus with vodka this month. Nostrovia! As for the Americans enjoying this… good f@*^ing luck!! So glad my family renounced American citizenship generations ago!!


    2. no just witnessing how much the new age techno needs to catch up, if the www wants to be of use then it needs to learn to take on board that it needs the people to do so, this will happen www is a new and young science ect, look at hystory, when microwaves came out, they took some time to take the place of the old school kitchen cooker, at first they were dangerous, they were not sealed as a nurse i came across a few people who had internal organs almost fried from this failure, the same for cell phones so many young developed tumours behind their ears ect from use, it is trial and error for all new technology be it computers or new ways of cooking lol, i,m actualy still trying to find the usb port on my micro, lol, next new age is that a.i will be used more and more in the medical field with good success but will be talked about tween young and old for yrs with back in my day opening lol x

    3. Don’t understand the “death of democracy” as it pertains to impeachment. Impeachment undoes an election, and therefore is inherently anti-democratic

  1. He could have put an end to the blatant lies, defense opened with. Reiterated that the House used Republican rules they changed in 2014!!

  2. What was he doing there ? Can someone explain? The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth was not in evidence in this sham trial. The Republic is in peril. A dictatorship is evolving unless we take Trump out in 2020 in roder for him to stand trial for his numerous wrongdoings.

  3. Are we really surprised given that he never intervenes when it comes to the Republicans and their power? Gerrymandering, citizens united and gutting voting rights were all approved under his watch.

    1. Real Talk76 : You do know gerrymandering does NOT affect a President or Senate election, right ? Those are statewide. It makes no difference where you live in the state.

  4. We knew that they were all in Cahoots together, Their a bunch of Ruthless lying Criminals, They must be voted out from the top to the floor, Get them all out the White House door, Cause we won’t take no more !

    1. @iamforchange very true democrats have done the same. Only difference is the have the entire media covering for them. Except for fox no media station anywhere would turn in a democrat.

  5. No witnesses is great for Dems! We will use this everywhere. Town Halls, online, we’ll use it to end some (R) careers!! Take back the Senate!🎉🎉🎉

    1. Joe Moer but of course there were witnesses. Many already testified and several haven’t because they were blocked.

      If there weren’t any witnesses then the senate would not have voted on whether to call them.

      “ them” being witnesses.

      How many jellybeans are in your head? I’m guessing you aren’t very old or very educated.

  6. What if the president you voted for was a devil in disguise? Would you see the signs?

    Evil truly lives in the White House..

  7. The GOP chose ‘party before constitution.’
    Make sure your voter registration is up to date and valid for 2020. *VOTE*

    1. @Rachel Madison how many bills did the GOP pass in the first two years of the Trump presidency? They had the house and the Senate and the executive. Then compare that to how many bills the Democratic house passed in one year. You are spouting lies! Flat-out lies

    2. We just have to make sure the general public doesn’t forget the corruption of this administration and the corruption of these Republican Senators.

      We need to focus on getting all the people who are sick of the establishment and disillusioned by politics to come out and vote.

      This could be a really big deal in the next election, I could certainly see it shifting a lot of the general public blue… But I don’t have much faith in people or my ability to predict them.

  8. Political prediction this sham of a trial will lead to the Democrats controlling the presidency and both houses in the next election

    1. You are presuming the American public is intelligent, informed, responsible and non-partisan. Trump’s numbers are going up. And that’s before the GOP cheats.

    1. Brenda Democrats had 18 witnesses. Republicans had zero. President Trump and Republican commercials will remind voters they have been trying to impeach him since day one. And they have done absolutely nothing for the American people in three years. Nothing. Democrats will be punished severely for their treason in doing nothing for the American people. Democrat party severely divided. Republican Party 99% unified. It will be a landslide for Republicans in November

    2. @Spearhand there really isn’t a we anymore. Y’all good ol boy conservative crusader mentalities made sure of that, Twinkie.

    3. @Spearhand we’re a Democracy, just not a Direct Democracy. How do we appoint our Representatives? Through popular vote AKA Democratic means AKA we practice Democracy. Democracy – Noun “A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” But yes, we’re also a constitutional republic.

  9. “The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate the truth.”

    — Gary Kasparov

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