Chicago Public Schools On Verge Of Teachers Strike | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Chicago public schools will not return to in-person learning on Monday as planned. The city’s teachers union is demanding that educators be vaccinated before returning to the classroom. Mayor Lori Lightfoot joins Morning Joe to discuss the latest. Aired on 02/01/2021.
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#Chicago #MayorLoriLightfoot #MSNBC

Chicago Public Schools On Verge Of Teachers Strike | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Chicago Public Schools On Verge Of Teachers Strike | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. I don’t think you understand with a “right” is. You don’t have a right to a good that is limited limited in quantity. Pretty sure the vaccine isn’t in the constitution or the Bill of Rights

  1. Grocery Workers haven’t been vaccinated, Day Care workers, Retail, Servers, etc. Health Care Workers have been working in the frontlines of truly susceptible patients since the beginning and only being vaccinated.

    1. It’s funny isn’t it. It’s only the grocery workers were unionizing could refuse to work if they didn’t get the vaccine. Imagine how that would work out

  2. So why can’t you vaccinate teachers that would solve the problem. Also I should note vaccinate the ones that need it

    1. Because they don’t have the available vaccines. It’s supply and demand simple as that. I guarantee you Laurie would love to vaccinate them if she could

    2. @Mark Teachers have actually said that even if they all get vaccinated, they won’t return. Because there are kids who aren’t vaccinated and the vaccines are 100%. So F- the teachers.

    1. You obviously have no teachers in your circle of friends. Teachers are working harder than ever, have spent thousands of dollars in technology to teach remotely. The majority of the parents with children in person at schools are themselves working from home. That is the reality.

    1. Both sides area the bad guys. Not saying I don’t understand the teachers wanting vaccines – when already being vaccinated – Florida has been open since June for in person schooling

    2. Pretty simple really. Teachers are the worst sort of life forms. They want full pay, a summer break, spring break, holidays … the only thing they don’t want is to actually work. Dirt. every single one.

    1. @Sarah Lee ….and the other half are from last summers hooded rioters that gathered a total of 275 times and killed35 people not counting those infected by covid!

    2. @Kimberly Winters Beetlejuice is one of the Democrats that had her hair done while others stayed home. So special!

    3. She sounds like the Health Director in Philadelphia during the 1918 Spanish flu that said it was ok to have the City Parade. When will we learn?

    4. @Validkris Or Pelosi inviting people to come and party in Chinatown last Feb.26th or DeBlasio inviting people to not be scared to dine out in NY last March! Democrats got it goin on!!

  3. Hope that the teachers stand up for themselves. This is not right. Just putting more ppl in danger and infected with the virus

    1. Moving on ! Next ! That aswell but think about the kids!! How would the teachers be able to keep the students to be clean knowing how they are in a class where they be touching everything. They cant possibly keep the school a safe environment for everyone

    2. Daniel Martinez. Would someone please stand up for kids? You should be ashamed. If you don’t want to work, then accept the reality of not getting paid. You ARE a bunch of cowards. … PS. please go on strike. Please, please…. no one will care or notice. Eventually they’ll realize they shouldn’t be spending $100K per to pay you all.

    3. Gary Dorfner i dont get it theres a damm pandemic thats literally killing millions if people not only in the usa but world wide. I mean i know im not a genius but damm i got alot of common sense to realize that people have families and are worried about there health like tf kind of mentality do u have that worries only about money??

  4. She keeps talking about vaccines being on the horizon, then make ur plan for throwing teachers back in school “on that same horizon” as well (and not a second sooner). And give accommodation to those who do not want to take the vaccine for cultural & religious reasons. This ISNT rocket science….DUH!!!! 🤪

  5. Thank you to every teacher’s that don’t get paid enough have to be parents to kid’s who’s parents don’t care about them and knowing that the same parents will sue as soon as a problem happens.

  6. All those people who were saying “teachers don’t get paid enough” when they were stuck at home trying to teach their stupid kids have suddenly changed course. I find that… totally plausible.

  7. Lori wants us to trust her, I’m sure the lady who house was raided while in the nude, wanted to trust Lightfoot and the police. LightFoot and the police tried to cover it up! Same Ol’ BS in ChiRaq.

  8. How can you force someone to go back to school in the mist of a pandemic, haven’t they heard about all the teachers who has died

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