‘Cheer’ star Jerry Harris sentenced to 12 years for sex crimes, survivors share story | USA TODAY

The FBI arrested Jerry Harris after investigating reports made to police by two 14-year-old boys who claim Netflix "Cheer" star solicited explicit photos and sex.


Jerry Harris, former star of the Netflix docuseries "Cheer," was sentenced Wednesday to 12 years in federal prison for soliciting sex from minors and pressuring young boys to send him nude photos and videos, according to an attorney for two of the boys Harris abused.

The 22-year-old pleaded guilty in February to two charges for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old in the bathroom during a cheer competition and paying a 17-year-old to send him sexually explicit photos and videos via Snapchat, court records show. Harris also admitted to similar conduct involving other minors, though prosecutors agreed to dismiss those charges as part of the plea agreement.

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'Cheer' star Jerry Harris sentenced to 12 years for sex crimes, survivors share story | USA TODAY


  1. So, you made a show about a bunch of gay kids; then were surprised to find out that they’re gay kids?

  2. As a white guy who abides by the law I think we are going too far with sentencing. I think chastizing him and giving him a warning to clean up his act is sufficient. He didn’t molest anyone as far as I know. He was somewhat involved with a 17 yr old. A 17 yr old is not a 4 yr old. At 17 you know what is happening. As a european I feel American justice is going beyond sentencing and bordering on cruel and unusual punishment. He didn’t kill anyone as far as I know. We are making him out to be a monster. He is not a monster but someone who needs a wake up call to set him right but 12 yrs well that is insane.

    1. Are you being ironic? Then again, he is only 22. If he was a teacher, police, or fireman, I would throw the book at him. I don’t know what his crime is personally.

    2. @Putins Cat Depends in the state, in a lot of states in the US 16 or 17 is legal and even in Europe some countries have lower ages of consent , but the crime wasn’t just pictures, from what I read he had paid for the pictures which is considered solicitation and that falls under another type of charge, yes 17 is legal in some states but I guess the one he was in it was not but since he paid it made it much worse, and the other parts of the crime was that he actually met up and sexually assaulted a 15 year old, which at that point when you physically do something is just out of the question of if he is or isn’t a bad person, and I believe there were others much younger than 17 or 16 involved.

  3. Hello, how’s it going? Not the Netflix show you were expecting? Why don’t you have a seat right over there.

  4. 12 years? wow, that’s excessive. I’ve been catching allot of flack for defending R.Kelly. I dont like how he has become vilified for his sexual encounters with teenage girls, because men are hardwired to look for youth and fertility in a female and nowhere is that combination more prominent then in a teenage girl, hence, men are actually attracted to teenage girls the most, whether they want to admit to it or not. Now, unlike R.Kelly, this guy is actually gay, so I guess the same laws of biology would apply to him, but only in reverse. So me personally, I dont like how we vilify and overly punish adults for their sexual encounters with teenagers. Not saying they shouldn’t be punished, but we have to take into account biological hardwiring.

  5. Despite this being heinous I also think the sentencing is extreme. 17 year old and 22 year old are not really that far apart in age.

  6. 12 years doesn’t feel like enough. These predators all need harsher sentences for the lives they ruin…every single one. Also I’m sure he’s done worse and never got caught.

  7. Ask yourself if you were a parent of kids victimized by someone like this—would you let your kid show their face on tv and talk about it publicly?

    I don’t deny these things happened. I just seriously question the judgment and motives of the parents. Especially Mom

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