USA TODAY identified nearly 180 individuals affiliated with cheerleading who have faced charges relating to sexual misconduct involving minors but were not banned by the sport’s two governing bodies, USASF and USA Cheer. More than 140 of them — a group that includes coaches, choreographers and others directly tied to the activity — have been convicted, and 74 are registered sex offenders.
RELATED: Jerry Harris from Netflix's 'Cheer' accused of soliciting sex, nude photos from minors
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Who vets these hires? Make them responsible also.
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
Because of what Harris did previously he should not have become a coach in the first place. This country and all other countries are not for pedophiles and criminals. We have laws of age of majority and consent. Violating these laws would simply get you imprisoned for life.
They were coaching them to do some squats and other exercises
No no no no we get it okay
WTF is that picture
that makes your comment even worse
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
The timing with premiere of wicked movie Cuties
Why the hell are you loving this ?
This is sick. Do we even have laws anymore?
What laws
Good work USA TODAY
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
I blame Netflix’s cuties just because
@parker bryan TRUMP 2Q2Q
Awkward Occurrence Late Night Show sorry i wasn’t talking to you.
@megan guedel you didn’t really pay attention from the get go Nobody actually believes Cutie’s is the cause of this. I said cuties had something to do with it just because I felt like saying it outta disrespectful intentions to Netflix’s nasty asses.
Louis Jones okay?
@megan guedel
Great organizations being destroyed. Same thing happened with the boy scouts. Enough of this pedophilia. Enough of the over sexualization of culture. The subliminal ‘sex’ is everywhere it is disgusting.
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
@parker bryan
not the first time I’ve been asked. In the words of Nipsey Hussle “I’d rather give my life, than sell my soul.”
@Alexander X I can teach you more about the illuminati, if you want. Because you have the wrong information about us
@parker bryan do I? I’ll create my own wealth without compromising any of my values, doing it my way in alignment with my God and without selling out my country. You dangle tales a pot of gold, but leave out the most important part. The man with the all the money in the world, is the poorest man of all.
*NEWS DIGEST to START the Day (18 SEP 2020, Friday) 5 Minutes Read – updated at 0816HRS IST*
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CMIE: 6.6 mn white collar professional jobs lost during May-Aug; 5MN Industrial workers out of Job
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BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP from Rajya Sabha Ashok Gasti, Undergoing Treatment for Covid-19, Passes away
*ICMR: India crosses 6 crore mark in COVID-19 testing; 11,36,613 samples tested in single day*
_WHO EU Chief Urges Nations To Keep Up Covid-19 Quarantines, Warns Alarming Rates’ of Transmission_
51% of 5.9BN doses of COVID vaccine snapped by US, Britain, EU, Aus, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Swiss
*Chinese research ship entered Indian waters on multiple occasions from Malacca straits in Aug*
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Today’s Word – *Obscurantism* – Policy of withholding knowledge from the public’s perception
This is not good if one is criminal then he/she always criminal . My father got me personal gym and coach. This not okay to give certification to criminal . this is just not acceptable in society.
I can’t believe they still allowed that sex offending Buffalo Whale around kids again.
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
Just going to pull a quick Michael Jackson at school today
Wait….. Here comes the butt hurt mj sheep. Who thinks he didn’t do anything wrong and he’s a golden”God”.
Ok i am soooo proud of those that
Have told the whole entire sad truth!!!
The Truth Shall set you free!
But! There needs to be more come forward if they know anything!

Save our children! Don’t be ashamed! You will Not be judged! Especially by any Psychiatrists, counselors, Therapists, Case Managers, Nurses, any doctors, or people in the medical/Psychiatry fields! They don’t see people that are at 100. So be gentle with yourselves. You didn’t do anything wrong, this is Not Your Fault! I am not pitying you, because i know you do not want people to pity you because you are Strong! You are no longer a Victim! You are a born fighter. Jesus Christ loves you, and will renew your soul. Prayers and positive thoughts to all of the whistleblowers, fighters, and courageous people. God Bless you.
If you get a chance, go outside, sit down around sunset, look at something beautiful, like a swimming pool, and listen to The Grateful Dead’s song ‘Touch of Grey’

You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
Extremely sad! Horrific! Save the children. This is not ok. At all!
Something else for you. If you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, used God’s name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God’s law, you’re guilty, your headed for hell, ignorance will not be an excuse… But wait, God loves you, he made a way out for you, God’s son Jesus died paying for your sin.
God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16
God is warning the world. End Time prophesies are jumping off the pages of the Bible, plagues, violence, scoffers,government control, earthquakes, fires, floods, people will be lovers of themselves, money, lovers of pleasure rather than God, evil will be called good and good called evil, sexual immorality rampant adultery, fornication, abuse… mommies killing their babies in child sacrifice, World leaders are prepping for a One-World order, government, religion (please don’t take a number on your forehead or right hand, read Revelation a number means no heaven, and there’s only one alternative) The government is also prepping to have you believe that UFO’s are real… Soon the antichrist will come and fix everything, everyone will love him, he will deceive many… then the tribulation will start, life on earth will be horrific. Today if you hear God whispering to your heart please respond before it’s too late. Say a humble prayer, pour your heart out to God, he loves you, open your heart take a chance receive Jesus as your savior.
You were selected among the ten lucky people given the opportunity of becoming rich and famous by joining the great Illuminati. You’re moving well in what you’re doing but in order to make it easier for you, we concluded for you to be part of us as a member. We will support you physically, spirtually, financially and materially. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll get some more info over.
USA today is fake news propaganda lies
This is why many victims don’t tell: the judgements and gaslighting. You just don’t know until you’ve been through this.
Exactly! People will never ever fully get it until it finally happens to them, plus most other people also wrongfully & falsely believe that these exact same things cannot happen to them too as well!
I was drugged and taken advantage of by a owner at Storm in 2009 never really been able to talk about it and actually this is the first time I’ve ever mentioned it. Has cased depression PTSD and trust issues