@gonzalo arroyo if you are Mexican, go back to Mexico, if you are American you have nothing to worry about. You want to be Mexican or American, you can’t be both.
Trying being a white, straight male. We carrying some water at the moment Bruh!!! it’s cool but. What doesn’t break you makes you stronger. #notavictim
@Cesar Trujillo Ummm…. They were billionaires before they bought the team…. How do you think you buy an NBA, NFL or MLB franchise? When the team becomes a financial liability… it becomes a write off on their taxes. Pretty hard to hurt a billionaire. Stupid comment. Eventually, a lot these players will need to come back. Because unfortunately, a lot of these players don’t know how to spend wisely. These players need these billionaires. Unfortunately, a lot of these over paid useless to society athletes die broke.
But I still don’t understand what the owners have to do with this. Punishing the owners makes no sense. They didn’t kill anyone and weren’t a part of the problem. Just because your league is black and a team owner may be white doesn’t mean the owner is to blame for everything whitey does. They should start protesting every time a black man is killed by another black man in Chicago. M
lmfao!!! He speaks with empathy about the issues of people of color in our country. If you don’t realize this, it does not mean he only cares about the NBA, it means you do not realize it…
I AGREE with the Milwaukee Bucks….PROTEST the rest of the season, PROTEST next season, PROTEST the season after that, and the season after that, and every season after that. Giant humans putting a little ball in a basket WILL NOT BE MISSED!!!! LIFE WILL GO ON!!!! More than likely better than before!!!!!
@Ryan Satchell WOW!! It took you all of 2 seconds to surrender. Typical snowflake, progressive, liberal, marxist, socialist, democrat with no facts. Curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep, you indoctrinated loser!
@Mark Byam I never understood racism and why a person would hate another because of his or her skin color. My nephew and niece, and 8 grand nephews and nieces are of mixed race, a 100 years ago that was very rare now day it’s not, but we still have a long ways to go. I was raised by my mom father died when I was 12 , my mom never looked at a person skin color and I take after her.
I try and look at both sides of the story and do a lot of research, and wait too pass judgment on, I made the mistake on passing judgment on the Covington Kids Nick Sandmann.
As for the police I have been pulled over 4 times, twice the police made up a story of why they pulled me over, one was because I was speeding 75 in a 55 and the officer lectured me on how he disliked going too people homes, to tell them their loved one was killed because of speeding and he let me off. Now the first time I was pulled over for speeding, which I was not speeding, I thought the officer was going to pull his gun he was a a$$O, I got a lawyer and the first thing he asked was the name of the officer, I told him his name, my lawyer said he had dozens of complaints, I asked why is he still a police officer and he said because of the union that was 1986. I know that 99% of police offers are good. Any time you refuse to comply or resist an officer it won’t end well for that person.
@Sasquatch I know a little about use of force policies. I can agree that about 80 percent of Police Officers aren’t racist. And yes no one should resist arrest. But time is of the essence. Officers are trained to control unarmed suspects with items on their duty belts in a timely manner for safety’s sake. They should’ve used pepper spray and tacked him. They are responsible for their part of the incident. They allowed the suspect to get to the car thus, creating a more dangerous situation. They used way too much force. And the suspect is responsible for his part that’s the resisting arrest. I learned to understand racism at a young age I watched roots when I was younger and was not happy about what I saw. Before that, kids from where I’m from would call people all kinds of names. When I asked what they ment I learned more. I grew up off Miami Vice, Fall Guy, Starsky and Hutch, Hunter, Kagney and Lacey. I wanted to be a Cop or A corporate lawyer. I moved from one town with a majority of African, Central, Caribbean etc. to another with a majority of African, Eroupian people. This is where I saw and see the most racism. I have been called every name in the book. I had my first adult fight with a racist during Hurricane Katrina. I’ve experienced Racism in the workplace since I was younger and had arguments with some just last week. Everything isn’t all about racism but there’s a lot of MISCONDUCT, and Corruption going on. It needs to stop. I’ve had interactions as a Child and Adult with people, and experiences that have shown me that not all people are racist. But a whole lot of people of many races including mine are trifling, ignorant, and downright rotten. I choose to love all but you’ve got to earn that trust.
Nice quote, tell that to Jacob Blake so he can stop sexually assaulting women and resisting arrest while armed with a knife. Seems like he had 29 years and never decided to change his habits in assaulting women.
“it’s exhausting being black.”
@gonzalo arroyo if you are Mexican, go back to Mexico, if you are American you have nothing to worry about. You want to be Mexican or American, you can’t be both.
FBI statistic .. the most dangerous threat to a black man is another black man..
Take a look in the mirror… Facts over emotions…
“””Dems all the way:
Trying being a white, straight male. We carrying some water at the moment Bruh!!!

it’s cool but. What doesn’t break you makes you stronger. #notavictim
It must be exhausting being a supporter of a sex offender and then burning down a city for someone that was resisting arrest because he’s a rapist
“Judge somebody by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” – Martin Luther King Junior
Batman is Mexican Why wasn’t this considered racism?https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_c-E_i8Q5G0 and this guy https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2012/08/family_of_man_shot_and_killed.html. Is it because white people dying the same way isn’t racism?
Why wasn’t this considered racism?https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_c-E_i8Q5G0 and this guy https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2012/08/family_of_man_shot_and_killed.html. Is it because white people dying the same way isn’t racism?
Content of the guys character is hollow and his judgment was severely flawed.
LivingLife That won’t work because they can’t survive without us
Biden’s character is right here. https://youtu.be/jPUFwmZN9eo
They should all leave the bubble and go home. When the billionaire advertisers lose out. Watch change happen
@Cesar Trujillo Ummm…. They were billionaires before they bought the team…. How do you think you buy an NBA, NFL or MLB franchise? When the team becomes a financial liability… it becomes a write off on their taxes. Pretty hard to hurt a billionaire. Stupid comment. Eventually, a lot these players will need to come back. Because unfortunately, a lot of these players don’t know how to spend wisely. These players need these billionaires. Unfortunately, a lot of these over paid useless to society athletes die broke.
Brian Preslik you must be a very well of person and smart and no worries of money to be talking like that .. but i doubt that …
@Cesar Trujillo I agree with Brian. The billionaires buy teams not to make money, they made money by investing in something else.
@Cesar Trujillo Sorry if you don’t understand basic economics. I can’t do much for you. Probably the basis for your uneducated statement.
But I still don’t understand what the owners have to do with this. Punishing the owners makes no sense. They didn’t kill anyone and weren’t a part of the problem. Just because your league is black and a team owner may be white doesn’t mean the owner is to blame for everything whitey does. They should start protesting every time a black man is killed by another black man in Chicago. M
I think Charles Barley wants to know what the game plan is.
https://youtu.be/5CKv_thgP3E she has a game plan
@Marc Floreal
Goodness.. thank you, I even skipped over half the interview and he was still saying the same thing. Never cared for him
san whit you acting like he’s not set for life already
@J. J. Lol he said it once or twice
@mjnari022 gotta watch it. no I cant. just cant.
Make a stand. Refuse to play for the next 400 years.
…yup…..what are the players going to do to stop this supposed racism ?
or give it back to the whites
Give reparations and maybe they will.
@Starfire10982 In that case, never come back!
Barkley only cares about the NBA. And he keeps using words like “pressure” and “forced” in reference to other teams.
https://youtu.be/5CKv_thgP3E ellesmoca speaks
so what, don’t villainize him. shame on you
Without games he doesnt have a job!!
lmfao!!! He speaks with empathy about the issues of people of color in our country. If you don’t realize this, it does not mean he only cares about the NBA, it means you do not realize it…
Matters R. He’s already set for life?
I love Charles. Man if I had a shot every time he said game plan I’d be drunk!
Romans 8:39
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
@tigerguy98 Amen
@Cyrus M Jonason Amen
@wow bro Amen
@Jay John Amen
@0622462140 I’m just quoting Bible Verses.
I AGREE with the Milwaukee Bucks….PROTEST the rest of the season, PROTEST next season, PROTEST the season after that, and the season after that, and every season after that. Giant humans putting a little ball in a basket WILL NOT BE MISSED!!!! LIFE WILL GO ON!!!! More than likely better than before!!!!!
@Crit Indahouse well.. clearly you don’t have the intelligence to have this dicussion. Carry on
@Ryan Satchell WOW!! It took you all of 2 seconds to surrender. Typical snowflake, progressive, liberal, marxist, socialist, democrat with no facts. Curl up in a ball and cry yourself to sleep, you indoctrinated loser!
D.R.M Reacts yeah you’re job is to “entertain”. Ain’t nobody want to hear your bs ignorant political opinion. Keep dribbling. Real talk.
aww look at it trying to speak and form sentences
“Never trust a white liberal.”-Malcolm X
I never want to be negative. I don’t wake up with hate in my heart. I wake up with the thought of having a good time daily.
@Sasquatch please keep the bad as well as your distance

@Mark Byam I never understood racism and why a person would hate another because of his or her skin color. My nephew and niece, and 8 grand nephews and nieces are of mixed race, a 100 years ago that was very rare now day it’s not, but we still have a long ways to go. I was raised by my mom father died when I was 12 , my mom never looked at a person skin color and I take after her.
I try and look at both sides of the story and do a lot of research, and wait too pass judgment on, I made the mistake on passing judgment on the Covington Kids Nick Sandmann.
As for the police I have been pulled over 4 times, twice the police made up a story of why they pulled me over, one was because I was speeding 75 in a 55 and the officer lectured me on how he disliked going too people homes, to tell them their loved one was killed because of speeding and he let me off. Now the first time I was pulled over for speeding, which I was not speeding, I thought the officer was going to pull his gun he was a a$$O, I got a lawyer and the first thing he asked was the name of the officer, I told him his name, my lawyer said he had dozens of complaints, I asked why is he still a police officer and he said because of the union that was 1986. I know that 99% of police offers are good. Any time you refuse to comply or resist an officer it won’t end well for that person.
@Sasquatch I know a little about use of force policies. I can agree that about 80 percent of Police Officers aren’t racist. And yes no one should resist arrest. But time is of the essence. Officers are trained to control unarmed suspects with items on their duty belts in a timely manner for safety’s sake. They should’ve used pepper spray and tacked him. They are responsible for their part of the incident. They allowed the suspect to get to the car thus, creating a more dangerous situation. They used way too much force. And the suspect is responsible for his part that’s the resisting arrest. I learned to understand racism at a young age I watched roots when I was younger and was not happy about what I saw. Before that, kids from where I’m from would call people all kinds of names. When I asked what they ment I learned more. I grew up off Miami Vice, Fall Guy, Starsky and Hutch, Hunter, Kagney and Lacey. I wanted to be a Cop or A corporate lawyer. I moved from one town with a majority of African, Central, Caribbean etc. to another with a majority of African, Eroupian people. This is where I saw and see the most racism. I have been called every name in the book. I had my first adult fight with a racist during Hurricane Katrina. I’ve experienced Racism in the workplace since I was younger and had arguments with some just last week. Everything isn’t all about racism but there’s a lot of MISCONDUCT, and Corruption going on. It needs to stop. I’ve had interactions as a Child and Adult with people, and experiences that have shown me that not all people are racist. But a whole lot of people of many races including mine are trifling, ignorant, and downright rotten. I choose to love all but you’ve got to earn that trust.
Former NFL player Jack Brewer’s 2020 Republican National Convention Speech | FULL
Herschel Walker at GOP convention: Trump is not a racist
What The Left Won’t Tell You About The Plight Of Black People And The Myth Of Systemic Racism
The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties:
Charles would’ve never boycotted. He’s never been that guy
Isn’t this the same man who sat down with Richard Spencer?
all lives matter
Former NFL player Jack Brewer’s 2020 Republican National Convention Speech | FULL
Herschel Walker at GOP convention: Trump is not a racist
What The Left Won’t Tell You About The Plight Of Black People And The Myth Of Systemic Racism
The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties:
@The Boss Black Lives Matter
Chuck : Tired of answering questions about racial issues.
Wolf: Asking 5 more questions about racial issues.
Become a christian
SupMonkey! Or think. Can’t do both
@Anthony Gordon 100%
Then should have never came on the show to talk about a subject matter about racism.
@SupMonkey! NBA players should quit and become cops, show us how its done
Charles said “borcott”
I think what he’s trying to say Wolf is “Can we plz just play some basketball.”
Did Barkley say he’s “never going to be against looting” Go hit his house he’s all for it.
Charles Barkley is a real one.
Yes real dumb. Does he have Alzheimer he said the same thing repeatedly. He get’s little if any love from Blacks and white people love him.
J R but you love your cry baby daddy victim mentality Doc Rivers.
Nice quote, tell that to Jacob Blake so he can stop sexually assaulting women and resisting arrest while armed with a knife. Seems like he had 29 years and never decided to change his habits in assaulting women.
@Brian Simp-tler you’re response means you understand exactly and hopefully others will also…
Bucks down by 40 in the 4th quarter and decide to boycott….hahahahah
I still got it….admit it!!!
Bucks got denied of their license.
Bucks : this is injustice