The outcome of the first-in-the-nation caucus were thrown into chaos as the Iowa state party said there were "inconsistencies" in the three different counting systems, and some local precincts claimed they were having trouble with the state party's new app and phone lines. Aired on 2/4/20.
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Chaos In Iowa: Caucus Results Unclear After Reporting Issues – Day That Was | MSNBC
The statements leading up to the Iowa caucus were that a strong winner would have a stronger campaign remaining. So the caucus results might be important in New Hampshire and beyond. Senator Sanders was showing a strong lead in the caucus. What a coincidence that the Democratic Party was unable to report the results and may not be able to for a few days. How convenient for the DNC that this will diminish the effects of the results. There is no justice, there are no ethics, there is no fairness and legality left. Especially in our elections. …. This will backfire and will only make it better for Senator Bernie Sanders.
@Maharajji NKB . He doesn’t take large donations. It’s that simple. That’s why trump takes them now..
The fix is in. Or at least the attempt. Split the state delegates. And usher in the super delegates at the Convention. Hope we don’t see replay of 2016. We all know how that turned out in the General election.
Doug Leschak CNN is now reporting Russia was involved they want a do over
Or someone else.
@Playground Of Sound and it was the whistle blower.
That means Sanders won and is going to get burned.
@Ken Turner The Democrats have been the enemy since the establishment of this Republic. Seems nothing has changed. Sadly we all believed it did.
@vadane vadas So stupid, beside they only bought apps from them.
If so, then he’ll probably repeat his do-nothing performance of 2016.
I readnon Reddit taht Buttigieg is a CIA operative.
Biden lost hard and they’re all scrambling with the ‘fix’
#CheatenPete will be in second by 6 points and theyll declare him winner
LOL they have Biden and Pete tied for first??
I say Bernie won and they wont let that be the will of the people. Bernie has been at the top for a while, but they don’t want that.
No doubt in my mind about it.
Yeah all backups failed
The fix is nearly in.
Got news for you folks,the later is least Preposterous.
@Playground Of Sound
no one knows anything because the dnc is hiding.
@Cliff Medina two, to, and too…and you call dems dumb
The fix was in since 04/07/1776 .— & #DuvergersLaw & #TwoPartySystem
This is why we need paper ballots
Good thing Iowa has paper ballots
“there is a solid paper trail for the results. In each of the precincts, the caucus leaders collected “preference cards” from attendees, showing which candidate each participant favored. These exist primarily in case a recount is requested, but they also provide a backstop for any technical reporting issues, like those we’ve seen.”
@James Carter Love your name! Are you trying to tell us they are idiots in Iowa?
They have them for the caucus.
boston bevo Its Trump who can’t read, can’t pronounce words correctly, and doesn’t know that Missouri is where Kansas is. It’s a big country, but I’m not American and I know more about it than your future King Don.
Same guy sat up the app and phone system that wired the camera on Epstein’s jail cell.
@Your Worst Nightmare – Facts No, the prison was. Here’s your sign.
@Dawn-Marie Langlois Actually Portuguese is. I spent 2 years doing service in Brasil. Thank you for asking. Here’s your sign.
Dawn-Marie Langlois
Are you stupid?
Your Worst Nightmare – Facts his minions were and most of them are part of the deep state.
If I was running the Yang campaign, I would milk this for everything it’s worth.
“Yeahhhh. Gosh, wouldn’t it be nice if the country was run by people who – ya know – understood computer stuff…”
Russians flexing their muscles? N Koreans? Hillary?
Or was this the last Iowa Primary?
Or God saying, “Paper ballots, fools!”
Or someone pressing the “control-alt – russian bot excuse button” a little too early!!
The DNC loves ignorant voters and taxpayers & workers. #Socialists
None of the above. It’s the Democrats being Democrats
Perhaps that CIA operative Andersen Cooper will suggest that the Iranians are to blame? #OperationMockingbird
“Sorry for the delay in results, we’re still cooking the books.” – Iowa Book Cookers
The DNC Candidates all received their PARTICIPATION TROPHYs!
One thing’s for sure…Trump won last night
@Dwain Williams Is the trophy named after Debbie Wasserman – Schultz?
Basically the DNC screwed over the winner and helped flailing Biden wether intentionally or not is up for debate. It seemed shady from the beginning.
no debate DNC cheated in the primary last year too. they are crooks, just like the right. time to fire the DNC.
Yep basically
Smells of attempted corruption.
In the democratic party???? NEVER!!!
@John Weren
It’s the jews dude,its the jews. After Epstein nobody can dodge this one anymore.
@Quantavius X Epstein was a blackmailer of politicians and elites, who had dirt on all the rich. If there is a conference room table of the 10 oligarchs who run this country, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, & Warren Buffett are most definitely there. The rest might be Jews and a couple neo-cons.
@John Weren
Shari Redstone,Viacom,CBS
Bob Iger,Disney,ABC
Brian L. Roberts,Comcast,NBC,MSNBC, Telemundo
Jeff Zucker,presidential of CNN
They are all jews and I can do the same thing with the newspapers.
I could go into the big banks too, but that would take most of the night because of the incestuous nature of banking.
Its time to acknowledge the real problem. Everything else is a distraction.
@John Weren
And I almost forgot one other important thing.
They donate far more then this tho. This is just what they will admit to.
So, after all the interference in the 2016 election, the very first results in the 2020 election is having issues with reporting the count. This doesn’t bode well for the confidence of the electorate.
The Whole World is WATCHING Iowa
Safety First CNN is reporting Russia was involved . Idk why msnbc isn’t saying it it just came out
If so, then many don’t care.
Hey America keep it simple. Democracy . One person who has one vote. Paper ballots. I’m old fashioned
Genius! Do what works!
Not America the DMC and the ability to control America through fraud why ???
@M Smith Dnc?
The Chaos was created to cheat Bernie because they know he won. And what about that Needless cointoss just to quickly sneak Bernie’s delegate over to Pete… what a show that was.
Lol.. “Did they have training?” He knows they do.. I bet Bernie won and they’re trying to change it.
Of course
From an outside perspective, American democracy is looking awfully corrupt right now. On one hand, Trump is doing what ever he wants without consequence, on the other hand the people’s vote is being suppressed.
Even the media appears to be against Bernie Sanders, even when he wins polls, they just talk about how how he is too extreme. Big corporations doing all they can to keep Bernie Sanders out of office because he might actually work for the good of the people instead of keeping the rich rich
want to rig an election? there’s an app for that!
“Acute failure” not to be confused with how Epstein’s jail cell cameras failed..

Isn’t it funny how, WHEN BERNIE IS POISED TO WIN, there are sudden “TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES” reporting the results?
Can you say Russian hackers?
@Michael Burke Electoral fraud and unfairness had always existed in the USA on every political level. — & & & #proportionalrepresentation
my thoughts exactly…
DNC: How can we make sure Bernie doesn’t win Iowa?
Hillary: I have an app for that!