Georgia Democratic Senate candidate, Jon Ossoff, discusses the issues faced by polling places during the state's primary election on Tuesday. Aired on 6/10/2020.
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Chaos At Georgia Polling Sites Prompts Many To Turn Away | Morning Joe | MSNBC
That sounds like a huge set up for failure. This happened on purpose to sabotage the movement!
This is a win for the Republicans, it suppressed the black voters!
When the shock of my whole life happened, I sat motionless a long time. Then I started working to understand what was going on. I know now. trump took over the country with a criminal cabal. Michael Moore said that was the last election. No one thought much of that, but he told the truth. Election interference in every form at every level. No Republicans, No Democrats, just paid flunkies of the rich and big business.
Both Republicans and Democrats, especially Republicans in states where they have a clear majority in the state governments. But certainly benefitting the corrupt corporate class.
and all the illegal criminals breaking into the country Say Amen
This is all planned , welcome to American dirty politics

Never had these problems with PAPER BALLOTS!
I voted in Georgia I had no problem
@ihave35cents Are you saying Kemp pays only 35 cent per propaganda comment?
What a stingy pig.
This is what voter suppression looks like.
“By design…”.
Vote by mail he can’t cheat as bad then
@Ching Chingy why do you think he’s trying to get rid of the Post Office?
Seems the US is becoming one of this countries that needs a lot of OSCE an UN election observers to ensure a clean election. Just like in some of this sh*t hole countries as the the Donald likes to to call them. Whats happening? Whats next? Is one ” very stable genius” enough to bring down the greatest country in the World? Time to wake up and take action, as long as it is peacfull.
Trump was ordered by Putin to make the U.S. into a shithole country. Teathuglicans have been working towards this for decades.
If the u.n. comes on our American soil they will leave in body bags. We the people the malita will destroy the u.n.
To quote RBG “Throwing out the Voting Rights act….is like throwing away your umbrella in a rain storm because you are not getting wet.
The Catholic prudes sitting on the Supreme Court bench didn’t think the South still needed watching. So much of guys with law degrees knowing a scintilla about what is best for the people of the US.
This is how republikans hopes to win in november.
Vote by mail
@Ching Chingy Hard to do it they refuse to do mail in or you just happen to not get your ballet.
Going to Mars seems to be simplier than organizing a simple voting system…
Not when Republicans are trying to destroy it
Right lol
Unless you involve too many Repugnants.
In all honesty I would call in the UN to ensure fair elections as they do in other 3rd world country. And no that’s not a mistake the US is a (rich for a very few ) 3rd world country.
Dems need 70% of the vote to equalize GOP corruption
I really dont think this was a accident…they’re still treating all like idots. Owe a dollar and see how well greased that machine will be and are! The system is dead.
Must be the new Ivanka patented / trademarked voting machines.
Don’t give up that’s what they are counting on.
I’m sure if the situation was reversed Republicans would be up in arms and possibly all for the mail in votes.
Some ballots are sent to the wrong address, on purpose!!
You know why they did this
Planned chaos in Georgia? Will we see repeats, guess who?
This is disgusting and disgraceful. This is not the America I know.
The Ugly America you never knew was always there underneath that polished floorboard for centuries.
Now they aren’t even bothered to sweep their skeletons under a carpet, and everyone is falling through that floorboard that’s been rotting from the foundation outwards.
Their “what crack” argument has now left the whole building in freefall, you are seeing the aftermath in motion.
Hahaha…are you blind? Where do you live…..the moon? You have never seen the Republicans working so hard for Putin?