In a digital exclusive interview, MSNBC Chief Legal correspondent Ari Melber talks with ABC Chief Legal Analyst Dan Abrams to discuss his new book “John Adams Under Fire: The Founding Father's Fight for Justice in the Boston Massacre Murder Trial.” Abrams argues the Boston Massacre Murder Trial was “the most important case in early American history” and “almost led to the revolution.” Abrams applies lessons learned from the Trial to the current judicial system, arguing “faith in the legal system” prevented “violence.” Abrams highlights the importance in restoring “faith of the outcome” in the judicial system, and why it is important not to “attack federal judges” and not “undermine faith in the system” to avoid a “constitutional crisis.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 03/09/2020.
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Championing Independent Justice In The Trump Era | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Mad king George had the British army shooting the British settlers in the Americas, and now we have mad king trump
Mad King George was unwell with Pophoria, Trump has no excuse regarding his behaviour.
P G3
Good movie with Helen Mirren. Somebody should check trumps urine, see if it’s blue.
@Holly Hocks Well he might not be too well.
trump will bankrupt America just like he did to his companies
Gary Preikschas-Flaathen Putin would love that.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot Hasn’t the debt increased exponentially under Trump?
Meth lab Barbie Kellyanne Conway got exposed to the hoax virus at the CPAC, along with; Cruz, Betsy Devos, Doug Collins, matt Gaetz, etc, etc.

It’s like Christmas!
@D Allan,
You unAmerican sick mother fmckers will lose at everything you do in politics and life
I saw that too, all four Congressmen are self Quarantine.
Not Xmas, Purim. The festival of Purim starts tonight. It celebrates when an evil man was going to have all the Jews killed, but instead the fate he had planned for us befell him and his family. If those who planned the demise of healthcare for the American people, died from a mismanaged health crisis, it would be the same kind of irony.
the system failed when it went for sell
In 2020, let’s make MORALS and ETHICS great again!!!
Let’s make DECENCY great again!!!
Let’s make FACTS great again!!!
Lets make the TRUTH great again!!!
@Dave Schultz you kinda sound like you want Pete to judge your booty. I also think you meant ” know” nothing. Just like you.
From your lips to Gods ears With hope
@Rand Kocher, i am very sorry you are so misinformed
@Rand Kocher Probably not a good idea to repeat fox propaganda.
*The OrangeAnus (R – Impeached) has been trying to UNDERMINE the American Justice System and America’s faith in it.*
*Hey, MAGAtrash?*
*Why is your so-called “president” so despicable and vile?*
@Renkei Trump has NEVER had the support of a majority of Americans. Trump’s following was, is, and always will be a minority.
@ruth depew That’s true but only half of people end up voting and the majority ends up only being 27.5% of the population if not less. It’s not a true majority it’s just out of the 55% of people that do vote. I encourage people to vote that are younger but most of them either are to far gone or believe there is no point. I don’t have a party preference so I just vote based on policy character and competence. Though 2016 was a joke that’s for sure.
@Renkei OK, Trump has never had, does not have, and will never have the support of a majority of the American voters. Better now?
More Americans identify as Republican than Democrat according to the latest 2020 report. Republican support for Trump is 97%. Having said that, I am a total centrist. I support tougher gun laws, I am for LGBT rights and I am opposed to the death penalty and I still voted for Donald Trump. People have to remember, we don’t elect popes to be president. Trump won because people liked his anti-PC approach. Trump won because people are sick and tired of these Puppet-like, robotic corporate liberals in mainstream media, Hollywood, and late-night television telling people how to think and who to vote for. The pure hypocrisy of people such as yourself who are always accusing Trump of being “despicable” and “vile” despite insulting half of America as “MAGAtrash” is also laughable. Why are liberals so concerned about the character of the President when they themselves should look in the mirror?
The Republicans are doing a great job of flagrantly violating the law, ignoring subpoenas and packing the courts with unqualified and incompetent judges. Under the Trump administration, Mitch McConnell, Wm. Barr and the Republicans in the Senate have done more to erode the rule of law and destroy the public’s confidence in the justice system than any other series of events in our history.
Trump is not responsible?
But he does what he does best! Destroy and become richer yourself!
Fun fact: Most of t’rump’s early endorsers and inner circle are now felons.

But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence and not an indictment on the most corrupt president in history.
Call him godfather please.
@Pulse2AM So he’s Don Don then?
Hard to decide which is more dangerous; the malignant gangrene of Toxic Trump and the Republican cancerous cult with their continual cover-ups, or COVID-19? Having both might just do us in!
****MEDIA FAIL**** — So, Dan Abrams, what happens when the Chief Justice and other conservative justices on SCOTUS and our Federal Courts consistently act in bad faith, substituting partisanship and rigid ideology for objective interpretation of the law? Should we impeach Roberts and the others? Should we expand SCOTUS when under Democratic rule to make those corrupt conservative judges irrelevant? Should the American people be forced to live with more bad decisions on top of their other wrongful decisions? You can pretend like nothing is wrong in the Judiciary, but we’re not sticking our heads in the sand, and we WILL call out those making a mockery of our laws and Constitution–whether it be Assassination Goon B.S. Barr, or Chief Jester Roberts, who likes presiding over sham trials, smiling, nodding along pleasently, and keeping silent about the carnage being done to justice in this country.
When truth killed, justice dies. The Constitution dies. Democracy dies. America dies. It is the glue–the bond of common trust–vital to holding any functioning society together.
The Trump-GOP-Putin axis of evil: Where truth and virtue are punished, vice and corruption rewarded.
We can’t do that. At this point, Trump might be the only thing stopping a Dementia Joe presidency.
Chief Jester Roberts: Judged Supremely unfit.
Assassination Goon B.S. Barr: Reptile butchering the law and justice.
Congressional Republicans: Sewage sludge corrupting beautiful wetlands.
Trump: Putin’s puppet-pie.
Why do you think Roberts is unfit? He is a conservative, but has stood up to Trump on several occasions.
Can you imagine today, if you could be found guilty of manslaughter today and just receive brand of a M on your thumb and because you could read Bible verse,You would walk Scott Free! Only in America!
Probably why they got rid of that “benefit of clergy” provision in 1790. And it was an English provision, not American.
Justice is dead, I just got a speeding ticket where the Cop clearly made up the charge for a higher fine, I was not in a school zone when pulled the cop came from the opposite direction and his dash cam would prove it! Yet he wrote the ticket for a school zone… sad
Argue it then. A similar thing happened to me , I was going 36 in a 40 mph zone, the cop was in a 30 mph zone, which I was still 100 feet away from. I brought a map to court, showed where the speed limit changed, and how I was still in the 40 mph zone in the photo the cop took. And I won. No ticket.
45th U.S. President Trump John 8:44 the Evangelical Church Sin Anti Christ Rev 13:1 the King Of the Synagogue Of Wickedness Job 4:8.
There is no independent judiciary in this country anymore. Exhibit one: Bill Barr is a tool for the president. Exhibit two: The Supreme court has become politicized by radically conservative justices.