Chairman Nadler: Trump Will Do ‘Anything’ To Obstruct Justice | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

House Democrats are using former Trump aide Corey Lewandowski’s hostile testimony before Congress to build a case for impeachment. Chairman Nadler argued Lewandowski’s testimony “showed the American public” the “Trump administration will do anything and everything” to “obstruct the work of the Congress.” Matthew Miller, former spokesperson DOJ says House Dems “advanced the ball on the legal front” for the impeachment case as they “reiterated that the President did commit obstruction of justice.” Aired on 09/18/19.
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Chairman Nadler: Trump Will Do 'Anything' To Obstruct Justice | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Chairman Nadler: Trump Will Do 'Anything' To Obstruct Justice | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC


  1. Nadler and the other chairs are well past due for holding these sobs in *contempt* anything else may be viewed as following the orange grifter’s lead.

    1. 100% agree we need to vote out these dems and repugs they are good for nothing. We need to get true people that care about the usa not these corrupt people which includes nancy schiff shumer feinstien all need to be ousted for being complicit with the repugs and this administration.

    2. @Angel Fish Then vote progressive. If you want to see who or what is backing your reps then see and or and just follow the prompts.

    3. @Pax Webb whats you obsession with fox anyway? Where did you learn to bring up fox all of a sudden? Sounds like a programmed line.

    1. @Paul Regalado, yes his tariffs have already caused businesses to shut down and the average American will pay at least 1000$ more per year because of his tariffs. Farmers had to be bailed out because of his tariffs. China is getting soybeans from Argentina now. Sounds wonderful huh?

    2. @mike the bulldog …..we are all entitled to our own options. I just think that is absurd. You said we should trust trump about changing global weather conditions because he is a great businessman and he wouldn’t be buying properties and land if there was going to be climate change and global warming. So it must not be real. That is an insane way to think. You cant be serious.

    3. @Scott Allen Scott,the approach by you that America should block the punches with it’s face doesn’t set well with me or for that matter with some top Democrats. If indeed America has turned a blind eye to it’s technology/bad tariff deals rip_offs. America has every right to acknowledge China about the matter until it is fixed. Yea,I know about the soy beans. Trump knew about this long before he was in office..while Democrats turned a blind eye to the matter.Trump isn’t no perfect human but let him fight that issue out for a while. Just don’t let anybody SPY on him…..again.

  2. Congress had better get tough and use its full range of powers and authorities because Trump and the GOP hold themselves above the law. This is a real threat to our way of life and the culmination of 50yrs of GOP malfeasance.

    1. John Hurley no I think any law abiding citizen would want to see anyone who breaks the law see Justice no matter who he is, that includes Trump

    2. Mr Jones mr. Jones you’re not going to convince someone like Mahari has any kind of guilt Trump is guilty of he is a mouthpiece for the Trump Administration and it is not likely his mind will change to the truth

    3. Thomas Thompson totally agree with you Thomas but my thought was he should have been gotten rid of the very first day he step foot into the Oval Office with three different State’s Attorney’s from three different states hot on the trail making him pay 25 million dollars to continue he’s walk into the White House for defrauding the public with a fake University that was the moment I knew he should never be placed in office

    4. @We are all connected At the start of the second round Mueller corrected in his opening statment that a sitting president cannot be charged. He sure can be. But of course the corporate MSM don’t show that. To hide the fact that Mueller found no evidence of collusion. So Trump is innocent. Then Mueller sayd finding no evidence doesn’t mean Trump did not do it. So now it’s guilty until proven innocent. Who can prove that?

    5. @Lodewijk Langeweg at the end of it, he was asked point blank if trump could be indicted based on the facts and evidence in the report, once he is no longer a sitting president,and Mueller said he could and certainly SHOULD. Now I don’t know what you were TOLD or where you got your information, but I saw and heard the conversation while I was watching it on t.v….not second hand news.

  3. I think Congress just want to expose them and let the American public make their own decision. I think they should just impeach the F…..r

    1. Hate to break it to you, unless the Dems can rig the election Trump is going to continue to Keep America Great with minority unemployment at record low, better trade deals, and border security. You are going to have to wait at least until 2024 for higher taxes, late term abortions, open borders, and gun confiscation

  4. Corey just admitted that he hasn’t read the Mueller report, yet still says it clears Trump of all wrongdoing… He “knows” because some Senators said so, and so did AG Below D. Barr. What a joke! Trump and his administration have lied, covered things up, destroyed evidence, and directed others to break the law. Impeach Individual 1, and his little Barr, too!

    1. @Bucky Pinata oh you mean Alt-right media or the state media known as fox news? Yeah not good enough. The republican party became a cult. You defending Trump like the cult that followed Manson. That’s y’all maga is your Helter skelter.

    2. Sorry Hillary that’s not going to work. You and you’re team destroyed 33k emails and destroyed laptops, smartphones & tablets. #eatshit #losers

    3. @Rufus , just Rufus Ten what ifs, could bes and maybes….obviously you dd not read the report or comprehend it. As Mueller stated, no one obstructed his investigation. Lefts narrative has been debunked for months…

    1. I don’t give a F about Corey Lewandowski. He’s a waste of letters in my post. We should be hearing the President testify. For G’s sake they had Bill Clinton testify for getting a BJ….

    1. Yes. Best of all, it’s mostly in plain sight, in Trump’s & his cronies’ own public words & actions! Worst of all, Republicans like it & some Democrats think it’s ok to basically let it slide.

    2. Yep you are certainly right. Does Trump really have to shoot someone on 5th avenue in order for the Democrats to DO SOMETHING?

    1. Nadler needs to be impeached for obstruction of justice by not looking into spygate. The Democrats play act like they have a good case against Trump but then it falls thru because it has no substance. If you don’t believe me,watch,Trump will still be President in January of 2020. He may be the PRESIDENT for another four years. So how about that?

  5. If Roles were reversed, The GOP would have Cuffed the witness right then and there. The GOP pursues heresay and conspiracy theories harder and faster.
    Democrats need to start punching these hostile witnesses in the mouth.
    Answer the questions or go to jail.

    1. All of the communist tech companies of social media that censor anyone right of staling that lied to congress about it they need to get contempt of court.

    2. Congress is not the judicial branch of government. They are the legislative branch, not the court or executive branch.

    3. The Roles would never be reversed because the Republicans would not back a dead horse! or collaborate with foreign enemy’s to rig an election, like Hillary Clinton attempted to do with the Steele’s dossier…

    1. @Christina Robinson how many times have they tried to impeach trump and failed..since 2016..they can try every which way..all the interviews..all the since 2016 and stil lose…must be gods on trumps side….never lose..

    2. @Christina Robinson thats not how it works. And whether or not the votes are present in the Senate should not have ANY impact on impeachment… If crimes were committed its their job to impeach.

      Senate only comes in after impeachment, to vote whether or not to remove him from office, which, lets be real here…. we DONT want! We want him impeached, we dont want Pence in the drivers seat.

      But to watch all these crimes and NOT impeach? Thats setting a precedent…. thats saying Congress approves.

      Thats saying the president really is above the law, as well as his cronies… (Mnuchin should have been impeached the week he refused to hand over the tax information to the chairman who asked for them… Barr should have been impeached several times over by now…)

      Dems need to take their party back from #TraitorPelosi

    3. What a GREAT JOKE The
      HOUSE DEMOCRATS are They know they have NOTHING But Foolish Followers that haven’t the BRAINS to Work Out They are going NOWHERE but DREAM LAND

  6. You are obstructing this committee, you are obstructing congress and you have no respect for our country. You are the biggest weasel in American history! Hey Corey…one more thing🖕

    1. @Rex Anderson Trump has said many times how he loves his uneducated supporters! Way to be one, dingaling! 🤣😂🤣😂

    2. Nadler is a clown, the Muller report already exonerated Trump, This is America not China, in the America a person even the president of the USA is considered innocent until proven guilty. if you love communism so much then move to china. Trump 2020

  7. Hostile witness, Contempt of court. Put Lying Lewy in jail. Investigate him. He is suppose to be a law enforcement officer? This is probably not the only thing he has lied about in court?

    1. @mjimih Again no actual facts or any intelligent arguments whatsoever, only name calling and finger pointing… At least we know you’re a real Democrat, congratulations on making the point for me!

    2. Might want to check your facts by the way all that jibberish your spreading about your president has been debunked, all of it!! You know cause CNN still reports on it. The real problem is here is why and how the lies were started and then why it continued on so long despite the evidence! EASILY DEBUNKED!!!

  8. “Chairman Nadler: Trump Will Do ‘Anything’ To Obstruct Justice” Until you can enforce your rules I have no use for you……

    1. Hobbeymac-and while you’re at that no use mode, apply that to comnmrade pelosi for failing to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States– only when she says she has enough votes– from donnie’s corrupt crimes– some felonies–and comrade pelosi protects and defends donnie and betrays her own party!! I am totally all for locking her up!! WOOPS!! Wrong party!! Hard to tell commrade pelosi from putin’s epublikans!!

  9. Chairman Nadler,
    The American People will state this in the most succinct way possible, ……………..
    Noooo negotiations, noooooo extra day, CUFFED ON THE SPOT AND OUT THE DOOR.
    NEXT please

    1. The Democratic Party is an absolute joke at this point in time. The Candidates are so split how can they expect to win this next Primary? Warren – not a chance

      Biden – his parody site gets more clicks than his campaign page

      Bernie – Let’s tax you for every breath you take!


    2. Unfortunately, not that easy. Barr is the one to oversee a Contempt of Congress hearing and he won’t for Trump’s goons.

  10. Pelosi is the problem. Nadler is 100% right. It is outrageous that Pelosi is more concerned with polls than she is about Congress doing their Constitutional duty now. If they don’t Impeach him – then they will be opening the door for rampant corruption at all levels of government.

    1. Trumpty Dumpty your fall is coming! Nadler looks like Humty Dumpty.I am sure pelosi and Nadler never did any lying.pelosi has 400 million in the bank.How do you accumulate that much money working for the government.I bet Nadler has a bank account.

    2. @Daniel Saenz Where’s your ‘legitimate’ news source for her having 400 million?? And I don’t mean the usual Traitor Trump conspiracy theory BS sites.

  11. I guess Chairman Nadler has finally decided that the emperor has no cloths. Let’s see the rest of the party stand behind that.

    1. @Authentic Existence I believe a lot of congress’s problem is they’re dumbfounded they’ve never seen anybody this bold to just ignore the law and they really don’t know what to do it’s unprecedented

  12. The power is with the people , A class action Lawsuit against Barr for Miss Representation . His job is to represent the people, not the Presidents.

    1. @Chris Reiser No, his point is to show the blatant hypocrisy of the left. But since it is an everyday occurrence, no one notices it, well, no one on the left that is.

    2. WS P So the next time you get a ticket you go in and argue with the court and prove your point that it’s unjust and you don’t need to tell the truth and see how far that gets you in life.

  13. Barr is obsructing justice. He deserves jail. If he’s holding back, he’s covering up. Dems – get it together and fight!! The Republicans are playing dirty.

    1. Hi Wendy..I think your overdoing it by thinking all Republicans are evil doers. The reason Republicans are angry is because Jerry Nadler refused to acknowledge that the Trump campaign was spied upon. To me, this is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE on his part. This is the reason the top Democrats can expect a fight.

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