Lawmakers joined the family of fallen US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, whose remains are lying in honor in the building's famous Rotunda, to honor his service less than four weeks after he died after responding to the riot that erupted in the building.
Lying in state is typically reserved for leaders of American government, but two US Capitol Police officers shot to death in 1998 were the first private citizens to lie in honor at the Capitol.
Sicknick's family released a statement on Saturday thanking "congressional leadership for bestowing this historic honor on our fallen American hero."
"We also wish to express our appreciation to the millions of people who have offered their support and sympathies during this difficult time. Knowing our personal tragedy and loss is shared by our nation brings hope for healing," the statement said.
Multiple lawmakers had called for Sicknick to be honored at the Capitol, and two Republicans from South Carolina had introduced a bill that would allow him to lie in the Rotunda before his burial at Arlington National Cemetery.
Sicknick, a New Jersey native who had served in the National Guard, died the day after the riot "due to injuries sustained while on-duty," the Capitol Police said in a statement at the time. He was one of five people who died in the violence.
In the days following his death, Pelosi and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy also each arranged for flags to be flown at half-staff in Sicknick's honor.
Sicknick's ceremonial rest at the Capitol comes as investigators are struggling to build a federal murder case, vexed by a lack of evidence that could prove someone caused his death as he defended the Capitol during last month's insurrection.
#CNN #News
Exactly… do not let his death b in vain. All those responsible shd be held accountable
Guess what this might make you cry but no one will be charged because no one killed him he died of a stroke
@Raphael Gulbenkian You go, Raphael. You tell them. Tell them like it is.
@D mpk Morals and decency is back?? And where did you find them?
So we have a distrust situation between democrats and Republicans. The problem is democrats say things and can’t back them up.
@Matt River I meant what I said
@Frankie Bruan They want to defund police. They even mistreated the national guards and some of them came from Texas!
Biden staff paid money into the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out arrested rioters. I wonder how many police were abused thanks to his staff paying for thugs to be released.
Trump sent his “reguards” to a billionaire who died 5 days after the insurrection, and to this day has not even sent an apology to the family of this officer.
That is so screwed up.
@This Is Your Captain Speaking and if you dont know what that means…I believe ppl out there need help ( Democrat ), but I also believe you shouldn’t take from one group of ppl to benefit another ( conservative ). There’s a fine line, have to be smart enough to know when, then go at nature’s pace
@Raphael Gulbenkian why? Every state certified and every court supported Biden’s win. Done deal. Continuing the farce would have stoked the delusion and incited more treason.
@vinessa wess please can you name one violent Trump supporter who killed a officer or anyone at the capital like you claim cause if that were true it would be on video and they would be in jail right?
Trump belongs in jail
@Colby Holder
I don’t know any of those violent Trump supporting insurrections rioters (who killed the US capital police officer) by name, sweetie!
however, I’m sure the FBI and the department of Justice knows who the proTrump Supporting killers are!!
why don’t you go to the Federal bureau of investigations and ask them because I don’t have the answer to that question but I’m sure they do!
Go ask the proud boys, maybe they know!
Go ask the 3 percenters, or the qanon kooks or the rebel flag waving NeoNazisKKK scumbags if they know because all of those clowns were there at the proTrump Capitol building riots.
Arrest T***** and all those responsible for the murder of this American patriot and hero. I wish I could let go of this anger.

My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends.
@TripleAstyle1 A One group was protesting over the killing of unarmed black men. You cult members riot because that narcissistic fool who can never admit defeat told you to. You need to wake up!
@TripleAstyle1 A And killed over 30 people.
@Manuel Ortiz Nope. Rayshard Brooks was unarmed. George Floyd had enough fentanyl in him to kill a horse. Jacob Blake was reaching for a knife when he got shot. Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend started shooting at police, and then got caught in the crossfire. Don’t forget that Brooks, Floyd, and Blake were resisting arrest.
@Bradyn Lotterman And before the election trump said I think it’s going to be rigged. He dose that to cast doubt on his loss. I understand that you are a cult member and most likely have a racist view of the world. The people have spoken and trump lost. Go crawl back under the rock you’ve been hiding under.
@Manuel Ortiz I’m no cult member. You have no grounds to call me racist. You know that Trump never violated the law by saying that the election was going to be rigged. It was foolish, but not illegal.

Uneducated ignorant post good job.
@M Hall turn yourself in
@Raphael Gulbenkian why do you keep posting this? Republicans controlled the Senate Jan 6, 2021, not the Dems. Accept responsibility for your party. Postings bullshit wont change facts.
@Raphael Gulbenkian
Killed by traitors calling themselves Patriots. That is one messed up country.……. 13
So stupid to post just a link. It reveals someone who is incapable of thinking for themselves. Stand by your own words not others, or more video lies.
@Cisco de la Vega it’s because there are no words left for them to say.
Funny you say that but you don’t know where or how he died now do you?
Smh killed by the same people who shouted back the blue.
killed by a Hatred so irrational that it cant even be consistent. Rest In Peace.
@Floor Lava The guy who shot Dorn was a felon. He was breaking the law by having a firearm. So yeah, I’m pretty sure him carrying a firearm was illegal. You’re not very smart.
@Floor Lava lol you must live off of propaganda koolaid how about you watch some real news and learn how Brian really died
@Mighty Seabass
@Dylan Cohen what is that did the Lincoln project send you here? Lol
Rest In Peace sir. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, and you shall be avenged.
Rip Brian! This beautiful soul lost because of stupidity. Should have never happened. And what made it worst was the same people who cause his death was present at his honor and showed their crocodile tears. Hold them accountable for Brian’s death! Brian is a true angel, gave his life for all of us! We will always remember you!
Lol Did you know Brian do you know how he died?
@Colby Holder obviously we all do now! It was all over the news and if you use this thing call Google it will give you tons of detail. How disgusting are you!
All of this is happening because of one crazy man that nobody does anything about it the GOP is probably covering for him too.
Let me guess you believe he died do to head trauma right? I would have to say go watch some real news
Joseph Stalin Biden?
I feel so bad for his family.
He was not killed. He was murdered. There is a difference.
@Colby Holder He was murdered by a bunch of murdering treasonous terrorists who beat him to death with baseball bats, fire extinguishers, hockey sticks, etc. Anything else you need to know murdering loser?
@David Jensen no the comment about the fbi David where did it go? Lol
@Colby Holder You’re nothing but a liar; plain and simple.
@Colby Holder What you talking about liar? lol..
@David Jensen come on man we know the truth you don’t have to lie and hide your comments to kick it bud
Never forget the Republicans are 100% to blame.
@Raphael Gulbenkian
cult45 POS turn yourself in
So Democrats are responsible for the deaths of the police during riots last year?
@Frankie Bruan partly yes. Some of Biden’s staff donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund who bailed out arrested rioters. Also Kamala Harris has told BLM to keep on doing what they’re doing, which must include violence, destruction and abusing the police.
@Raphael Gulbenkian
I’m assuming trump didn’t show his respects either
Did Biden show his respects when Officer David Dorn was slain by BLM?
I hope the life of this brave man will be honored by holding every one accountable for their actions!
Starting with the conviction of Trump by 17 republican senators that care about American democracy and justice. We will all be watching.
So sad. Sending my most sincere condolences to his family.
I would have been humbled and distraught that this man died protecting me. God bless him and his family. He died a hero.
Let’s hope the criminals who did this rot in jail.
The biggest of all is in Florida living a nice life..
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 RIP, Officer Sicknick. The Lord holds a special place for you in His House.