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So many cops breaking windows and setting fires to frame protesters. So many cops attacking the press. So many cops turning on American citizens. Complicit, criminal, crooked cops.
Do you not understand
*peaceful American citizens
nice video
cool video
Looting and attacking police officers is not protesting.
Reagan Pup it’s civil war
Same thing they did in Ukraine
So he screams Yo Yo when police retaliate but no Yo Yo when the rioter smashes windows?
did someone call for Yo Yo Ma?
You already fail to be heard. You are too violent
Violence result violence if you wanna be heard its already too late just go home and maybe you will not end up dead if trump send military
Welcome to America, the land of the free…
You can see that the one that broke the windows is with the one filming and the news share this that is a shame, sharing violence
A war zone.
Don’t you just love the fruits of diversity!
this isnt making anything better its making it worse
And the officials doing nothing and the MSM encouraging it are equally to blame and contemptible.
Those who think the police aren’t a neccessity in society aren’t paying attention. Everyone calls the police when they have been made a victim .
Police the Police
These protestors are absolutely embarrassment right humanity. Ppl have not learned their lesson from COVID. We will be punished so much harder soon.
Ukraine 2.0
Use the drones
Stop using Human Resources use drones
Those are looters not protestors ..sorry.
New York is no place for decent taxpayers or business owners. Where the wild things are.