Cecilia Rouse: More People Will Feel Confident Taking ‘Face-To-Face Jobs’ With Vaccine Rollout

White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Cecilia Rouse discusses the issue of job insecurity due to the coronavirus pandemic and what she expects to see in the long term.
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Cecilia Rouse: More People Will Feel Confident Taking 'Face-To-Face Jobs' With Vaccine Rollout


    1. Hello sir, your country has virus, you need to download latest booster update version 15.30 for you running to continue good. Or else you risk getting virus

    1. Nah… What American people are you addressing? Clarify please… are we talking about the confederates or the nazi’s that tried to storm the Capitol and turn the country into the handmaidens tale?

    2. @House Speaker Nancy Pelosi you need to download latest booster anti virus software update 32.64. your last version 32.63 is outdated, and you need vaccine in order for human to be running. new feature include wireless 5G though connectivity but only with those within your apple connected network of course. please have good day and download virus booster now and give number and health history good bye!

  1. So happy I worked for myself and retired in my late 30’s. Saving money and not buying stupid stuff you don’t need is the ticket. Passive income is awesome too. You should try it. Good luck if you are looking for a job.

    1. That is great you were able to do that. It could have all failed if you ended up having a health issue.

  2. Try paying a living wage and people might want to risk their health and the health of their families by working.

    1. I live in New Hampshire and we have state liquor stores that pull in millions yet they only want to pay $12.75 an hour to stock and work the register and $16-$18 and hour for management.

    1. Of course you got no sniffles with so many people wearing masks, sniffles have been a rarity for the last year.

    2. @ruth depew people walk right out of their house, and take pkgs out of my dirty hand. No masks in sight.

    3. @eric brosofske It is the pervasiveness of masks everywhere that totally eliminated the regular flu this year. The bare faced idiots who came out to grab packages didn’t get colds and flu from others.

  3. The economy will not recover from $6 trillion being spent and only 5-6% of the funds actually for jobs that don’t exist. This is where the government says, I’m taking over your business and lives because you don’t know how.

  4. She did not answer the question, “Do we the USA need more immigrants to fulfill our labor requirements?” Just in case anyone forgot their American history. America has needed immigrant labor for the last 400 years, perhaps we still do.

  5. Work from home is better for the environment and less stress. If a job can be worked from home employers should allow it.

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