Cecile Richards tells Lawrence O'Donnell that women are unseen and unheard in the Trump administration, and they're fired up to beat him in November: "58% of caucusgoers in Iowa were women… If 58% of voters next fall are women, it's game over." Aired on 02/6/20.
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Cecile Richards Says Women Are Motivated To Defeat Trump In 2020 | The Last Word | MSNBC
STAND UP and TAKE AMERICA BACK WOMEN!!! November here we go!
*except alot of women will also vote for Trump, making your collectivism useless.
nomoreinc nomoreinc
– Go Pocahontas , Go!!
WoC are iron clad ready!
The woman is going to make the difference he always de creating theme go blue wave we will get him out office in November
@Ray That’s why your party has been brought to it’s knees.
@Da Choppah Yeah ok!
@Da Choppah During Trump’s first 36 months in office, the US economy has gained 6.6 million jobs. But during a comparable 36-month period at the end of Obama’s tenure, employers added 8.1 million jobs, or 23% more than what has been added since Trump took office.
Where are Trump’s taxes?
@Ray- Still crying? I tried my best by giving you facts to hopefully dry your tears, but your low IQ twisted communist brain prefers you stay a crybaby and loser. I’m not sure whether to feel sorry for you or laugh at you…oh never mind, HAHAHAHAHAHA!! But even though you’re an embarrassment to yourself and a disgrace to your family, take pride in knowing you excel at being laughed at, so you’re not quite as useless as you think. Feel better now?
@ronkostars Ron the drunken bar chick who refuses to take no for an answer. Here we are again nobody like you!
@Ray- HAHAHA, I knew you couldn’t resist coming back with even more of your stupidity proving you’re just another low IQ leftist moron, you’re hilarious! But even though you’re an embarrassment to yourself and a disgrace to your family, take pride in knowing you excel at being laughed at, so you’re not quite as useless as you think. Feel better now?
ronkostars darling you are an insignificant worm.
I can feel the pathetic energy that comes from your comment.
You “ didn’t intend to” blah blah blah.
You clearly did. You also clearly do not have a life that has any meaning whatsoever
And so is this proud life long male feminist! 45*’s war on women alone is enough to make him morally unfit for potus…or even public life.
‘Proud’ to be a male feminist?? Sounds like toxic masculinity

U the type to pee sitting down
I see a whole lot of children in here smh
@Mo Fuggar All I see is a whole lot of children in here. And it’s embarrassing when you are ready to be an adult then come back. Because right now you are acting like a six year old.
@SuperSupraRacer And you are the kind of person. That doesn’t know how to talk about nobody. Because you’re roasting jokes are trash.
A lot of women are also motivated to just chuck Trump into a volcano.
@Tim Countis exactly,,, he is THE CHOSEN ONE, spit out to give you 4 more years of TDS
@John Pembroke Hate to break it to you, but your chosen one doesn’t know how to operate an umbrella.
A lot of women are also motivated to support Trump.
Vote Trump and republiCONS out Blue Tidal Wave.
Women will be the counting vote. We have morals. We are down to earth in how we think. We care more about others than men. We will be the counting vote.
Epenesa Jennings prove it. Vote Bernie.
Vote Blue Tital Wave. Vote all republiCONS out.
President Ponzi scheme is only good at divisive politics. Thinks John McCain is a looser but Rush Limbaugh a hero? Can’t wait until his realty show is cancelled again
Its called enough is enough politics.
William Oliwa lol

so true
Women and the young will change the world!!
Amen, sister!
@John Pembroke Young vote…who are single issue voters…Climate change and gun reform… they are fired up!!!
@GG true, but blunts and xanax will keep most of them away from the poles
@John Pembroke Thats very sad thing to say…you dont think better of the young people today? I disagree
@GG its not about my thinking, its about actual reality. In the cities, they vote without going to the polls. The workers for democrat polling locations cheat and commit voter fraud. Ive seen it with my own eyes. Used to volunteer as a democrat. Total scum. Especially in major dem strong hold cities. 35% of the district show up, but 95% of the district voted. Criminals, the whole party.
He disrespects women? He disrespects everybody! Everybody vote against him!
She should make a women only party and see what happens.
Nancy’s ripping up a Manifesto of Mistruths was an important visual to counter the handshake snub. Exercise caution though. The GOP is seeking chances to suppress turnout by Undecided and Independent voters by misrepresenting both parties as childish and not worth the time to vote. A multi-faceted approach is necessary. ..head and heart…facts, evidence, plus bread and butter kitchen table issues followed by action not excuses after election day.
I hope will be the woman who will trash this mobster.
Trump and his administration not only don’t listen to women, they disrespect and have no value for women as you eloquently enumerated all they have done to make life for women in America frightening and disheartening. Ivanka Trump boasted of a six week paid leave for federal employees when they have or adopt a child, yet there is no federal legislation for all the other women in America. In Canada, parents have the right to one year of parental leave, with no fear of losing their job, and are paid a portion of their salary through federal/provincial funding. This is 2020 why is America lagging on such a significant issue compared to other leading nations?
Yes women, 100 years ago the suffragettes fought for the right to vote. Now is the time to be strong, roll up our sleeves, put on our boots and make saving America, saving democracy and protecting our rights a priority. Our mothers, daughters, grand-daughters, sisters and nieces will be proud of us and the role we can play this year in such a critical election for the future of our country. So if our husbands have to do the groceries, make the dinners, do the dishes, prepare the lunch boxes and do the laundry, engage them now when our country needs us. Turn off the tv, get off FaceBook and volunteer for your candidate. Knock on doors, make calls, help people register, do what you can to ensure a brighter future for our families, our country and the world.
This just shows you. White women are smarter and wiser than White men….lol.
Go women go! With you from Quebec.
This is giving me deja vu…
Just wondering…anyone know how many people in the Electoral College are women?
58% uptick in women engaging in politics in Iowa alone, Yeah we got this #Women2020