CDC Panel Endorses Pfizer Covid Vaccine For Kids | MSNBC

Former Obama White House Policy Director, Dr. Kavita Patel and NBC News Correspondent Ellison Barber join Geoff Bennett to discuss the latest in vaccinations.

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#CDC #Pfizer #BreakingNews


    1. @psycobleach46 tullis In that case you must be deaf and blind to what is going on around you, there is a new crisis every half hour, genius.

    2. Now now! Let’s not discredit Biden. He’s been quite stellar if I do say so, myself. Nearly 200,000 illegals came through the border last month. He’s getting things accomplished faster than any former president I’ve seen. Other than him referencing Kamala as president a number of times, he seems to be like any typical, senile old codger down at the home.

    3. @J. Karpinski I have had my account for over 10 years, the shill/troll is you buddy, I don’t push lies and conspiracies like you idiots do. I don’t follow a leader who lies about everything like you do. I don’t follow putin like you do. So go back to whatever country you came from and take your FAKE crap with you

    4. @Alex Weiss NOPE, Border Patrol data shows there have been 381,636 enforcement encounters at the Southwest border in the 2021 fiscal year, which began in October. In January and February — Biden was president much of that period — there were 172,286 encounters.

      In the 2021 fiscal year, there have been 64,046 apprehensions and 317,590 Title 42 expulsions. NO illegals were let in. The only senile one is the one who won’t come to terms that he lost (trump)

    5. Those lawsuits and criminal cases piling up on Trump has you all in a tizzy, huh?
      It shows:)

  1. So, updating the score card:
    Science: 987,299,655,098,338,003,499,140,742,024,888,666
    Religion: 0

    1. @Adolf Hitler nope, that’s a medical procedure. You should probably go look up what science actually entails.

    2. @thegags Ill pray for you friend. God help you, see a truth greater than yourself, we are mortal, skin and bones which turn to dust.

    1. @Constituent A i have kids. They don’t get toxins put in their systems to do the job that their immune systems have always done on their own.

  2. Please parents don’t poison your children, there is 0 liability for the vaccine companies.

    1. @James House yeah I have evidence right here:

      DO NOT GET THE VACCINE. My aunt is dying from the vaccine. She had a brain clot, and she got the vaccine four days ago. Don’t believe me? Millions of other people who got the vaccine are dying/dead from brain clots. The vaccine is dangerous. I believe that the vaccine was created by the freemasons, as one of the main people who helped make the vaccine is a freemason. Please, please don’t get the vaccine. I may lose my aunt because of it. Some people may think that I’m a crazy troll or a person that doesn’t know the truth. But the fact is that many other people don’t see the truth.

    2. @Josh Brenneman people don’t need to give reasons why they are not getting a medical procedure. All that is needed is NO

    3. @Josh Brenneman Fun Fact. That is not evidence. If this were true, someone would be covering it, even if it is just newsmax or oan

  3. If the vaccine is so good why are we recommending giving it to people who are at virtually no risk? Won’t everyone else be fine since they’re vaccinated?

    1. @Wolfgang Vetter spreading it to who? Because COVID isn’t dangerous for kids so then spreading it to each other wouldn’t be a problem. And if your argument would be spreading it to people of risk those people have already had plenty of time to be vaccinated by now and they’d be fine since the vaccine works so well right?

    2. @Truth And if they spread it to someone of risk who hasn’t gotten the vaccine? Then what?

    3. @Wolfgang Vetteryou can legitimately walk in to any hospital, drug store, doctors office and get it. If you haven’t had the vaccine by now it’s because you don’t want it

    1. if i was a parent i’d be more worried about obesity and DM2 than this crap. Plus, if people and parents actually took care of themselves, they probably wouldn’t be so terrified of a mild virus.

    2. @Wolfgang Vetter You can’t prove that these “vaccines” are safe, yet you keep parroting propaganda. Half a dime a dozen.

    1. @C. Vasquez Because COVId is far more deadly than the flu. We don’t care about the flu because we recover in 2 days, but with COVID, 5% of the cases lead to lifelong injuries, and 2% lead to death, which means 7% of the cases are critical.

    2. @Balaram Chakrabarty when the flu was noval it was WAY more deadly. Sars had a 15% death rate bc it was noval also.

      as for you made up numbers, i’m not even bothering with them.

    3. Now you see the anti-semitism and bigotry of the Eugenicists.
      The disease filth injections are NOT kosher… G-d tells us to avoid eating pork.
      Injecting dead abortion disease fluids into your children ? NOPE.

  4. As an adult, I have no fear of vaccines, none. Imagine being a little kid though and hearing all the “good” news about all the shots you were going to get. Lol. Wonderful news for the country though.

    1. Terrible news. The vaccine is dangerous. Pasting my other comment below:

      DO NOT GET THE VACCINE. My aunt is dying from the vaccine. She had a brain clot, and she got the vaccine four days ago. Don’t believe me? Millions of other people who got the vaccine are dying/dead from brain clots. The vaccine is dangerous. I believe that the vaccine was created by the freemasons, as one of the main people who helped make the vaccine is a freemason. Please, please don’t get the vaccine. I may lose my aunt because of it. Some people may think that I’m a crazy troll or a person that doesn’t know the truth. But the fact is that many other people don’t see the truth.

    2. Josh, so sorry about your aunt! My mom had heart palpitations start up after the Pfizer and ended up in the ER. She’s ok now…I think. I hope your aunt can pull through too. The vaccines were developed by the same people who brought us covid in the first place. They are both bio weapons for depopulation. Adverse reactions very under reported. Stay safe!

    3. @Suz H Thank you so much. An actual nice person on the internet is rare. I’m sorry to hear about your mom and I’m happy she recovered. I am very aware that the people who made the vaccine also made covid, and I know, the Masons intended to depopulate because in their twisted bible, the limit for population is 5 billion… I don’t know if you know about the Masons (Mason is for short, its freemasons), but the Masons are the people you were talking about that made covid and the vaccine. Stay safe, it was really nice to see a good person on the internet!
      Edit: forgot to add this, I still haven’t gotten any news on if my aunt is ok, but I’ll screenshot this conversation so I remember to update when I find out if she’s ok

    1. Says the person who voted for a man who claimed injecting disinfectants is the cure for Covid!!
      Like you said…'”Monkey see monkey do!””

    1. Getting your kids vaccinated is not child abuse. Not getting them vaccinated is child abuse.

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