The president on Wednesday claimed that a coronavirus vaccine could be ready for distribution as early as mid-October, a claim he issued hours after the head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, testified it likely wouldn't be ready until spring or summer of 2021. Aired on 09/17/2020.
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CDC Director Says Vaccine Won't Be Ready Until 2021 | Morning Joe | MSNBC
the only way to tyrantproof the presidency is not to elect tyrants to the presidency
I keep expecting Trump to say “Yeah, that’s the ticket”
Sic Semper Tyrannis…
@Cars N Stuff – Trump did that.
@Thomas Monahan – Says the supporter of a President who’s best friends with Communist leader Kim Jong Un.
Where is Trump’s science degree? The craziness of him definitely stating what does and doesn’t work for preventing disease is beyond the pale.
What do you mean science degree? I think you meant High School degree. You misunderstood the question…smile…
@Crystal Giddens You are a liar.
@Ken White Oh, THAT explains all the stupidity! It’s just one numbskull!
Trump University

CHUMP, who told Obama to resign after one Ebola death, calls 197,000 COVID-19 deaths “fantastic job”
@Michael Whitted wrong lincoln was a moderate you pendejo go watch lincoln 2012 you uneducated inbred
@Perry Perrie lol do you not know how to use google? youre special?
@Colonel Seguin the Tejano Rebel Says the person all in for Trump. Pendejismo comes to mind with you and your rebellion.
@Michael Jimenez lmao you guys are the ones defending anti american rioters and pedos my name is just a reference to the texas revolution which is a legitimate one unlike the communist larp revolution in seattle and portland
trust me when trump wins in november it will prove we arent a rebellion but im sure you know that deep down
@Michael Jimenez im all in for turmp cause im american FIRST before race since im not racist and he is a million times better than sleepy knee bending china loving biden
When Hitler knew the end was near, he had the subways flooded, killing many German civilians. Fasten your seat belts.
@Mike Smith I don’t believe that is true. At the time, Jefferson Davis said that it was to protect the institution of slavery. There were many struggles over whether new states would become slave or free, with bloody battles that preceded the Civil War. The South was also demanding the right to come North into free states and kidnap escaped slaves (who they called property). So, no, slavery was at the heart of the Civil War. The irony is that most Southerners were not slaveholders, but fought for the interests of the slaveholders, the “1%ers” of their day. America is an odd country that way, even today the lower middle class will fight to the death for the rights of billionaires to forgo paying taxes, starving the coffers of our government, and will support tax bills that favor the wealthy. With our nation 26 Trillion in debt. Don’t believe me, check to see how today’s top 1% are doing in 2020.
@Crystal Giddens I’m searching on the internet for new CDC guidelines related to reporting that a death is caused by COVID and I’m not sure what you are referring to. Was it the report of August 30 that revealed that 94 percent of people who tested positive for COVID and died also had underlying health conditions? Or something more recent?
@Joe Z. Actually the CDC guidelines are referred to in this video by a physician and confirmed by the interviewer and read verbatim and also confirmed in this same video by Dr Birx and Dr Fauci although Fauci guffaws at the notion the guidelines are inappropriate. Also note in this video that they include a financial incentive to “game the numbers.” *Scamdemic – Dr Scott Jensen On Covid 19 Death Count Guidelines & Financial Incentives*
MN Senator*
@Crystal Giddens ok, the gist of the argument seems to be that hospitals are being reimbursed to a greater degree by Medicare if they state that the cause of the hospitalization is COVID, rather than the underlying condition. This leads to padding of the numbers, and in addition, when a patient dies, the cause of death is listed as COVID, but COVID was the exacerbating element, so the cause of death should be more accurately listed as whatever the patients underlying condition was. Is that a fair assessment?
@Joe Z. That is sort of a fair assessment but as I have illustrated they cannot distinguish between covid and the common cold so calling the underlying cause covid is mere guess work or “a judgement call” or “gaming the numbers.” The gist of the argument is they are intentionally “gaming the numbers” and we truly have no idea how many have died due to anything related to covid. Here:
*As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases ( HCID ) in the UK.*
Published 22 October 2018
Last updated 21 March 2020 — see all updates
Public Health England
( HCID ) –
high consequence infectious diseases ( HCID ) in the UK.
Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, who has been testifying before the British parliament on how many people he thinks will ultimately fall prey to Covid-19. Professor Ferguson was giving evidence as part of a parliamentary select committee on science and technology. His initial projection was that Covid-19 would claim the lives of 500,000 people in the UK — but he has revised that projection. Ferguson now believes that at most 20,000 people will die — and it could be much lower.
The eminent epidemiologist’s U-turn has not been widely reported to the public, but reportage from inside the hearing says that Professor Ferguson is now calling a figure 25 times smaller than his original prediction the absolute maximum. One wonders what has happened to change his mind — it seems that the lower than expected mortality rates are causing experts to re-evaluate their more apocalyptic predictions. Professor Ferguson actually has Covid-19 himself —perhaps it is not as bad as he thought.
Moreover, Professor Ferguson told the British parliament that he believes the UK’s national health system (NHS) has enough intensive care beds and equipment to handle the pandemic. And although the peak not having hit just yet, he believes that the UK will come through the worst relatively smoothly. Much ado about nothing, then?
*So I am telling you they are LYING! Can’t be anymore blunt than that. I have NOT minced words. You tell me if I am wrong.*
Why are your journalists so soft on questioning trump and mcenany
Antonio Raphael.Yeah,That interview with that guy Swan was great,really put Trump in his place.Everyone else is too soft.!!!

The US is a deferential society.
Steve Daniels
They aren’t soft!
TRUMP: “The head of the CDC is wrong, because nobody knows about the Kung-Flu more than I do”.
Trump cant give up a cure to his pandemic of lies?
Trump’s Plague…
@not tae More russian sanction tax church’s
@The Blade trump is racing to be re-elected can gou take 4 nore years of this whiner rich brat?
@Duramax Dad it’s 1 3rd or it’s a constitutional coup. These republicans are traitors to our constitution. No branch can have more power and one branch cannot usurp another’s authority’s.
@House Majority I think he has awaken sleepy Joe and the American people to his treachery. I made a sign I posted on my fence. Sucker loser veteran voting Biden.
Just a minute,I thought bleach and a flashlight were the solution.
Lmao your the greatest. Thank You for the lol. I needed it.
@Don Townsend russian bot detected
@The Blade they just dont get that

Gary Fishman
So there are actually Americans that believe there will be a vaccine available in 2020? Muahaha

@Crystal Giddens Wanna go out? I have a thing for fat, stupid chicks.
Doesn’t matter when the vaccine becomes available. Now that Dotard has politicized it, those of us who don’t trust him won’t get vaccinated. Just gotta keep wearing masks. Subtract the anti-vaxxer crowd and that leaves only 10 percent of the population who will get the shot. Not exactly Herd Mentality!
Stephan Maurer
Almost 50 % yes and he will get his second term… have Fun
Rokchant Except that every time he opens his gob he narrows his voting bloc.
Why do new networks give this human media time. He is lying intentionally: lies keep us talking about him longer and that’s what he wants!
@blackwind what does blackwind mean?
Tamara Holt
@Crystal Giddens part of titel from a Samantha Fish song Blackwind howling I just like the name blackwind
It’s a complete abdication of the duty of a free press so vital to a democratic society.
@Crystal Giddens
Lie lie lie this is the worst president in American history let’s vote him out
Another indoctrinated sheep
What? And tolerate a slow president with dementia who is also pushing the vax? Nope
@R L T Why do you foreign trolls keep trolling?
@WhiteFragilityRuinedUSA What makes you think I am foreign? Why do YOU, a leftist / socialist / communistic racist degrade our society? Hmmm? Peddle your racist material elsewhere.
TRUMP needs to be put in a stray jacket and put in a rubber room so he doesn’t hurt himself
no naked in a tank full of sharks
Bionic man
I believe the CDC director then Trump is a chronic liars that facts
Imagine Donald Trump calling someone else confused. That’s how confused he is.
That’s him projecting again!
“I think he was confused” is Trump for “I am confused”. It’s his normal state of mind.
“I don’t think science knows” -person who claimed there were airports in 1776
“No vaccine needed , herd immunity will save us all” president trump
Yeah, after a minimum of 2.15 million dead Americans.
But wait….it’s the end of summer. Didn’t it go away with the warmer weather over the last 4 months? I’m shocked!
“Herd mentality”, which he and his followers have, is quite dangerous.
I believe CDC i don’t believe trump. Trump is just selling america people false vaccine
OMG! How did America elect this lunatic as their president?
The compulsive liar is willing to murder Americans to save hid Presidency.