The Centers for Disease Control is now recommending that people wear non-medical face coverings when they go out in public. Medical experts say N95 and surgical masks should be left to health care workers, but for general use, a bandana or homemade mask can help prevent the spread of the virus. President Trump, however, says he will not wear such a protective covering.
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CDC Changes Guidance, Says People Should Wear Face Coverings When Outside | The Day That Was | MSNBC
His ego won’t allow him to wear one.
@Walt Schmidt well walt, from your vulgar reply, I am guessing you are a trumpster…he has said he likes the uneducated as you can tell them anything and they will believe it…tell them “it’s a hoax”, there are only 15 cases in the U.S., they’ll get better, then it will be gone”…
And yes Walt, I wear a mask…I have even learned how to make them..
@curious george Scientists have proven that people who swear more are more intelligent than those who don’t. So….
@Walt Schmidt I think you used “turd”…it’s gutter talk anyway you look at it…you have some good points…don’t diminish yourself with gutter talk…
@Hayden H because he only banned non-Americans.
Americans still traveled freely for some time. Over 40 thousand traveled from China to US after the ban.
Just like the latest EURO ban… except the UK, Ireland and Croatia. That’s just senseless.
He makes gestures, but they’re woefully inadequate.
Buck Browning …Shock the world! Say something intelligent!!
Listen to the cdc for this, not him. Wear a mask. Better safe than sorry. It’s a life and death situation out there.
Duct tape his mouth.
Feel better!? Po’thing you. Nothing of substance or value in your words. You are precisely the kind of fool MSNBC relies on. A lemming.
@Mighty_ Moua YUP 1000% agree
Thats a good one!!!
Is there enough duct tape in the world to do that?
Plug up his nostrils while you’re at it. Maybe he can breathe through his other end?

wonder what he meant.
His stupidity is AMAZING!
@J W Ratings usually mean that more people believe what they are seeing and hearing and reject the political “pandering” garbage!!
@Ken Kall “ratings” most certainly does not mean what you just wrote, but it [ratings] does speak [loudly] of the education or lack of education the viewer[s] and proves that you will believe anything that you want to believe. Instead of knowing what you need to do in order to look up the facts you find a pretend news show yo tell you what you want to hear. You’re sad and pathetic.
@J W ???? what do you mean? Too bad I feel sorry for you! The dems have managed to shove Biden down your throats they way they did Hillary in 16! Where was Biden then?? Since every other candidate supported him over Bernie it is obvious that the fix is in again!!! Did you know that multi millionaire Joe Biden never had a real job in his life? Lifelong politician!! I left that sad party the last time they screwed Bernie!! That got Trump elected AND it will again!! Everybody I talked to at Bernie rallies said that if this happens they will vote for Trump again!! Not me I’m a registered independent!!!
Using “Donald Trump” and “good leadership” in the same sentence: talk about oxymorons! With the emphasis on the “morons”.
@bLue pill I feel like you could use a thesaurus.
I follow every susbsriber back. Thank you. and Good comment RS Ss . Those who agree on comments should follow for follow. Thanks bros
@thisguy feel like you could use a re-education camp
@bLue pill is that an invitation?
@The Raw Stock when you put your real face and name next to your words, that’s when your words gain value.
I wonder how all these idiots that wanted a reality show president feel about being contestants on Survivor.
I didn’t vote to be on this island…and the series was almost OVER… November
gobigorange Seriously, I’m Yule.
Gobigorange, what a bluntly brilliant comment. Says it all.
They love it! Hopefully their numbers will decrease by following their orange prize pig.
Tip, listen to Fauci and the scientists, not the reality TV show and business guy.
@odog76543 on that note, maybe it would be beneficial for him to explain his reasoning better.. but even then, I’m sure CNN would find a way to cut out a clip and bash him for that too, as bashing Trump does seem to be the only thing they do.
And Fox News.
@Dan Woodard you make a lot of excuses for Trump. When Trump “lets Fauci answer questions”, ‘the doctor is primarily cleaning up or correcting things Trump has said that were incorrect or imprudent. Hence why many of Trump’s supports dislike him and are threatening him for contradicting or correcting things that Trump has previously said. If you just watched this video, you literally saw Trump straight up claim that he’s not going to wear a mask despite the CDC and Fauci recommendation to do so in public. Several congressmen have already come up positive for coronavirus. Trump is no exception, so it’s actually foolish that he would refuse to protect himself or others by wearing a mask in public, let alone stand as an example to the people as well.
It may be understandable to you, but it is not really understandable to many others, myself included. I’ve been a leader; an effective leader leads by example; you show your subordinates and the people you serve that you are not above the directives you yourself give to others.
Fake business guy I might add.
Trump is okay. He just wanted to tell us the truth. And the truth is. They not telling us the truth….this is a man made virus.
Dr. Fauci, everyone in Asia has been saying that since end of Jan…..but none of the western country listens
@g w And also MANY DIDN’T
@Rodolfo Aragon He is doing what the rest of the WORLD is also DOING
It took him longer than needed we had at least 2 months extra time. We could’ve been better prepared he kept dismissing the issues as of it was a hoax
@Rodolfo Aragon The travel ban was bold. He took a lot of criticism from Democrats.
@Hayden H so it’s good then, keep trollin for trump. If y’all stop your campaign of misinformation he has no chance on Nov.
When you have the least qualified people running the country, what do you expect. God Bless earth.
@Garfield Show thats not what your mom said,
besides try and make me ,,,
@Q Wins as a trump supporter you may want to stay away from the word storm. Alabama and a sharpy ring a bell? How about Puerto rico? Why not nuke the hurricane?
Glad to see you have sought help, but keep up that regimented of meds or more relapses in judgement will happen.
@John Lyons I support stong border security, that it should be difficult to immigrate, the death penalty, gun rights, and limited government. Just think trump is an incompetent buffoon and his supporters are being taken fo a ride. It’s that “you’re either with me or against me” mentally that will cost him the election.
@thisguy I believe Trump is doing a good job but is being hampered by people who don’t want their crimes against children and overall curruption exposed. The Comfort and the Mercy are for the children, as well as central park tents. There is more going on here than meets the eye.
@John Lyons like I said his supporters are being taken for a ride, look over here while I do something other there.
Almost everyone wearing mask here in the East at the beginning on the outbreak of the virus . And It took America a few months to figure that out !! What a mess !!
@loyde loydey I know and thank you.
loyde loydey blame our leaders. most people wanted to prepair but weren’t allowed to
That’s bc most of these news reporters & some doctors told people ” their is no point of wearing mask ” the mask you need to protect yourself are the n95 mask.
So if the East was wearing masks all that time how come you’re such a huge problem in the east? Oh never mind the answer is in the question mask don’t work. What people seem to forget is that there’s two ducks I mean inside of each eye one each that connects your eye tear glands to your sinuses. Volume doing is wearing a mask the virus can just as easily get in your eye and work into your sinuses from there. But they’re not telling you that because then you would know how screwed you really are.
Yung activist im not a follower. I bought a n99 respeirator . I knew this was going to get worse
That poor bus driver may be alive today if everyone on the bus had masks on.
Excellent point!
Absolutely agree.
That was horribly sad.
I’m with Dr Fauci, he is right, and I’m wearing a facemask!.

Let’s quit finding excuses for the man. He’s out of his depth in the waters he is in. He can do no better than to flail his hands and arms. To that he needs no outside impetus.
the sooner all hateful big city leftist die off the better our country will be
@brian gardner really putting a lot of faith in natural selection here though, lol
@brian gardner #BeLessStupid
@Dan Woodard don’t mind him, he’s been copy & pasting that everywhere. Pretty sure he’s an Iranian extremist.
Bernie Sanders is the greatest “Hand Flailer” of all time.
He declared a “National Emergency” that put the onus on him for a national response which hasn’t happened yet. If you look and listen to him, it’s evident that he is not up for the task. He is failing at leadership He doesn’t know how to take control of anything other than the microphone.
someone has been grounding planes headed to other countries with PPE and forcing them to sit on US tarmacs while unloaded here. (Turkey also did it to ? Spain, I think.) That sounds like something Orange Asspimple would do, although it will make everyone in the world hate us even MORE (which is nearly impossible, they hate us so much anyway.) So if he’s behind that, he is doing one thing, but it’s the wrong thing, morally and for international relations long-term. And he’ll probably sell those masks to Cuomo at $10/each through Jared.
If mask couldn’t protect healthy people from infection, why all medical staff wear masks
SO, he clearly knows how easily this virus is transmitted from person to person but says “it’s voluntary, you don’t have to do it, this is VOLUNTARY, I don’t think I’m going to be doing it”, instead of encouraging the public to do something that should have been encouraged months ago. SOME LEADER!!!… still wants to blame Obama for lack of supplies when he hasn’t done anything to stock supplies in the 3 years he’s been in office. FAKE PRESIDENT!!!
Trump is so immature. He’s a joke that isn’t funny.
So true.
The worst 3 year running gag, ever. Peor broma de 3 anos… ¿SI?
@Aaron Burr Atwood. He’s Cuckoo, that’s what.
@Aaron Burr Atwood.
Then there’s this guy, Jarrod, the guy with a billion $ credit debt, and who’s related to Joshua kushner, a person that owns a company involved in COVID-19 testing.
This guy. WTF & F this guy.
What is a leader! Advises people to not follow CDC recommendations and put their lives at risk. Good job!
Please do not insult Castro by comparing trump to him!! Castro was a million times more intelligent and much more of a man!!! Trump is a despicable Cretin!!
I hope he doesn’t wear one and catches it. That would be a win for everyone.
That’s what I keep saying over and over again. It would be a bonus for mankind if this inhuman being just died, and hopefully very painfully.
I don’t care about politics @all but I get sick of all of you complaining.We’d probably already bd sunk if HRC was president. I’m agaisnt baby killers an homosexuality because that’s what the most high hates.He is going to bring people to their knees.He said I laugh @the wicked cause I know their days is coming.HalleluYah I praise you Yahuah make your name known an great in the earth.Every knee will bow
Donna Nichols yeah you seem to have it together
Christopher Cross He knows what is important
@21 12

. Stupid president elected by Stupid people. Haha
I can only hope this president gets this virus along with his entire administration. Worst president/ administration EVER.
Why be so vile as to wish sickness or death on anyone due to their political beliefs?
Where’s the tolerance?
they already got it and cured if you watch their health condition through daily briefing.
@E. Paige Sergent the hatred is a bit deeper than that
@E. Paige Sergent Donald Trump is a selfish narcissist. If it takes him or his family to become extremely sick to the virus for him to take the situation seriously, it would be a good thing for the country.
Every single president in history has at least a touch of narcisst in them, or they wouldn’t have ever tried to be president… still doesn’t make you a better person for wishing them harm.