CDC advisers recommend resuming use of J&J vaccine

Vaccine advisers to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voted Friday to recommend resuming use of the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine.

#CNN #News

CDC advisers recommend resuming use of J&J vaccine


    1. Well Oxford can’t make their one safe and it uses them same tech . So its the way the vaccine is made not the company

    2. It is safe. 6 women out of millions came down with blood clots. Few prescription medications are that safe.

    1. Dr. Wen is wrong. She’s been wrong this entire time. She said the ONLY way out of the pandemic is through vaccination, which is patently false. Humanity has survived countless pandemics, and COVID paled in comparison.

  1. Oh darn it, just when we had lefties believing that butt plugs are the cure for covid. They will still be standing in line to get them anyway

    1. Is baby’s Hiney still chapped and sore From getting crushed in the house Senate and the presidency consecutively.? Here is some ointment for your chapped tiny little baby.

  2. 15 in panel used VAERS to find the 3 deaths. And those JJ Cases.
    Their Team Reseach Leader stated “There could be other cases not reported”
    We all knows their VAERS tools used is not complete.


    ” A 2010 federal study commissioned by HHS and performed by Harvard consultants on behalf of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events” are ever reported to VAERS.”

  3. Some days dam if you do dam if you don’t have a great weekend try to get some sun and fresh air or stay inside and get high awhile ☺️

    1. @Jo Mo Yes, birth control pills are very dangerous, but Covid Vaccine deaths are on the rise and have serious side effects for those who survive.

    2. @James Ryan Why doe the CDC and government hide real Covid Vaccine death toll numbers and dangers from the public?

    3. COVOD19 is a lot more dangerous than reported. It has killed millions of people. The shots haven’t.

    1. I hate to tell ya your crazy and i wish you the best i almost took the J&J vaccine until i heard about the deadly side effects iam glad i took the moderna so far i aint took the second one yet

    2. @vinmanfonzo vinman I asked my DR he said is the best one i believe on my doctor anyway all the vaccines the some I’m gna travel in a week so

  4. In 1976, scientists predicted a pandemic of a new strain of influenza
    called swine flu. More than 40 years later, some historians call it “flu
    epidemic that never was.”

  5. Can I get a J&J if I’ve already had 2 Pfizers? Since so many are “hesitant” there should be enough for those who want to stack vaccines and keep those antibody concentrations elevated. Can’t wait to get my variant booster.

    1. Whoa there mr gungho lol thats crazy dont do it man you done had your dose of pfizer you might catch a vad dose of kriptonine even Superman cant shake that off lol

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