The North Carolina State Board of Elections said it has the power to block GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) from running for reelection over his role in the January 6 insurrection. Cawthorn's attorney James Bopp Jr. joins New Day to discuss. #CNN #News
Cawthorn’s attorney responds to efforts to bar lawmaker from office

It’s kind of dumb to think that Cawthorn’s lawyer would admit that he violated the Constitution unless he was making a plea deal.
@Joel Nielsen You are assuming his goal is actually to stay in office. As with most of this new crowd slinging nothing but Trump’s rhetoric, this is all just a stepping stone to hosting a show on Fox, for much more money. Cawthorn will be signing a seven-figure deal with Fox instantly, if he gets barred from running. They don’t want to actually have to work. They are all “social media influencers” that wear suits instead of bikinis.
@bosco008 Probably. His constituents are likely as dull minded, treasonous, and hateful as he himself. And you of course.
@oltedders you mean don’t forget to deflect from the right to the left for the millionth time, because you know you can’t defend it?
Well, you got that right. He has to make money and if he admits his client is a doosh, then he doesn’t get paid, but it’s still good to watch him squirm and twist words around.
It was the radical left that made me do it, I’m the victim, the republican montra.
Disappointing that Cawthorn’s attorney has nothing to say except what aboutism that was actually all lies, but you did a heck of an interview!
@Brandon Smith You continue to prove you don’t even understand the meaning of the word.
@CallieMae I’ve been using “whataboutism” with these folks that can’t stay on topic! Both get the point across!
@Mark Dude all you are doing is repeating the same BASELESS claims that Trump and his associates repeat over and over. The Trump campaign had its opportunity to present their allegations of election fraud. They FAILED 1)Over 60 court cases ruled no fraud, 2) Supreme court cite lack of standing refuses to hear two,,3)so called Trump witnesses to fraud were found “Not credible by every Court.)4)Multiple recounts in every battle ground state, no fraud found. 5)every Trump investigative agency reviewed the election, no fraud found, 6)Trumps own attorneys general Barr reported to Trump, NO fraud, 7)Repubiican secretaries of states in PA, GA, AZ, ALL reported no fraud. 8)Ninja AZ audit commissioned by Republicans in Arizona found no fraud (actually found Biden won by more votes) 9) Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Fox News, oan, News Max, ALL being sued by Smartmatic and Dominion for billions for their election lies. They all are now backpedaling. The only fraud is Trump continuing to without a shred of credible evidence call The election rigged . After this mountain of procedurally credible evidence, any person that believes Trumps lies are either A TROLL, or totally influence by far-right extremist propaganda to near cult status, or a young inexperienced person.
@Mark Did you not see the quote that was on the screen that said(paraphrasing) he had not actually seen any proof of fraud, but he was preparing to object to the electoral counts anyway. Because, somebody said there was fraud, so there must be.
Well look, there is fraud!
But not perpetrated by the dems. Instead, by the twice impeached EX-president. What a shining example of a patriot:
*Forged electoral college certificates from 7 states.
*An hour long recorded phone call with a SOS to try and coerce him into “find me 11,780 votes…because I won the state”.
*Claims of fraud by the opposition, but really it’s only projection of all of the cheating he was doing.
*Throwing doubt on our elections and their processes, causing an insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.
@Mark “After all,…, which we know is illegal.”
FALSE: West Virginia does not allow any type of poll watchers.
NCSL Poll Watcher qualifications August 6, 2020
You could almost see him twisting physically while twisting the truth.
@Mark So… No criticism for the right at all? They are just all perfect beings?
@CynJ Williams
And it is true.
You did not answer my question. Please focus on the question I asked of you. Because a majority of Americans rightfully believe that Traitor Trump planned a Coup of our Duly Elected Government, and because a substantial amount of evidence is pointing towards TT as the Ring Leader, should the DOJ open a criminal investigation on TT to get to the bottom of this very important issue ?
@Jamtommy we all heard it nazi
This fool has more chance becoming a pretzel than he is serving as a lawyer
He doesn’t stand a chance. If anyone deserves to be prevented from running it’s Cawthorn
@Tessmage Tessera
Here ya go watch them for yourself.
@shade38211 11B31K There is a lot of housekeeping that needs to be done, have to take out the trash.
@jim bob It’s funny how the people that only listen to the MSM have no idea what is really going on. Who said anything about Nancy opening the doors? Not me. But she did or had someone. In the end the committee will be the ones going to jail or the gallos if that is the sentence
@KJ wow. You got your facts all messed up. The National guard isn’t controlled by the president. They are by the governor of states normally. Or the mayor in DC. And the fake VP in the WH right now raised over $1000000 to bail out antifa. Kyle spent like 90 days? Not sure it was a long time before he raised his $2000000 bail. For defending himself from attackers. The fake insurrectionists are locked up with out charges filed on them for over a year no bail nothing. It’s a crime to keep your political opponents in jail for nothing more than walking inside the velvet ropes. Not burning down 7/11’s or CVS’s like the Soros’ army antifa.
Intelligent, fully-prepared female reporters scare this guy.
Does that lawyer really think words coming out of our mouths is not part of our conduct? Also, tell the lawyer that we all have to take responsibility for our words and the context in which we speak them. Finally, that lawyer seems to think that talking over and interupting anyone who comes back with facts and actual quotes from his client is an effective way for him to present a logical, well-thought-out legal argument.
If he interrupts a judge during the proceeding, he’s gonna feel something much worse than the 14th Amendment for Maddy.
He’s trying to paint a picture of Cawthorn as being a casual observer that day… when in fact, Cawthorn was actively instigating what happened. We have it on video.
That lawyer will argue that, “no sensible-minded person would take Cawthorn serious.” Meaning everything was hyperbole to that invalid. Well, this will be an interesting argument. IF and I do mean IF, Madison wins…that will almost certainly pave the way for all of our domestic and foreign enemies to infiltrate our government.
That’s all this corrupt party does with their verbal diarreha, they don’t want to be confronted with the truth, that’s when they throw out the radical left, while they’re the pathetic whiners wanting to kill their fellow Americans for been a different color, all this party does is cowardly threaten innocent people, history will never consider this hateful party patriots, they will be portrayed as cowardly racist traitors.
@Tessmage Tessera Cawthorn said he felt secure because he had a gun, why did having a gun in the Chamber make him feel secure?. He knew what was going to happen perhaps.
This guy is tying himself in a pretzel to defend him, that not going to play well in court.
Does he care if he wins?
She didn`t let go of him.Thanks so much for being persistent, Brianna.
@Sami Elkhayri facts
Does Marky Bob need a tissue?
@Jamtommy you must have watched something different then everyone else did
@Mark With all due respect, ask yourself why drumpf is continuously using psychological tactics to compell his “supporters” to give him money when he claims to be a billionaire. Look up where he has spent that money; it certainly wasn’t for anyone’s benefit other than his own. I honestly feel bad for the people that have succumbed to his manipulations. Many have lost jobs,families, and their life savings; all for what? To please him.
Look up ‘cult leader’and I think you’ll find that he’s a textbook example.
@Nicole L You repeated a load of the same nonsense we see all over these threads, almost verbatim. It’s like you’re part of a cult.
This is why I will say this again: I love this anchor Brianna K , she’s darn smart. she knows her onions.

no she didnt
Amen! Amen! Amen! Keep on pushing them til they are clearly squirming!!!
Huge respect for Brianna The Fearless!
@Lisa Hannah Yes, she did. It isn’t hard to find, and watch, the Charlie Kirk interview of Cawthorn
Never trust people who are trying to talk over other people, because they don’t want to hear the truth themselves.
@John Doe They like the constitution when it benefits them, not when it benefits others.
Absolutely true. For example, Trump couldn’t help himself. He spoke over people on almost every occasion.
Agree 100%. It’s become so much worse over the past 5 years or so. I can’t deal with it in my personal life, I just walk away. You can’t teach adults to respect others’ opinions if they haven’t learned it themselves by now.
Tucker comes to mind
The first amendment isn’t a catch-all to absolve anyone from responsibility of their words or actions.
Yep, can’t yell fire in a crowded place if there’s no fire. Lying to the masses shouldn’t be protected speech anyway. I f’n hate liars.
Unfortunately many people truly don’t understand the Constitution and Bill of Fights.
@Kevin Strong yeah, liars are impossible to be around in all situations.
This whole “speaking their truth” BS is trying to give license to lying. There is only the truth, not my truth and your truth. I hate liars too.
Is he a lawyer or politician? He’s on par with Sidney Powell for lying about so many things.
This lawyer should have his license revoked as Guliani and other Trump lawyers
You can tell he is screwed …the second this attorney started bringing political views into his argument he just screwed himself and his case…A attorney is supposed to represent unbiased he isn’t able to to keep his own views out of why Cawthorn shouldnt be barred
That is why the idiot Cawthorn hired this guy. Cawthorn is not a smart guy. Got kicked out of school etc… Also lies about everything.
That the same leftist radical….blah blah blah….its getting tired
@horace sheffield Really says radical right wing nut.
So the guy that incited an insurrection, brought guns onto the house floor, and talks about bloodshed, threatening people and civil war nonstop is the one trying to _stop_ violence?
I hope his lawyers uses this argument in court.
Why would he arm himself against people participating in legitimate political discourse?
@Mark You are full of crap! Cawthorn specifically stated in an interview with Smokey Mountain News on January 7, 2021 regarding the January 6, 2021 situation inside the Capitol during the beginning of the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral vote win: “Fortunately, I was armed, so we would have been able to protect ourselves”. HuffPost January 13, 2021: “A spokesperson for the first-term lawmaker also confirmed to HuffPost that Cawthorn was carrying a gun the day of the siege”.
@Mark Raymond Luce That’s a lie
@Mark Raymond Luce
She’s the one that said “Charlie Kirk interview,” which is easy to find, and watch.
God Bless you Brianna, that man was rude and using “Trump” tactics to changing words that are in record. You kept your cool. My BP went up so high listening to him.
She is lying. It’s not difficult to find, and watch, the Charlie Kirk interview of Cawthorn. CNN does this on a regular basis; they are pure evil
@Mark what exactly did she lie about , she literally quoted the man
@denell dawson RIGHT! Come on Mark, prove otherwise then….
@denell dawson Good luck getting anything sensible, coherent or honest out of him.
That man was really rude, aggressive and didn’t provide facts that argue his point. Hopefully Madison is rolled right out of his seat of power.
Nothing he said was meant as physically fight. CNN is putting the most absurd spin on this that no court would even entertain. I hate to burst your bubble of excitement. Come down to Earth. Keilar knows she’s making a ridiculous argument. But she knows you will lap it up. Get an education. CNN is the new National Enquirer. Bat Boy born in Michigan!
House rules DO NOT permit guns in the House Chamber … so how is it that Cawthorn was gong to protect himself without a gun in the House Chamber. This lawyer is simply lying and making bogus argument.
@Bella Noir you suggesting anyone get an education is laughable. You have a history of posting comments that serve as declarations of your failure to be educated
@Bella Noir I never thought for a second Madison is capable of a physical fight..having his own party talking about taking action against him has to account for how bad his actions are. Wow I feel honoured to have CNN speak to me directly. Sadly here in America education isn’t cheap maybe you could send me a few Rubles
He actually went with the “whatabout BLM” defense. Classic. Good luck in court with that.
It was also maga mixed in with BLM. What a perfect place to be to cause so much chaos and blame it on just BLM.
Multiple arrests & convictions after BLM demonstrations (some were members of white supremacist groups on false flag ops), so a non argument.
A perfect example of “When a lawyer’s month is moving, they’re lying”.
Lying for him is like breathing
The fact that Madison has even the remotest of chances for reelection speaks volumes about where we are as a society.