Dr. Leana Wen joins Morning Joe to discuss what Trump's coronavirus press briefings would look like if he focused on the facts and an experimental new drug to help fight the coronavirus. Aired on 4/30/2020.
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Cautious Optimism Over New Drug To Fight Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I can’t wait to hear Trump try to pronounce the word Remdesivir.

@jeff mcgowan oh shut up. He’s a clown and a bully. Bad combination.
@Linda Scott and your a dem and a loser.. tehehe
jeff mcgowan I love how I every single trump supporter speaks and types.
Also find a better insult.
@jeff mcgowan I think its clear to everyone who the losers are, anyone stupid enough to believe a 2 bit conman.
You support the Rethuglican party of Death, loser.

This is not about scientists not being in charge. Scientists do not want to be in charge.
It is about authoritarian drive.
Now you know what types of doctors we have at the white house.
Trump is toxic to American people’s well being. Trump’s daily briefing has exposed his zero comprehension to science and medicine.
@old lady75 back at you
@old lady75 3 years and not 1 crime or collusion sounds like winning to me.. the dems and their scams
Your statement is irrational.
@jeff mcgowan …Woww,, how childlike and childish you are..Just goes to show you a worker ant always shows follow..Keep being a cheerleader and this time quit pulling your skirt up over your head lil buckO.
and zero respect to human life.
Trump will soon be touting this as a cure, a vaccine, he does not have the intellectual capability to nuance the difference.
*Fatty PEDO Trump will tout that he invented it! He will say that when he said ‘inject Javex’ he really meant this stuff!*
He sure will, his base will be sold on it.
Americans not only have to deal with the Coronavirus epademic. They have to listen to Trump downplay the damage its doing to the county. When mainstrem America is feeling the brunt of it !
My advice is don’t listen to Don the Con and vote him out in November!
@Allan Burns THIS^
Insane Trump want you all D E A D
Yes, I totally agree. Briefings have to be science based and not about Trump or Cuomo. That is how we do it in the UK!!! But I must admit that America’s briefing is more entertaining!!
Totally agree, our briefings in NZ are like this – we’ve been doing contact tracing from the start. America”s briefings are like a bad soap opera, can’t believe it!
I would Believe what The Doctor says over what the Snake Oil Salesman Any Day
Unaware you are that Dr. Fauci is a slippery mass vaccination and hyper expensive drugs salesman. Why did Fauci say the WHO and the CCP were telling the truth in December and January, and again February, when they were not?
It’s truly terrifying how our fellow citizens can drop like flies around us, but there are still people who believe Trump when he says we are doing great.
We’re doing great believe me
@BELIEVE ME PhraseDupesMinds are you being sarcastic?
Really Sad isn’t it, can’t believe that moron lasted this long … the US isn’t making much sense these days at all
If everyone wore a mask the spread would be so much less but westerners are too stupid
Not all of us.
Maybe you should stay away from Westerners, including our Social Media.
What exactly is a “westerner”? Bigots like these meaningless categories. It’s a convenient way to avoid a genuine constructive discussion.
She’s excellent in her explanation.
When will Wen be on again?
Blact………….please use some intellect,….. breathing in exhaled Carbon Dioxide is unhealthy and decreases the biological immune system of the human respiratory function of inhaling fresh OXYGEN and dispelling unwanted germs/bacteria/viroids, let alone it increases THE VIRULENCY of any “latent” bacteria/virus that MILLIONS of people have every single day of life, and there are literally BILLIONS of bacteria/viruses at ALL TIME CIRCULATING WITHIN THE BODY.
Re-Breathing One’s OWN AIR increases the percentage of developing a viral complication to one’s own common presence of viruses in their system, which a healthy Immunity will take care of, UNLESS the person is considerably unhealthy.
Being a physician, it is QUITE OBVIOUS that you are “EASILY PROGRAMMED EMOTIONALLY” to react with no logic.
You are a danger to your fellow man, and I’d suggest “FOR YOUR OWN SAKE” to try and develop a higher level of
intellect, such that you can “THINK”, instead of react to only your feelings.
Without ever having met/known you, It is still an objective observation to say “YOU’RE NOT THE SHARPEST KNIFE IN THE DRAWER” !
The Republicans with his ” king “Trump , are traitors to the Nation! And, are the ones to blame for more deaths due the failure in containing and managing the virus than the deaths on the ‘Nam war !!!!
The first person that makes the truth in reality is comprehensably understandable. A fantastic guest. Bravo Mika and thank you. And peace and good health to everybody.
Dr. Fauci: Let’s inject this new drug
Trump: didn’t I say that already, let’s inject Lysol.. I’m the greatest president ever
We need more ^Moron^ rallies throughout the nation, NOW, TODAY !
She speaks so clearly and rationally that it makes clear how badly the press briefings Trump is giving are and the confused message He delivers.
Dr. Wen is amazing.
Omg finally some great information for Americans … this is what needs to happen regularly by educated people NOT the orange man!
The US also tried to blame Spain for the WWI flu epidemic, even though historians have proven it actually originated on an Army base in Kansas. Fearing the repercussions if it was correctly labeled the “American Flu” the American media moved quickly to call it the Spanish Flu… Makes you think about current events.
Why — since the beginning of impeached Trump’s reign — do all his hired subordinates have to constantly explain/interpret and translate everything he says?!
Isn’t that his subordinates job?