In this report on Day 1 of Pres. Trump’s impeachment trial, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber breaks down the key moments, the high stakes wrangling over the rules, and the top clips of both sides making their historic arguments on the Senate floor. Melber notes that for the first time today, a President who boycotted the entire house process made contact with the debate over his fitness for office, and Melber fact-checks some of the key claims. He also reports that the Democratic House Managers’ argument boiled down to some famous lines from the iconic courtroom film “A Few Good Men,” and whether everyone involved in the trial can “handle the truth.” Aired on 1/21/2020
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‘Caught Bluffing’: See Trump Trial Begin As GOP Sen. McConnell Backs Down On Rules | MSNBC
Vote them out
Democrats you mean
Vote the corrupt and shady GOP swamp monsters out!
Keep calling your Republican Senators to remind them that they work for us. They took an oath to support and defend the constitution. We need to see all the evidence and hear from all the witnesses that the defendant blocked.
@Scott Bair – That’s OK .. McConnell is getting killed in Kentucky. He has the lowest rating of all 100 Senators.
Power corrupts
Lindsey said he wouldn’t even read the information, his mind was already made up.
What a sicko!
@Scott Bair the wind will shift. if she does her job honestly she will be vindicated and reelected. if you won’t back her up, then she wasted her time representing you, because you wouldn’t be worth it.
like Bernie say, one person can’t do it by themselves.
news flash for you people they work only for themselves and for lining their pockets with money and gaining political power that’s all they do that’s all they care about. Do you remember the Republican health plan. I do don’t get sick. What do you think that means?
@Scott Bair hmm nah Democrats got 2020 in the pocket ..Drumpf killed the R party xD its a dead body and will need probably some more terms to restore full tegridy xD
McConnell said during the Clinton Impeachment, that what is a trial without witnesses… We need to run everyone of these Traitors out of this country.
and he said it a few weeks ago when The House refused witnesses.
Lindsey Graham, Moscow Mitch, and Alan Dershowitz have all done a 180 for Trump’s trial. Everything has been turned upside down.
Agreed we’ll sort this sh** out soon enough.
DOG FACED GODS m/ , political law and order…America style!
They’re just basically repeating themselves
@Jason Byway we could get rid of the position of President save even more money. Or better yet stop paying all social programs.
As a black republican, I want witnesses and documents, I am tired of hearing “He did nothing wrong.”
@Cheryl Duck are you tired of being called a white supremacist
@Denise Newman learn to spell
the public will never forget this circus
@berdboy – Hey berdboy … did you know that according to the Brookings Institution, liberal areas provide 64% of the nation’s GDP. Conservative areas only 36%. OUCH!!!!
@Blair Sadewitz you’re missing the point the reason why the Republicans are backing him up is they think he’s going to keep his promise to them. Republicans are all about two things lots and lots of money and political power and the tea party is a stream branch of that.never mind the history of the facts that happened that when Donald Trump’s done with someone he throws them away with prejudice.
@Carol Price sounds like a Hollywood film, haven’t you had enough of them conspiracy theories?
@Tom Noy Everything in the universe has a pattern to it once you recognize the patterns you can lead them to their logical conclusions All You need is the Right need to set aside your feelings and what you think you are right and wrong about. The pattern that I am reading from Anchorage Alaska spells doom for Donald Trump so so even though looks like it’s a closed and shut case it isn’t.
YES. We are here because of a phone call.
Why are we here.?. you are there coz of your stupidity depending udepedable “stable genius”
Trumps “star” legal team are acting like they’re appearing on Fox news not an impeachment trial. No contest between the two teams.
@Corliss Holly Good thing this is the United States where the burden of proof is on the prosecution. Innocent until proven guilty! You socialists and communists Demorats should know that by now
@Valient Six If? Joe Biden is on video admitting to a crime.
They look like amateurs in the professional circuit. SMH
@R Barnhart in response to…I replied.
America, wtf has become of you? We’re watching and cringing…
@Stephan Maurer NPR. Or you can type into the fking Google search bar and start reading. Sorry, there are minimal amounts of pictures. I’m sure Oprah will turn it into a reality TV show for you illiterate inbred Democrats. Sooner rather than later
Donald trump has become of us, and a cult of worshippers have attached themselves to him like leeches.
@Kelly McShane someone’s been drinking the kool aide.
@Muddy Water it wasn’t the fact that you declared central America a separate continent that made me doubt your intelligence, tbh. It was your dumb implication that apparently nobody knows what country is meant when talking about a place called America. Her people call themselves Americans -and so do you, I reckon- but how does one dare to assume that by saying America the United States of America are on mind! Grow the fk up…
@Arthur Kroulik so you don’t have a source. No problem, I figured….
Impeach Convict Remove !
impeach Convict Remove !and ban from ever holding public office again
Not gonna happen. It’s fun to watch you guys with no power
Nothing says innocent like not testifying and using Epstein’s lawyers
M X you are free to google it! Not sure why Demons never get arrested for their dirty deeds, but. I’m willing to bet when this impeachment is over John Durham arrests many in you’re party.. I can’t believe you want evidence. That is so laughable because you watch CNN AND MSNBC That absolutely never show documentation about any real fact, gotta keep that narrative going huh, I watch ( open source news (BCP).. he has more viewers than CNN AND MSNBC. Lol
All the parties together with little girls. Nasty old pedophiles!
@Daniel Irwin I’ll never understand why you guys are fighting so hard to destroy our democracy and replace it with a dictator. You’re fighting with these baseless arguments to protect your own loss of power! It’s absolutely absurd. The man has said he should be president for life, said he should never be allowed to be investigated, said he should never be held accountable to anything, and you guys are like “Yeah! He curses on TV! One of us!”
@M X I still don’t understand. If the bribery wasn’t illegal (which it wasn’t) and legally you can’t have obstruction without a crime, what are they impeaching him on?
M X The king of kings and lord of lords is restoring this country through Donald J Trump Period ain’t nobody can stop it, no other nation’s and no Democrats. But I will tell you get ready for the exposure of your party and the news media will be in complete shambles.
We the people demand a fair trail,witnesses,evidence,the real deal.
@Daniel Purdy What “truth” would they have regarding Trump’s extortion attempts? Isn’t that what this trial is about?
@Ray Lovelace Don’t try to apply spin. This is procedure that 200 Senators voted for (bipartisan) in 1999. So you admit that Soviet Shumer is not able to be a impartial person at this trial then? You can’t have it both ways anymore.
You planning on getting your HERO star TODAY?
@Cheryl Duck What happens then the President WON’T let the witnesses testify? Since that EXACTLY what happened in this case. Maybe learning what is currently happing in the Case might help your argument…
Won’t they just dismiss, McConnell. Because that turtle will add more hurdles when it comes to justice and progress…
@Yeticus Rex …. They did a really great job, the majority of Americans , 51% want him removed do the not? The majority of Americans 71% want to see new witnesses and evidence do they not? That includes 48 % of republican voters not including the left and does not include Trump himself who openly stated that he wants witnesses as well did he not? They did a amazing job and as Mick said himself, ” *Get Over It* ”
@Yeticus Rex … Obviously you have not watched the trial all day.
@Joey Blow u mean the beast?
I called my local congressman, if you don’t vote for witnesses and include evidence, then you will not get my vote…
@Christina Denham good for you. It’s never a waste to do the right thing.
@Yeticus Rex so youre ok with cover ups as long as it’s your side? Disgraceful
Anthony Boyne u a beta male
Yeticus Rex you’re PATHETIC!!!
All road lead to Russia.
Isidra Lopez. Let your road leads you back to Cuba
Lol….even a 20+ million dollar investigation can’t convince you. Hilarious.
Guy Baldwin. Were u swallowing when you wrote that?
Trump and Putin are really much closer than i thought. They are both trying to overthrow their constitutions at the same time. How romantic. It must be love!
We the people demand a proper fair trial-witnesss and evidence!! Without witness and evidence how can there be a fair trial?
From what I’ve heard all you need is an accusation. Facts aren’t really all that important. As long as you want something, that is good enough.
“are we really here for just a phone call” so on that basis, anyone who makes a murder threat or any terrorist conversations over the phone, should just be disregarded because it was “just a phone call” I don’t think so!
The only national security risk is him remaining in office
Oh we gonna just act like trump didn’t admit openly on tv that he would take help from a foreign government
David berman – My feelings are hurt
I’m surprised you haven’t diagnosed me with a fictional mental health condition yet 
@JC isKing are you serious? You obiviously don’t know the facts.
The former vice president’s threat to withhold a loan guarantee from Ukraine involved financing that was entirely at the executive’s discretion. And his threat was made in the service of the unified, official public policy of the United States. It did not involve legally mandated federal appropriations. Trump’s withholding of military assistance from Ukraine involved improper delay of congressionally authorized federal appropriations that were not at his discretion, and it contradicted unified, public, official policy of the United States.
@newenglandneisha Washington examiner….really. No biase there.
@LETITIA SOBERANIS Nancy said you have to pass it to know what’s in it. But that was fine with you?
@Jvpitr Kxng soo, no answer to my question. Personal attack. Yup. Soy boy.
This is a mistrial. When the number of republicans implicated who are also judging … there is no way this can be impartial.
Lindsey Graham said, on television that he “was not going to be an impartial juror!” He said this and he was allowed to sit and be a part of this sham impeachment! This isn’t a republican, democrat, independent, black, white, male, female, rich or poor issue!!! This is a front row seat viewing of the death of a democracy! These folks are so emboldened that he says this on TV and there is absolutely no objection or outrage at all!!!
@john smith Well, then Trump could have easily proven Schiff wrong by having his people testify on behalf of him: THEY know the truth, right? So their testimonies would throw this “smear-campagne of the Democrats”, as Trump and his followers like to call it, simply out of existence with fact and evidence.
Oh wait, Trump wouldn’t allow any of his people testifying BECAUSE they know the truth and facts and evidence would strenghten the case against Trump, my bad.
More whining Jack truth will persevere…..
@LETITIA SOBERANIS And they CAN say it on TV because there seem to be no consequences at all. Trump lies, doubles down on his lies and then ups the stakes tiem and again with new lies. And when presented with proof of his lies he calls it “Fake News.”
Graham played the game of concerned politician: “these are very serious allegations, if they show me evidence to support those allegations I have to consider my backing the President.” But when presented with the evidence he asked for he just laughed and said: “I’m not even going to look at that, my mind is made up and nothing can change it. Trump is innocent no matter what.” And he’s not the only Republican to have taken this stance.
@john smith Really, lets all say Devin Nunes