Category: openblogs


A man known for his scintillating oratory, rescuing Ross University, rebuilding the Labour Party and championing the struggles of the poor and downtrodden

By Sean R Douglas

The milestone of the 20th anniversary of his death (April, 30th 2012), is an opportunity to reflect on the life of Mike Douglas, a man who will long be remembered for his scintillating oratory; his role in rescuing Ross University; his struggles for the poor and downtrodden and his mission to revitalize the forces of Labour following the Freedom party landslide of 1980.

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Recalling moments shane

(The following is an extract from An Unassuming Love (BlackMemory, A Traveloguer And Cricket) by Steinberg Henry, June 2011)

April 24, 2012 

… first test at Galle in Sri Lanka (is) drawn with my island’s Shane Shillingford taking 4/123 in the first innings and attracting cricket drama spotlights when suddenly the ICC noticed a strange action in his bowling.

In our cocoyea-swept yards we would accuse a bowler of stoning when he did not swing the hand right through. Stoning. Hmmm. Shane was not stoning. The ICC spoke of an illegal bowling action … Ossie Lewis in his usual Friday night conversation on sports with Dominica Broadcasting’s Ted Dailey, thought that from then forward, given an ICC call for rehabilitation, Shane’s only problem would be the psychological – the fact that all eyes would be on him for about three weeks; the stresses involved in lab tests, bowling tests and, the ever-present radio, television and Internet reporting on the slightest comment regarding his delivery angled and hoaned in an unknown yard-time, space and place.

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EXCLUSIVE: “Very, Very Obvious” That Atlantis Cruise Duo in Dominica Was Having Sex, Says Witnessl

hartmayerQueerty has obtained an exclusive firsthand account of the incident that rocked the gay world last week, when two men, Dennis Mayer and John Hart of Palm Springs (right), were arrested on board an Atlantis cruise ship in Dominica under threat of “buggery” charges, which could have carried up to a ten year prison sentence in the Caribbean island nation.

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From NACLA (On the blog page links referred to work)

Two thousand and twelve holds both a great deal of uncertainty and cautious optimism for the Caribbean. The election of new governments over the past year in Jamaica and St. Lucia, the controversial re-election of an incumbent in Guyana, and the selection of Michel Martelly out of a flawed election in Haiti has sent mixed signals about the overall direction the region is taking. With the global economy still in an extremely volatile state, the predominately service-oriented economies of the Caribbean remain extremely vulnerable to the action or inaction of Europe and the United States.

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